
Function Get-XKCD {
        Gets the details of the comics @ Optionally can download the comic images.
        The Get-XKCD cmdlet gets the details of one or more comics from the XKCD API:
        This includes title, number, image URL, alt text, day, month, year, news, safe_title and transcript.

        By default, Get-XKCD returns the details of the latest available comic. When you use the -num parameter
        you can specify one or more specific comics to return.
        PS C:\>Get-XKCD
        This command gets the details of the latest XKCD comic from the API such as the title, number, image URL and alt text.
        PS C:\>Get-XKCD 42
        This command returns the details of the 42nd XKCD comic.
        PS C:\>Get-XKCD -Random
        This command returns the details of a random XKCD comic from the set of all available comics.
        PS C:\>Get-XKCD -Random -Min 100 -Max 150
        This command returns a random comic that is numbered between 100 and 150.
        PS C:\>Get-XKCD -Newest 5
        This command returns the details of the latest 5 comics.
        PS C:\>Get-XKCD -Download
        This command returns the details of the latest comic and downloads the comic image to the current working directory.
        PS C:\>Get-XKCD (1..10) -Download -Path C:\Comics
        This command returns the details of comic numbers 1 to 10 and downloads each comics image to C:\Comics.
        PS C:\>1..10 | % { Get-XKCD -Random | select num,img } | FT -AutoSize
        This command returns the details of 10 random comics from the set of all comics and displays the number and image URL of those comics as an autosized table.

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Specific', SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    Param (
        #Gets a random comic.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Random')]

        #Use with -Random to define a lower bound range within which to return a comic.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Random')]
        $Min = 1,

        #Use with -Random to define an upper bound range within which to return a comic. -Max is the latest comic number by default.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Random')

        #Gets the specified number of the most recent comics.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Newest')]

        #Downloads the images of all returned comics to the local computer.

        #Opens the comic/s in your default web browser

        #Use with -Download to specify a local directory to download to. By default this is the current working directory.
        $Path = $PWD,

        #Gets the specified comics. Accepts array input.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Specific', ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)]
        $Num = $Max
    Begin {
        If (-not $Max) { $Max = (Invoke-RestMethod "").num }
        If ($Random)   { $Num = Get-Random -min $Min -max $Max }
        If ($Newest)   { $Num = (($Max - $Newest) + 1)..$Max }
        If (-not $Num) { $Num = $Max }
    Process {
        $Num | ForEach-Object {
            $Comic = Invoke-RestMethod "$_/info.0.json"
            If ($Download -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Comic.img, "Save as $_.jpg")) { 
                Invoke-WebRequest $Comic.img -OutFile $(Join-Path $Path "$_.jpg") 
            if ($Open) {
                Start-Process "$_"

            Return $Comic