function Trace-XboxMultiplayer { [CmdletBinding( )] Param() Begin { } Process { $LocalPath = Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath $DiagPath = $LocalPath + "\Logging\XboxNetAPIDiagWindows.exe" $Date = Get-Date $File = "$LocalPath" + "\Logging\" + $Date.ToFileTimeUtc() $Directory = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $File -Verbose $StartTraceFile = $Directory.FullName + "\start_of_session.etl" $TraceFile = $Directory.FullName + "\trace.etl" $DuringTraceFile = $Directory.FullName + "\during_session.etl" $StopTraceFile = $Directory.FullName + "\stop_session.etl" $GIPFile = $Directory.FullName + "\GIP.xml" $Teredo = $Directory.FullName + "\Teredo.txt" $SystemInfo = $Directory.FullName + "\SystemInfo.txt" set starttracefile=$StartTraceFile set tracefile=$TraceFile set duringtracefile=$DuringTraceFile set stoptracefile=$TraceFile Write-Host "Snapping current firewall configuration. This may take some time..." & $DiagPath -out $StartTraceFile -etwstart $TraceFile -xrn > $VerboseOutput Write-Host "Snap complete." Write-Host "***************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White Write-Host "********************* Start the scenario ********************" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White Write-Host "***************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White Read-Host "Tracing has started. Try your multiplayer or party chat scenario now. Please press ENTER when something BAD happens and we'll snap the current state." & $DiagPath -out $DuringTraceFile > $VerboseOutput gip -All -Detailed | Export-Clixml $GIPFile systeminfo > $SystemInfo netsh int teredo show state > $Teredo Write-Host "Snap complete." Read-Host "Press ENTER to stop the trace." & $DiagPath -out $StopTraceFile -etwstop $TraceFile -xrn > $VerboseOutput } } |