$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path; $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace('.Tests.ps1', '') $moduleRoot = Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $here -Parent) -Parent; Import-Module (Join-Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath "\DSCResources\$sut\$sut.psm1") -Force; InModuleScope $sut { function Get-BrokerMachine { } Describe 'XenDesktop7\VE_XD7Common' { Context 'AddInvokeScriptBlockCredentials' { $testCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 'DummyUser', (ConvertTo-SecureString 'DummyPassword' -AsPlainText -Force); $testHashtable = @{}; It 'Adds "ComputerName" key' { AddInvokeScriptBlockCredentials -Hashtable $testHashtable -Credential $testCredentials; $testHashtable['ComputerName'] | Should Be $env:COMPUTERNAME; } It 'Adds "Authentication" key' { AddInvokeScriptBlockCredentials -Hashtable $testHashtable -Credential $testCredentials; $testHashtable['Authentication'] | Should Be 'CredSSP'; } It 'Adds "Credential" key' { AddInvokeScriptBlockCredentials -Hashtable $testHashtable -Credential $testCredentials; $testHashtable['Credential'] | Should Be $testCredentials; } } #end context AddInvokeScriptBlockCredentials Context 'GetXDBrokerMachine' { $testMachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine'; $testMachineDnsName = 'testmachine.local'; $testMachine = [PSCustomObject] @{ DNSName = $testMachineDnsName; MachineName = $testMachineName; } It 'Returns broker machine (by DNS name)' { Mock -CommandName Get-BrokerMachine -MockWith { return @($testMachine); } GetXDBrokerMachine -MachineName $testMachineDnsName | Should Not Be $null; } It 'Returns broker machine (by DomainName\NetBIOS name)' { Mock -CommandName Get-BrokerMachine -MockWith { return @($testMachine); } GetXDBrokerMachine -MachineName $testMachineName | Should Not Be $null; } It 'Returns broker machine (by NetBIOS name)' { Mock -CommandName Get-BrokerMachine -MockWith { return @($testMachine); } GetXDBrokerMachine -MachineName $testMachineName.Split('\')[1] | Should Not Be $null; } It 'Throws when no broker machine is found' { Mock -CommandName Get-BrokerMachine -MockWith { } { GetXDBrokerMachine -MachineName $testMachineName -ErrorAction Stop } | Should Throw; } It 'Throws when multiple broker machines are found' { Mock -CommandName Get-BrokerMachine -MockWith { return @($testMachine, $testMachine); } { GetXDBrokerMachine -MachineName $testMachineName -ErrorAction Stop } | Should Throw; } } #end context GetXDBrokerMachine Context 'TestXDMachineIsExistingMember' { $testMachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine1'; $testMachineDnsName = 'testmachine1.local'; It 'Returns True when member is present (by DNS name)' { $members = @('testmachine1.local','testmachine2.local'); TestXDMachineIsExistingMember -MachineName $testMachineDnsName -ExistingMembers $members | Should Be $true; } It 'Returns True when member is present (by DomainName\NetBios name)' { $members = @('testmachine1.local','testmachine2.local'); TestXDMachineIsExistingMember -MachineName $testMachineName -ExistingMembers $members | Should Be $true; } It 'Returns True when existing member is present (by NetBIOS name)' { $members = @('testmachine1.local','testmachine2.local'); TestXDMachineIsExistingMember -MachineName $testMachineName.Split('\')[1] -ExistingMembers $members -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Should Be $true; } It 'Returns False when member is absent (by DNS name)' { $members = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine3.local'); TestXDMachineIsExistingMember -MachineName $testMachineDnsName -ExistingMembers $members | Should Be $false; } It 'Returns False when member is absent (by DomainName\NetBios name)' { $members = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine3.local'); TestXDMachineIsExistingMember -MachineName $testMachineName -ExistingMembers $members | Should Be $false; } It 'Returns False when member is absent (by NetBIOS name)' { $members = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine3.local'); TestXDMachineIsExistingMember -MachineName $testMachineName.Split('\')[1] -ExistingMembers $members -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Should Be $false; } } #end context TestXDMachineIsExistingMember Context 'TestXDMachineMembership' { It 'Returns True when "Ensure" = "Present" and members are present (by DNS name)' { $requiredMembers = @('testmachine1.local','testmachine2.local'); $existingMembers = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine1.local'); TestXDMachineMembership -RequiredMembers $requiredMembers -ExistingMembers $existingMembers -Ensure Present | Should Be $true; } It 'Returns True when "Ensure" = "Present" and members are present (by DomainName\NetBIOS name)' { $requiredMembers = @('TEST\TestMachine1','TEST\TestMachine2'); $existingMembers = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine1.local'); TestXDMachineMembership -RequiredMembers $requiredMembers -ExistingMembers $existingMembers -Ensure Present | Should Be $true; } It 'Returns True when "Ensure" = "Present" and members are present (by NetBIOS name)' { $requiredMembers = @('TestMachine1','TestMachine2'); $existingMembers = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine1.local'); TestXDMachineMembership -RequiredMembers $requiredMembers -ExistingMembers $existingMembers -Ensure Present -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Should Be $true; } It 'Returns False when "Ensure" = "Present" and members are absent by DNS name' { $requiredMembers = @('testmachine1.local','testmachine3.local','testmachine2.local'); $existingMembers = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine1.local'); TestXDMachineMembership -RequiredMembers $requiredMembers -ExistingMembers $existingMembers -Ensure Present | Should Be $false; } It 'Returns False when "Ensure" = "Present" and members are absent (by DomainName\NetBIOS name)' { $requiredMembers = @('TEST\TestMachine1','TEST\TestMachine3','TEST\TestMachine2'); $existingMembers = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine1.local'); TestXDMachineMembership -RequiredMembers $requiredMembers -ExistingMembers $existingMembers -Ensure Present | Should Be $false; } It 'Returns False when "Ensure" = "Present" and members are absent (by NetBIOS name)' { $requiredMembers = @('TestMachine1','TestMachine3','TestMachine2'); $existingMembers = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine1.local'); TestXDMachineMembership -RequiredMembers $requiredMembers -ExistingMembers $existingMembers -Ensure Present -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Should Be $false; } It 'Returns True when "Ensure" = "Absent" and members are absent (by DNS name)' { $requiredMembers = @('testmachine3.local'); $existingMembers = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine1.local'); TestXDMachineMembership -RequiredMembers $requiredMembers -ExistingMembers $existingMembers -Ensure Absent | Should Be $true; } It 'Returns True when "Ensure" = "Absent" and members are absent (by DomainName\NetBIOS name)' { $requiredMembers = @('TEST\TestMachine3','TEST\TestMachine4'); $existingMembers = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine1.local'); TestXDMachineMembership -RequiredMembers $requiredMembers -ExistingMembers $existingMembers -Ensure Absent | Should Be $true; } It 'Returns True when "Ensure" = "Absent" and members are absent (by NetBIOS name)' { $requiredMembers = @('TestMachine3','TestMachine4'); $existingMembers = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine1.local'); TestXDMachineMembership -RequiredMembers $requiredMembers -ExistingMembers $existingMembers -Ensure Absent -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Should Be $true; } It 'Returns False when "Ensure" = "Absent" and members are present (by DNS name)' { $requiredMembers = @('testmachine1.local'); $existingMembers = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine1.local'); TestXDMachineMembership -RequiredMembers $requiredMembers -ExistingMembers $existingMembers -Ensure Absent | Should Be $false; } It 'Returns False when "Ensure" = "Absent" and members are present by (DomainName\NetBIOS name)' { $requiredMembers = @('TEST\TestMachine3','TEST\TestMachine2'); $existingMembers = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine1.local'); TestXDMachineMembership -RequiredMembers $requiredMembers -ExistingMembers $existingMembers -Ensure Absent | Should Be $false; } It 'Returns False when "Ensure" = "Absent" and members are present (by NetBIOS name)' { $requiredMembers = @('TestMachine2','TestMachine3'); $existingMembers = @('testmachine2.local','testmachine1.local'); TestXDMachineMembership -RequiredMembers $requiredMembers -ExistingMembers $existingMembers -Ensure Absent -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Should Be $false; } } #end context TestXDMachineMembership Context 'ResolveXDBrokerMachine' { It 'Returns a broker machine when present (by DNS Name)' { $brokerMachines = @( @{ MachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine1'; DNSName = 'testmachine1.local'; } @{ MachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine2'; DNSName = 'testmachine2.local'; } ) ResolveXDBrokerMachine -MachineName testmachine1.local -BrokerMachines $brokerMachines | Should Not Be $null; } It 'Returns a broker machine when present (by DomainName\NetBIOS Name)' { $brokerMachines = @( @{ MachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine1'; DNSName = 'testmachine1.local'; } @{ MachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine2'; DNSName = 'testmachine2.local'; } ) ResolveXDBrokerMachine -MachineName TEST\testmachine2 -BrokerMachines $brokerMachines | Should Not Be $null; } It 'Returns a broker machine when present (by NetBIOS Name)' { $brokerMachines = @( @{ MachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine1'; DNSName = 'testmachine1.local'; } @{ MachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine2'; DNSName = 'testmachine2.local'; } ) ResolveXDBrokerMachine -MachineName testmachine1 -BrokerMachines $brokerMachines | Should Not Be $null; } It 'Returns $null when broker machine is absent (by DNS Name)' { $brokerMachines = @( @{ MachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine1'; DNSName = 'testmachine1.local'; } @{ MachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine2'; DNSName = 'testmachine2.local'; } ) ResolveXDBrokerMachine -MachineName testmachine3.local -BrokerMachines $brokerMachines | Should Be $null; } It 'Returns $null when broker machine is absent (by DomainName\NetBIOS Name)' { $brokerMachines = @( @{ MachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine1'; DNSName = 'testmachine1.local'; } @{ MachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine2'; DNSName = 'testmachine2.local'; } ) ResolveXDBrokerMachine -MachineName TEST\testmachine4 -BrokerMachines $brokerMachines | Should Be $null; } It 'Returns $null when broker machine is absent (by NetBIOS Name)' { $brokerMachines = @( @{ MachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine1'; DNSName = 'testmachine1.local'; } @{ MachineName = 'TEST\TestMachine2'; DNSName = 'testmachine2.local'; } ) ResolveXDBrokerMachine -MachineName testmachine5 -BrokerMachines $brokerMachines | Should Be $null; } } #end context ResolveXDBrokerMachine Context 'GetXDInstalledRole' { $roles = @( @{ Role = 'Controller'; ProductName = 'Citrix Broker Service'; } @{ Role = 'Studio'; ProductName = 'Citrix Studio'; } @{ Role = 'Storefront'; ProductName = 'Citrix Storefront'; } @{ Role = 'Licensing'; ProductName = 'Citrix Licensing'; } @{ Role = 'Director'; ProductName = 'Citrix Director'; } @{ Role = 'SessionVDA'; ProductName = 'Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent'; } @{ Role = 'DesktopVDA'; ProductName = 'Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent'; } ) foreach ($role in $roles) { It "Returns True when ""$($role.Role)"" is installed" { $getItemProperty = @( ## Needs multiple Citrix* products to keep the pipeline alive [PSCustomObject] @{ Role = $role.role; ProductName = $role.ProductName; }, [PSCustomObject] @{ Role = 'Citrix Other Product'; ProductName = 'Citrix Other Product'; } ); Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $getItemProperty; } GetXDInstalledRole -Role $role.Role | Should Be $true; } } foreach ($role in $roles) { It "Returns False when ""$($role.Role)"" is not installed" { $getItemProperty = @( ## Needs multiple Citrix* products to keep the pipeline alive [PSCustomObject] @{ Role = 'Citrix New Product'; ProductName = 'Citrix New Product snap-in'; }, [PSCustomObject] @{ Role = 'Citrix Other Product'; ProductName = 'Citrix Other Product'; } ); Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $getItemProperty; } GetXDInstalledRole -Role $role.Role | Should Be $false; } } It 'Returns False when "Director" is not installed, but the VDA is installed' { $getItemProperty = @( ## Needs multiple Citrix* products to keep the pipeline alive [PSCustomObject] @{ Role = 'SessionVDA'; ProductName = 'Citrix Director VDA Plugin'; }, [PSCustomObject] @{ Role = 'Citrix Other Product'; ProductName = 'Citrix Other Product'; } ); Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $getItemProperty; } GetXDInstalledRole -Role 'Director' | Should Be $false; } } Context 'ResolveXDSetupMedia' { $testDrivePath = (Get-PSDrive -Name TestDrive).Root [ref] $null = New-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\x86\Xen Desktop Setup' -ItemType Directory; [ref] $null = New-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\x86\Xen Desktop Setup\XenDesktopServerSetup.exe' -ItemType File; [ref] $null = New-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\x86\Xen Desktop Setup\XenDesktopVdaSetup.exe' -ItemType File; [ref] $null = New-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\x64\Xen Desktop Setup' -ItemType Directory; [ref] $null = New-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\x64\Xen Desktop Setup\XenDesktopServerSetup.exe' -ItemType File; [ref] $null = New-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\x64\Xen Desktop Setup\XenDesktopVdaSetup.exe' -ItemType File; $architecture = 'x86'; if ([System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { $architecture = 'x64' } foreach ($role in @('Controller','Studio','Licensing','Director','Storefront')) { It "Resolves ""$role"" role setup to ""XenDesktopServerSetup.exe""." { $setup = ResolveXDSetupMedia -Role $role -SourcePath $testDrivePath; $setup.EndsWith('XenDesktopServerSetup.exe') | Should Be $true; $setup.Contains($architecture) | Should Be $true; } } It 'Throws when no valid installer found.' { [ref] $null = New-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\Empty' -ItemType Directory; { ResolveXDSetupMedia -Role $role -SourcePath "$testDrivePath\Empty" } | Should Throw; } } #end context ResolveXDSetupMedia } #end describe cXD7Role\ResolveXDSetupMedia } #end inmodulescope <# FROM: xXD7Feature\Get-TargetResource It 'returns input role, source path and credentials.' { $role = 'Controller'; $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 'Username', (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'Password' -AsPlainText -Force); Mock -CommandName GetXDInstalledRole -ParameterFilter { $Role -eq 'Controller' } -MockWith { } $targetResource = Get-TargetResource -Role 'Controller' -SourcePath $testDrivePath -Ensure 'Present' -Credential $credential; $targetResource.Role | Should Be $role; $targetResource.SourcePath | Should Be $testDrivePath; $targetResource.Credential | Should Be $credential; } It 'returns Controller role is present.' { Mock -CommandName GetXDInstalledRole -ParameterFilter { $Role -eq 'Controller' } -MockWith { return @{ Name = 'Citrx Desktop Delivery Controller'; }; } $targetResource = Get-TargetResource -Role 'Controller' -SourcePath $testDrivePath -Ensure 'Present'; $targetResource.Ensure | Should Be 'Present'; } It 'returns Controller role is absent.' { Mock -CommandName GetXDInstalledRole -ParameterFilter { $Role -eq 'Controller' } -MockWith { } $targetResource = Get-TargetResource -Role 'Controller' -SourcePath $testDrivePath -Ensure 'Present'; $targetResource.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent'; } It 'returns Desktop Studio role is present.' { Mock -CommandName GetXDInstalledRole -ParameterFilter { $Role -eq 'Studio' } -MockWith { return @{ Name = 'Citrx Studio'; }; } $targetResource = Get-TargetResource -Role 'Studio' -SourcePath $testDrivePath -Ensure 'Present'; $targetResource.Ensure | Should Be 'Present'; } It 'returns Desktop Studio role is absent.' { Mock -CommandName GetXDInstalledRole -ParameterFilter { $Role -eq 'Studio' } -MockWith { } $targetResource = Get-TargetResource -Role 'Studio' -SourcePath $testDrivePath -Ensure 'Present'; $targetResource.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent'; } #> <# FROM: xXD7Feature\Test-TargetResource It 'returns Controller role is installed when it should be.' { Mock -CommandName GetXDInstalledRole -ParameterFilter { $Role -eq 'Controller' } -MockWith { return @{ Name = 'Citrx Desktop Delivery Controller'; }; } $targetResource = Test-TargetResource -Role 'Controller' -SourcePath $testDrivePath -Ensure 'Present'; $targetResource | Should Be $true; } It 'returns Controller role is not installed when it should be.' { Mock -CommandName GetXDInstalledRole -ParameterFilter { $Role -eq 'Controller' } -MockWith { } $targetResource = Test-TargetResource -Role 'Controller' -SourcePath $testDrivePath -Ensure 'Present'; $targetResource | Should Be $false; } It 'returns Controller role is not installed when it should not be.' { Mock -CommandName GetXDInstalledRole -ParameterFilter { $Role -eq 'Controller' } -MockWith { } $targetResource = Test-TargetResource -Role 'Controller' -SourcePath $testDrivePath -Ensure 'Absent'; $targetResource | Should Be $true; } It 'returns Controller role is installed when it should not be.' { Mock -CommandName GetXDInstalledRole -ParameterFilter { $Role -eq 'Controller' } -MockWith { return @{ Name = 'Citrx Desktop Delivery Controller'; }; } $targetResource = Test-TargetResource -Role 'Controller' -SourcePath $testDrivePath -Ensure 'Absent'; $targetResource | Should Be $false; } #> |