
#region Namespaces/Modules
using module .\XiaomiSession.psm1;

    The class stores information about Xiaomi Gateway
    The class acts as a container to store the key information about a Xiaomi Gateway device, including its SID
    and IP address. Also, it keeps a reference to the connection, which was established to interact with the

Class XiaomiGateway
    #region Properties
    # Reference to the network connection
    # SID (ID) of the gateway
    # The IP address, used by the gateway
    # Port of the local server, as reported by the gateway itself

    #region Constructors
        Class constructor, which captures the gateway information
    .PARAMETER connection
        Reference to the network connection
        SID (ID) if the gateway
        The IP address, used by the gateway
    .PARAMETER port
        Port of the local server, as reported by the gateway itself

    XiaomiGateway([XiaomiSession]$connection, [String]$SID, [IPAddress]$IP, [Int]$port)
        $This.Connection = $connection;
        $This.SID = $SID;
        $This.IP = $IP;
        $This.Port = $port;