function Start-XpandProjectConverter { [CmdletBinding()] [CmdLetTag()] param ( [parameter(ParameterSetName = "XAFPackages")] [string]$version, [string]$Path = (Get-Location), [parameter()] [ValidateSet("csproj", "vbproj")] [string]$ProjectType = "csproj", [switch]$SkipInstall ) [version]$version = Get-DevExpressVersion $version -Build $paketInstalls = Get-ChildItem $Path ".paket" -Recurse $shortVersion = Get-DevExpressVersion $version if ($paketInstalls) { Get-ChildItem $Path "packages.config" -Recurse | ForEach-Object { "Update DX version in $($_.FullName)" [xml]$xml = Get-Content $_ $xml.packages.package | Where-Object { $ -like "DevExpress*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.version = $version } $xml.Save($_) } $paketInstalls | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parent | ForEach-Object { Push-Location $_.FullName Invoke-PaketShowInstalled -OnlyDirect | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "DevExpress*" } | ForEach-Object { $v = New-Object System.Version if ([version]::TryParse($_.version, [ref]$v)) { if ($version -ne $_.version) { Write-Host "Change $($_.Id) $($_.Version) to $version" -f Green $a = @{ Id = $_.Id Version = $version Force = $SkipInstall } Invoke-PaketUpdate @a } } } $regex = [regex] '(source .*)(DevExpress \d{2}\.\d)' $deps = Get-Content "$($_.FullName)\paket.dependencies" -Raw $result = $regex.Replace($deps, "`$1\DevExpress $shortVersion") Set-Content "$($_.FullName)\paket.dependencies" $result if (!$SkipInstall) { Invoke-PaketInstall } Pop-Location } } Get-ChildItem $Path *.csproj -Recurse | ForEach-Object { $projectPath = $_.FullName Remove-Item "$($_.DirectoryName)\properties\licenses.licx" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (!(Test-Path "$($_.DirectoryName)\paket.references")) { $change = Get-PackageReference $_.FullName | Where-Object { $_.include -like "DevExpress*" } | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Version -ne $version) { "Change PackageReference $($_.Include) $($_.Version) to $version" $_.Version = $Version.ToString() $element = [System.Xml.XmlElement]$_ $element.OwnerDocument.Save($projectPath) } } if ($change) { Push-Location $_.DirectoryName Clear-ProjectDirectories Pop-Location } [xml]$proj=Get-Content $projectPath $proj.project.itemgroup.EmbeddedResource|Where-Object{$_.include -eq "Properties\licenses.licx"}|ForEach-Object{ $_.ParentNode.RemoveChild($_) } $proj.project.itemgroup.Reference|Where-Object{$_.Include -like "DevExpres*"}|ForEach-Object{ if ($_.Version){ $_.Version=$version } elseif ($_.include -like "*,*"){ $regex = [regex] '(?n)\.v(?<short>(\d{2}\.\d))' $result = $regex.Replace($_.include, ".v$shortVersion") $regex = [regex] '(?n)=(\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*)' if ($version.Revision -eq -1){ $revision=".0" } $result = $regex.Replace($result, "=$version$($revision)") $_.include=$result } } $proj.Save($projectPath) } } $shortDxVersion = Get-DevExpressVersion $Version $newVersion = $version.ToString() if (($newVersion.ToCharArray() | Where-Object { $_ -eq "." }).Count -eq 2) { $newVersion += ".0" } Get-ChildItem $Path -Include "*.aspx", "*.config" -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object { $xml = Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw $regex = [regex] '(?<name>DevExpress.*)v\d{2}\.\d{1,2}(.*)Version=([.\d]*)' $result = $regex.Replace($xml, "`${name}v$shortDxVersion`$1Version=$newVersion") Set-Content $_.FullName $result.Trim() } } |