
#region Namespaces/Modules
using module ..\Classes\XiaomiSession.psm1;
using module ..\Classes\XiaomiGateway.psm1;
using module ..\Classes\XiaomiSensor.psm1;

    Returns the sensors attached to the gateway(s)
    The function loops through the list of Xiaomi Gateway devices passed to it and gets the list of sensors
    attached to it. In addition, it also trys querying each sensor, to get some key information about it.
    Reference(s) to the Xiaomi Gataway instance(s)
    [XiaomiGateway[]]. The list of Xiaomi Gateways
    [XiaomiSensor[]]. The list of sensors attached to the gateway(s)
    C:\PS> Connect-XiaomiSession | Get-XiaomiGateway | Get-XiaomiSensor | FT
    Gateway SID ShortID Model Token RawData
    ------- --- ------- ----- ------- -------
    XiaomiGateway 158d0001178e6b 55693 sensor_ht a1d700000lmn03 @{temperature=2265; humidity=3745}
    XiaomiGateway 158d00010f7446 21438 sensor_ht a1d700000lmn03 @{temperature=-267; humidity=6700}

Function Get-XiaomiSensor
    #region Parameters
        # Gateway(s):
            Position = 0,
            Mandatory = $TRUE,
            ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE
        # Init some variables:
        [XiaomiSensor[]]$sensors = @();
        # Loop through all the gateways:
        ForEach ($_gateway in $Gateway) {
            # Try getting the list of sensors:
            Try {
                # Set the endpoints:
                $endpoint = [XiaomiSession]::CreateEndpoint($_gateway.IP, $_gateway.Port);
                $_gateway.Connection.Send($endpoint, @{cmd = 'get_id_list'});
                $data = $_gateway.Connection.Receive();
                $token = $data.token;
                # Loop through the sensors:
                ForEach ($sensor in $ {
                    # Try query for the sensor information:
                    $_gateway.Connection.Send($endpoint, @{cmd = 'read'; sid = $sensor});
                    $data = $_gateway.Connection.Receive();
                    # Add the sensor to the list:
                    $sensors += [XiaomiSensor]::New($_gateway, $data.sid, $data.model, $data.short_id, `
                        $token, $;
            # Failed getting the sensors; moving to the next gateway:
            } Catch {
                Write-Warning -Message "Cannot get the list of sensors attached to '$($_gateway.SID)' gateway";
        # In case no sensors were found:
        If ($sensors.Length -EQ 0) {
            Write-Error `
                -Category ProtocolError `
                -Message "No sensors attached to any of the gateways were found" `
                -RecommendedAction "Make sure the gateway(s) has sensors connected";
        # Otherwise, return the sensors:
        } Else {
            Return [XiaomiSensor[]]$sensors;