
.VERSION 1.0.5
.GUID 7703f542-0274-4653-b61f-b5ee32980012
.AUTHOR Pierre Smit
.TAGS Citrix
Created [01/07/2020_14:43] Initital Script Creating
Updated [01/07/2020_15:42] Script Fle Info was updated
Updated [01/07/2020_16:07] Script Fle Info was updated
Updated [01/07/2020_16:13] Script Fle Info was updated
Updated [06/03/2021_20:58] Script Fle Info was updated
Updated [15/03/2021_23:28] Script Fle Info was updated

Function for Citrix XenDesktop HTML Health Check Report
Create a json config file with all needed farm details.
Create a json config file with all needed farm details.

function Install-ParametersFile {

    param ()
    try {
        $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient 
        $wc.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials 
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $null = Install-PackageProvider Nuget -Force
        $null = Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted

        Write-Host 'PSGalary:' -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
        Write-Host 'Succsessfull' -ForegroundColor Yellow

    catch { Write-Error 'Unable to setup PSGallery ' }
    finally { Write-Error 'Unable to setup PSGallery' }


    [string]$CTXDDC = Read-Host 'A Citrix Data Collector FQDN'
    [string]$CTXStoreFront = Read-Host 'A Citrix StoreFront FQDN'
    [string]$RDSLicenseServer = Read-Host 'RDS LicenseServer FQDN'

    Write-Color -Text 'Add RDS License Type' -Color DarkGray -LinesAfter 1
    Write-Color '1: ', 'Per Device' -Color Yellow, Green
    Write-Color '2: ', 'Per User' -Color Yellow, Green
    $selection = Read-Host 'Please make a selection'
    switch ($selection) {
        '1' { [string]$RDSLicenseType = 'Per Device' }
        '2' { [string]$RDSLicenseType = 'Per User' }
    $trusteddomains = @()
    $ClientInput = ''
    While ($ClientInput -ne 'n') {
        If ($null -ne $ClientInput) {
            $FQDN = Read-Host 'FQDN for the domain'
            $NetBiosName = Read-Host 'Net Bios Name for Domain '
            $CusObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                FQDN        = $FQDN
                NetBiosName = $NetBiosName
                Description = $NetBiosName + '_ServiceAccount'
            } | Select-Object FQDN, NetBiosName, Description
            $trusteddomains += $CusObject
            $ClientInput = Read-Host 'Add more trusted domains? (y/n)'
        $CTXNS = @()
        $ClientInput = ''
        While ($ClientInput -ne 'n') {
            If ($ClientInput -ne $null) {
                $CusObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    NSIP = Read-Host 'Netscaler IP (Management)'
                    NSAdmin = Read-Host 'Root Username'
                } | Select-Object NSIP, NSAdmin
                $CTXNS += $CusObject
                $ClientInput = Read-Host 'Add more Netscalers? (y/n)'

    $ReportsFolder = Read-Host 'Path to the Reports Folder'
    $ParametersFolder = Read-Host 'Path to where the Parameters.json will be saved'
    $DashboardTitle = Read-Host 'Title to be used in the reports and Dashboard'
    $RemoveOldReports = Read-Host 'Remove Reports older than (in days)'

    Write-Color -Text 'Save reports to an excel report' -Color DarkGray -LinesAfter 1
    Write-Color '1: ', 'Yes' -Color Yellow, Green
    Write-Color '2: ', 'No' -Color Yellow, Green
    $selection = Read-Host 'Please make a selection'
    switch ($selection) {
        '1' { $SaveExcelReport = $true }
        '2' { $SaveExcelReport = $false }

    Write-Color -Text 'Send Report via email' -Color DarkGray -LinesAfter 1
    Write-Color '1: ', 'Yes' -Color Yellow, Green
    Write-Color '2: ', 'No' -Color Yellow, Green
    $selection = Read-Host 'Please make a selection'
    switch ($selection) {
        '1' { $SendEmail = $true }
        '2' { $SendEmail = $false }

    if ($SendEmail -eq 'true') {
        $emailFromA = Read-Host 'Email Address of the Sender'
        $emailFromN = Read-Host 'Full Name of the Sender'
        $FromAddress = $emailFromN + ' <' + $emailFromA + '>'

        $ToAddress = @()
        $ClientInput = ''
        While ($ClientInput -ne 'n') {
            If ($null -ne $ClientInput) {
                $emailtoA = Read-Host 'Email Address of the Recipient'
                $emailtoN = Read-Host 'Full Name of the Recipient'
                $ToAddress += $emailtoN + ' <' + $emailtoA + '>'
            $ClientInput = Read-Host 'Add more recipients? (y/n)'

        $smtpServer = Read-Host 'IP or name of SMTP server'
        $smtpServerPort = Read-Host 'Port of SMTP server'
        Write-Color -Text 'Use ssl for SMTP' -Color DarkGray -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color '1: ', 'Yes' -Color Yellow, Green
        Write-Color '2: ', 'No' -Color Yellow, Green
        $selection = Read-Host 'Please make a selection'
        switch ($selection) {
            '1' { $smtpEnableSSL = $true }
            '2' { $smtpEnableSSL = $false }
    $AllXDData = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        DateCollected    = (Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy_HH:mm).ToString()
        CTXDDC           = $CTXDDC
        CTXStoreFront    = $CTXStoreFront
        RDSLicenseServer = $RDSLicenseServer
        RDSLicenseType   = $RDSLicenseType
        TrustedDomains   = $trusteddomains
        ReportsFolder    = $ReportsFolder
        ParametersFolder = $ParametersFolder
        DashboardTitle   = $DashboardTitle
        RemoveOldReports = $RemoveOldReports
        SaveExcelReport  = $SaveExcelReport
        SendEmail        = $SendEmail
        EmailFrom        = $FromAddress
        EmailTo          = $ToAddress
        SMTPServer       = $smtpServer
        SMTPServerPort   = $smtpServerPort
        SMTPEnableSSL    = $smtpEnableSSL
    } | Select-Object DateCollected, CTXDDC , CTXStoreFront , RDSLicenseServer , RDSLicenseType, TrustedDomains , ReportsFolder , ParametersFolder , DashboardTitle, RemoveOldReports, SaveExcelReport , SendEmail , EmailFrom , EmailTo , SMTPServer , SMTPServerPort , SMTPEnableSSL

    if (Test-Path -Path "$ParametersFolder\Parameters.json") { Rename-Item "$ParametersFolder\Parameters.json" -NewName "Parameters_$(Get-Date -Format ddMMyyyy_HHmm).json" }
    else { $AllXDData | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Out-File -FilePath "$ParametersFolder\Parameters.json" -Force -Verbose }

    Import-ParametersFile -JSONParameterFilePath "$ParametersFolder\Parameters.json"

    Write-Color 'Testing PS Remote on needed servers:' -Color Cyan -LinesBefore 2 -ShowTime
    try {
        Write-Color 'DDC' -Color Yellow -ShowTime
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $CTXStoreFront -Credential $CTXAdmin -ScriptBlock { $env:COMPUTERNAME }
        Write-Color 'Storefront' -Color Yellow -ShowTime
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $CTXDDC -Credential $CTXAdmin -ScriptBlock { $env:COMPUTERNAME }
        Write-Color 'RDS License Server' -Color Yellow -ShowTime
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RDSLicenseServer -Credential $CTXAdmin -ScriptBlock { $env:COMPUTERNAME }
 catch { Write-Warning 'Please setup ps remoting to the DDC, StoreFront and RDS license server ' }
