Function Find-XKCD { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the details of comics @ based on whether a specified search string appears in the title text. .DESCRIPTION The Find-XKCD cmdlet creates a local cache of the XKCD API comic data if one is not found to already exist. It also refreshes the local cache if it's found to be out of date. Comic searches are then performed against the local cache. .EXAMPLE PS> Find-XKCD -Query 'Spider' .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Query ) $CachePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'XKCD.json' $Max = (Invoke-RestMethod if (-not (Test-Path $CachePath)) { Write-Warning 'Creating a local cache of the comic data. This might take a few minutes..' $AllComics = ForEach ($Comic in 1..$Max) { Write-Progress -Activity "Creating cache" -Status "Reading comic #$Comic" -PercentComplete (($Comic / $Max) * 100) Invoke-RestMethod "$Comic/info.0.json" } $AllComics | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $CachePath } Else { $AllComics = Get-Content $CachePath | ConvertFrom-Json } $LastComic = ($AllComics | Sort-Object num -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).num If ($Max -gt $LastComic) { Write-Verbose 'Refreshing cache with latest comics' ForEach ($Comic in $LastComic..$Max) { Write-Progress -Activity "Refreshing cache" -Status "Reading comic #$Comic" -PercentComplete (($Comic / $Max) * 100) $AllComics += (Invoke-RestMethod "$Comic/info.0.json") } $AllComics | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $CachePath -Force } $AllComics | Where-Object { $_.Title -like "*$Query*" } } |