
<# VE_XD7Common\VE_XD7Common.Resources.psd1 #>
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    StartingProcess = Starting process '{0}' with arguments '{1}'.
    StartingProcessAs = Starting process with user credential '{0}'.
    ProcessLaunched = Process Id '{0}' launched.
    WaitingForProcessToExit = Waiting for process Id '{0}' to exit..
    ProcessExited = Process Id '{0}' exited with code '{1}'.
    XenDesktopSDKNotFoundError = Citrix XenDesktop 7.x Powershell SDK/Snap-in was not found.
    NoValidSetupMediaError = No valid '{0}' setup media found in path '{1}'.
    MachineNotFoundError = Citrix XenDesktop 7.x machine name '{0}' was not found.
    AmbiguousMachineReferenceError = Citrix XenDesktop 7.x machine reference '{0}' is ambiguous. Specify the machine's FQDN.
    MachineNameNotFullyQualifiedWarning = The Citrix XenDesktop 7.x machine reference '{0}' is not fully qualified. Specify the machine's FQDN to avoid any ambiguity.
    MissingMachineReference = Citrix XenDesktop 7.x machine '{0}' is missing and should be added.
    SurplusMachineReference = Citrix XenDesktop 7.x machine '{0}' is surplus and should be removed.
    InvokingScriptBlockWithParams = Invoking script block with parameters: '{0}'.