function Install-Xpand { param ( [string]$Version, [Switch]$Latest, [validateSet("Assemblies", "Nuget", "Source", "VSIX")] [string[]]$Assets = @("Assemblies", "Nuget", "Source", "VSIX"), [string]$InstallationPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\eXpandFramework", [switch]$SkipGac ) if (!(Test-Path "$InstallationPath\UnInstall-Xpand.ps1")) { if (!(Test-Path $InstallationPath)){ Write-Host "Creating $InstallationPath" -f Blue New-Item $InstallationPath -ItemType Directory|Out-Null } } else { Write-Host ""$InstallationPath\UnInstall-Xpand.ps1" exists, unistalling." -f "Red" Read-Host "Press a key to continue." . "$PSSCriptRoot\UnInstall-Xpand.ps1" UnInstall-Xpand $InstallationPath } Write-Host "Installing $($Assets -join ', ') into $InstallationPath."-f Blue Write-Host "Additional paraters are available Version, Latest, Assets, InstallationPath" -f Yellow [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $repo = "eXpand" $release=$Version if (!$Latest) { Write-Host "Finding latest Xpand version" -f Blue $release = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json)[0].tag_name Write-Host "Latest official:$release" -f Blue $lab = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json)[0].tag_name Write-Host "Latest lab:$lab" -f Blue if ($lab -gt $release) { $repo = "lab" $release = $lab } } if ($Assets -contains "Assemblies") { Write-Host "Downloading assemblies from $repo repo into $InstallationPath" -f Blue $uri = "$repo/releases/download/$release/Xpand-lib-$" $zip = "$InstallationPath\Xpand-lib-$" Invoke-WebRequest $uri -Out $zip $xpandDLL = "$InstallationPath\Xpand.DLL" Remove-Item $xpandDLL -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue write-host "Expanding files into $xpandDLL" -f Blue Expand-Archive $zip -DestinationPath $xpandDLL Remove-Item $zip $demos = "$InstallationPath\Demos" Write-Host "Moving Demos" -f Blue Remove-Item $demos -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue New-Item $demos -ItemType Directory -Force|Out-Null New-Item "$demos\Testers" -ItemType Directory -Force|Out-Null Get-ChildItem $xpandDLL *Tester.*|Move-Item -Destination "$demos\Testers" "FeatureCenter", "SecurityDemo", "SecuritySytemExample", "XpandTestExecutor", "XVideoRental", "ExternalApplication", "ConsoleApplicationServer"|ForEach-Object { New-Item "$demos\Demos\$_" -ItemType Directory -Force|Out-Null Get-ChildItem $xpandDLL "*$_*"|Move-Item -Destination "$demos\Demos\$_" } Write-Host "Write Registry " -f Blue $key = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine, [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryView]::Registry32) $subKey = $key.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\AssemblyFolders", $true) $subKey.CreateSubKey("Xpand").SetValue("", $xpandDLL) if (!$SkipGac) { Write-Host "$Installing to GAC" -f Blue Set-Location "$InstallationPath\Xpand.DLL" & .\gacInstaller.exe -m Install } } if ($Assets -contains "Nuget") { Write-Host "Downloading Nugets from $repo repo into $InstallationPath" -f Blue $uri = "$repo/releases/download/$release/Nupkg-$" $zip = "$InstallationPath\Nupkg-$" Invoke-WebRequest $uri -Out $zip $nugetPath = "$InstallationPath\Packages" Remove-Item $nugetPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue write-host "Expanding files into $nugetPath" -f Blue Expand-Archive $zip -DestinationPath $nugetPath Remove-Item $zip } if ($Assets -contains "Source") { Write-Host "Downloading Sources from $repo repo into $InstallationPath" -f Blue $uri = "$repo/releases/download/$release/Xpand-Source-$" $zip = "$InstallationPath\Xpand-Source-$" Invoke-WebRequest $uri -Out $zip $sourcesPath = "$InstallationPath\Sources" Remove-Item $sourcesPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue write-host "Expanding files into $sourcesPath" -f Blue Expand-Archive $zip -DestinationPath $sourcesPath Remove-Item $zip } if ($Assets -contains "VSIX") { Write-Host "Downloading VSIX from $repo repo into $InstallationPath" -f Blue $uri = "$repo/releases/download/$release/Xpand.VSIX-$release.vsix" $vsix = "$InstallationPath\Xpand.VSIX-$release.vsix" Invoke-WebRequest $uri -Out $vsix Write-Host "Download VSIX bootstrapper" -f Blue Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\VSIXBootstrapper.exe" write-host "Installing VSIX" -f Blue & "$env:TEMP\VSIXBootstrapper.exe" $vsix } Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "$InstallationPath\UnInstall-Xpand.ps1" } |