XDHealthCheck about_XDHealthCheck SHORT DESCRIPTION Creates daily health check and config reports for your on-premise Citrix farm. To get started, you need to run Install-ParametersFile. This will capture and save needed farm details, to allow scripts to run automatically. NOTES Functions in this module: Get-CitrixConfigurationChange -- Show the changes that was made to the farm Get-CitrixConnectionFailures -- Creates a report from monitoring data about machine and connection failures Get-CitrixEnvTestResults -- Perform and report on tests on catalogs, delivery groups, hypervisor and Infrastructure Get-CitrixFarmDetail -- Get needed Farm details. Get-CitrixLicenseInformation -- Show Citrix License details Get-CitrixMonitoringData -- Connects and collects data from the monitoring OData feed. Get-CitrixObjects -- Get details of citrix objects Get-CitrixResourceUtilizationSummary -- Resource Utilization Summary for machines Get-CitrixServerEventLog -- Get windows event log details Get-CitrixServerPerformance -- Collects perform data for the core servers. Get-CitrixSessionIcaRtt -- Creates a report of users sessions with a AVG IcaRttMS Get-CitrixVDAUptime -- Calculate the uptime of VDA Servers. Get-CitrixWorkspaceAppVersions -- Reports on the versions of workspace app your users are using to connect Get-RDSLicenseInformation -- Report on RDS License Usage Import-ParametersFile -- Import the config file and creates the needed variables Install-ParametersFile -- Create a json config file with all needed farm details. Set-XDHealthReportColors -- Set the color and logo for HTML Reports Start-CitrixAudit -- Creates and distributes a report on catalog, groups and published app config. Start-CitrixHealthCheck -- Creates and distributes a report on citrix farm health. SEE ALSO https://github.com/smitpi/XDHealthCheck https://smitpi.github.io/XDHealthCheck |