<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0.10 .GUID 11d2e083-fcea-48c4-bb9f-093840ea5d0e .AUTHOR Pierre Smit .COMPANYNAME iOCO Tech .COPYRIGHT .TAGS Citrix .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Created [06/06/2019_06:00] Initial Script Creating Updated [06/06/2019_19:26] Updated [09/06/2019_09:18] Updated [15/06/2019_01:11] Updated [15/06/2019_13:59] Updated Reports Updated [01/07/2020_14:43] Script Fle Info was updated Updated [01/07/2020_15:42] Script Fle Info was updated Updated [01/07/2020_16:07] Script Fle Info was updated Updated [01/07/2020_16:13] Script Fle Info was updated Updated [06/03/2021_20:58] Script Fle Info was updated Updated [15/03/2021_23:28] Script Fle Info was updated #> <# .DESCRIPTION Function for Citrix XenDesktop HTML Health Check Report #> <# .SYNOPSIS Creates and distributes a report on catalog, groups and published app config. .DESCRIPTION Creates and distributes a report on catalog, groups and published app config. .PARAMETER JSONParameterFilePath Path to the json config file, created by Install-ParametersFile .EXAMPLE Start-CitrixAudit -JSONParameterFilePath 'C:\temp\Parameters.json' #> function Start-CitrixAudit { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [ValidateScript( { (Test-Path $_) -and ((Get-Item $_).Extension -eq ".json") })] [string]$JSONParameterFilePath = (Get-Item $profile).DirectoryName + "\Parameters.json" ) Write-Verbose "$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString()) [Proccessing] Importing Variables" ########################################## #region xml imports ########################################## Import-ParametersFile -JSONParameterFilePath $JSONParameterFilePath #endregion ########################################## #region checking folders and report names ########################################## Write-Verbose "$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString()) [Starting] Data Collection" if ((Test-Path -Path $ReportsFolder\logs) -eq $false) { New-Item -Path "$ReportsFolder\logs" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } [string]$Transcriptlog = "$ReportsFolder\logs\XDAudit_TransmissionLogs." + (Get-Date -Format + ".log" Start-Transcript -Path $Transcriptlog -IncludeInvocationHeader -Force -NoClobber $timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew(); if ((Test-Path -Path $ReportsFolder\XDAudit) -eq $false) { New-Item -Path "$ReportsFolder\XDAudit" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if ([bool]$RemoveOldReports) { $oldReports = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$RemoveOldReports) Get-ChildItem $ReportsFolder\XDAudit *.html | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -le $oldReports } | Remove-Item -Force -Verbose Get-ChildItem $ReportsFolder\XDAudit *.xlsx | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -le $oldReports } | Remove-Item -Force -Verbose Get-ChildItem $ReportsFolder\XDAudit *.xml | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -le $oldReports } | Remove-Item -Force -Verbose Get-ChildItem $ReportsFolder\logs\XDAudit_TransmissionLogs* | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -le $oldReports } | Remove-Item -Force -Verbose } [string]$Reportname = $ReportsFolder + "\XDAudit\XD_Audit." + (Get-Date -Format + ".html" [string]$XMLExport = $ReportsFolder + "\XDAudit\XD_Audit." + (Get-Date -Format + ".xml" [string]$ExcelReportname = $ReportsFolder + "\XDAudit\XD_Audit." + (Get-Date -Format + ".xlsx" #endregion ######################################## #region Getting Credentials ######################################### #endregion ######################################## #region Connect and get info ######################################## Write-Verbose "$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString()) [Proccessing] Collecting Farm Details" $CitrixObjects = Get-CitrixObjects -AdminServer $CTXDDC -RunAsPSRemote -RemoteCredentials $CTXAdmin -Verbose $MachineCatalog = $CitrixObjects.MachineCatalog | Select-Object MachineCatalogName, AllocationType, SessionSupport, UnassignedCount, UsedCount, MasterImageVM, MasterImageSnapshotName, MasterImageSnapshotCount, MasterImageVMDate $DeliveryGroups = $CitrixObjects.DeliveryGroups | Select-Object DesktopGroupName, Enabled, InMaintenanceMode, TotalApplications, TotalDesktops, DesktopsUnregistered, UserAccess, GroupAccess $PublishedApps = $CitrixObjects.PublishedApps | Select-Object DesktopGroupName, DesktopGroupUsersAccess, DesktopGroupGroupAccess, Enabled, ApplicationName, PublishedAppGroupAccess, PublishedAppUserAccess #endregion ######################################## #region saving data to xml ######################################## $AllXDData = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ DateCollected = (Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy_HH:mm).ToString() MachineCatalog = $CitrixObjects.MachineCatalog DeliveryGroups = $CitrixObjects.DeliveryGroups PublishedApps = $CitrixObjects.PublishedApps VDAServers = $CitrixObjects.VDAServers VDAWorkstations = $CitrixObjects.VDAWorkstations MachineCatalogSum = $MachineCatalog DeliveryGroupsSum = $DeliveryGroups PublishedAppsSum = $PublishedApps } if (Test-Path -Path $XMLExport) { Remove-Item $XMLExport -Force -Verbose } $AllXDData | Export-Clixml -Path $XMLExport -Depth 25 -NoClobber -Force #endregion ######################################## #region Setting some table color and settings ######################################## ####################### #region Building HTML the report ####################### Write-Verbose "$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString()) [Proccessing] Building HTML Page" $HeadingText = $DashboardTitle + " | XenDesktop Audit | " + (Get-Date -Format dd) + " " + (Get-Date -Format MMMM) + "," + (Get-Date -Format yyyy) + " " + (Get-Date -Format HH:mm) New-HTML -TitleText "XenDesktop Audit" -FilePath $Reportname { New-HTMLLogo -RightLogoString $XDHealth_LogoURL New-HTMLHeading -Heading h1 -HeadingText $HeadingText -Color Black New-HTMLSection @SectionSettings -Content { New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Machine Catalogs' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable $MachineCatalog } } New-HTMLSection @SectionSettings -Content { New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Delivery Groups' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable $DeliveryGroups } } New-HTMLSection @SectionSettings -Content { New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Published Apps' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable $PublishedApps } } } #endregion ####################### #region Saving Excel report ####################### if ($SaveExcelReport) { Write-Verbose "$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString()) [Proccessing] Saving Excel Report" $AllXDData.MachineCatalog | Export-Excel -Path $ExcelReportname -WorksheetName MachineCatalog -AutoSize -Title "Citrix Machine Catalog" -TitleBold -TitleSize 20 -FreezePane 3 $AllXDData.DeliveryGroups | Export-Excel -Path $ExcelReportname -WorksheetName DeliveryGroups -AutoSize -Title "Citrix Delivery Groups" -TitleBold -TitleSize 20 -FreezePane 3 $AllXDData.PublishedApps | Export-Excel -Path $ExcelReportname -WorksheetName PublishedApps -AutoSize -Title "Citrix PublishedApps" -TitleBold -TitleSize 20 -FreezePane 3 $AllXDData.VDAServers | Export-Excel -Path $ExcelReportname -WorksheetName VDAServers -AutoSize -Title "Citrix VDA Servers" -TitleBold -TitleSize 20 -FreezePane 3 $AllXDData.VDAWorkstations | Export-Excel -Path $ExcelReportname -WorksheetName VDAWorkstations -AutoSize -Title "Citrix VDA Workstations" -TitleBold -TitleSize 20 -FreezePane 3 } #endregion ####################### #region Sending email reports ####################### if ($SendEmail) { $smtpClientCredentials = Find-Credential | Where-Object target -Like "*Healthcheck_smtp" | Get-Credential -Store if ($null -eq $smtpClientCredentials) { $Account = BetterCredentials\Get-Credential -Message "smtp login for HealthChecks email" Set-Credential -Credential $Account -Target "Healthcheck_smtp" -Persistence LocalComputer -Description "Account used for ctx health checks" -Verbose } Write-Verbose "$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString()) [Proccessing]Sending Report Email" $emailMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $emailMessage.From = $emailFrom $emailTo | ForEach-Object { $emailMessage.To.Add($_) } $emailMessage.Subject = $DashboardTitle + " - Citrix Audit Results Report on " + (Get-Date -Format dd) + " " + (Get-Date -Format MMMM) + "," + (Get-Date -Format yyyy) $emailMessage.IsBodyHtml = $true $emailMessage.Body = 'Please see attached reports' $emailMessage.Attachments.Add($Reportname) $emailMessage.Attachments.Add($ExcelReportname) $smtpClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient( $smtpServer , $smtpServerPort ) #$smtpClient.Credentials = [Net.NetworkCredential]$smtpClientCredentials $smtpClient.EnableSsl = $smtpEnableSSL $smtpClient.Timeout = 30000000 $smtpClient.Send( $emailMessage ) } #endregion $timer.Stop() $timer.Elapsed | Select-Object Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds | Format-List Stop-Transcript } |