
# Copyright 2022 Antoine Martin
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

using namespace System.IO;

# The base URLs for LXD images
$base_lxd_url = ""
# We don't support ARM yet
$lxd_directory_suffix = "amd64/default"
$lxd_rootfs_name = "rootfs.tar.xz"
$base_wsl_directory = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Wsl"
$base_rootfs_directory = [DirectoryInfo]::new("$base_wsl_directory\RootFS")

class UnknownLXDDistributionException : System.SystemException {
    UnknownLXDDistributionException([string] $Os, [string]$Release) : base("Unknown LXD distribution with OS $Os and Release $Release. Check $base_lxd_url.") {

Returns the URL of the root filesystem of the LXD image for the specified OS
and Release.

LXD images made by canonical ( are
"rolling". In Consequence, getting the current root filesystem URL for a distro
Involves browsing the distro directory to get the directory name of the last

Parameter The name of the OS (debian, ubuntu, alpine, rockylinux, centos, ...)

The release (version). Highly dependent on the distro. For rolling release
distros (e.g. Arch), use `current`.

The URL of the root filesystem for the requested distribution.

Get-LxdRootFSUrl almalinux 8
Returns the URL of the root filesystem for almalinux version 8

Get-LxdRootFSUrl -Os centos -Release 9-Stream
Returns the URL of the root filesystem for CentOS Stream version 9

function Get-LxdRootFSUrl {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)]
    $url = "$base_lxd_url/$Os/$Release/$lxd_directory_suffix"

    try {
        $last_release_directory = (Invoke-WebRequest $url).Links | Select-Object -Last 1 -ExpandProperty "href"
    catch {
        throw [UnknownLXDDistributionException]::new($OS, $Release)

    return [System.Uri]"$url/$($last_release_directory.Substring(2))$lxd_rootfs_name"

enum WslRootFileSystemState {

enum WslRootFileSystemType {

class UnknownDistributionException : System.SystemException {
    UnknownDistributionException([string] $Name) : base("Unknown distribution(s): $Name") {

# This function is here to mock the download in unit tests
function Sync-File {
    Write-Host "####> Downloading $($Url) => $($File.FullName)..."
    (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($Url, $File.FullName)

# Another function to mock in unit tests
function Sync-String {
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    process {
        return (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString($Url)

class WslRootFileSystemHash {
    [hashtable]$Hashes = @{}

    [void]Retrieve() {
        $content = Sync-String $this.Url

        if ($this.Type -eq 'sums') {
            ForEach ($line in $($content -split "`n")) {
                if ([bool]$line) {
                    $item = ConvertFrom-String -InputObject $line -PropertyNames Hash, File
                    $this.Hashes[$item.File] = $item.Hash
        else {
            $filename = $this.Url.Segments[-1] -replace '\.\w+$', ''
            $this.Hashes[$filename] = $content.Trim()

    [string]DownloadAndCheckFile([System.Uri]$Uri, [FileInfo]$Destination) {
        $Filename = $Uri.Segments[-1]
        if (!($this.Hashes.ContainsKey($Filename))) {
            return $null

        $expected = $this.Hashes[$Filename]
        $temp = [FileInfo]::new($Destination.FullName + '.tmp')

        try {
            Sync-File $Uri $temp

            $actual = (Get-FileHash -Path $temp.FullName -Algorithm $this.Algorithm).Hash
            if ($expected -ne $actual) {
                Remove-Item -Path $temp.FullName -Force
                throw "Bad hash for $Uri -> $Destination : expected $expected, got $actual"
            Rename-Item $temp.FullName $Destination.FullName -Force
            return $actual
        finally {
            Remove-Item $temp -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

class WslRootFileSystem: System.IComparable {

    [void] init([string]$Name, [bool]$Configured) {

        # Get the root fs file locally
        if ($Name -match '^lxd:(?<Os>[^:]+):(?<Release>[^:]+)$') {
            $this.Type = [WslRootFileSystemType]::LXD
            $this.Os = $Matches.Os
            $this.Release = $Matches.Release
            $this.Url = Get-LxdRootFSUrl -Os:$this.Os -Release:$this.Release
            $this.AlreadyConfigured = $Configured
            $this.LocalFileName = "lxd.$($this.Os)_$($this.Release).rootfs.tar.gz"
            $this.HashSource = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Url       = [System.Uri]::new($this.Url, "SHA256SUMS")
                Type      = 'sums'
                Algorithm = 'SHA256'
        else {
            $this.Url = [System.Uri]$Name
            if ($this.Url.IsAbsoluteUri) {
                $this.LocalFileName = $this.Url.Segments[-1]
                $this.AlreadyConfigured = $Configured
                $this.Os = ($this.LocalFileName -split "[-. ]")[0]
                $this.Type = [WslRootFileSystemType]::Uri
            else {
                $this.Url = $null
                $dist_lower = $Name.ToLower()
                $dist_title = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($dist_lower)
                $urlKey = 'Url'
                $hashKey = 'Hash'
                $rootfs_prefix = ''
                if ($true -eq $Configured) { 
                    $urlKey = 'ConfiguredUrl' 
                    $hashKey = 'ConfiguredHash'
                    $rootfs_prefix = 'miniwsl.'
                $this.LocalFileName = "$rootfs_prefix$dist_lower.rootfs.tar.gz"
                if ([WslRootFileSystem]::Distributions.ContainsKey($dist_title)) {
                    $properties = [WslRootFileSystem]::Distributions[$dist_title]
                    if (!$properties.ContainsKey($urlKey)) {
                        throw "No configured Root filesystem for $dist_title."
                    $this.Os = $dist_title
                    $this.Url = [System.Uri]$properties[$urlKey]
                    $this.AlreadyConfigured = $Configured
                    $this.Type = [WslRootFileSystemType]::Builtin
                    $this.Release = $properties['Release']
                    $this.HashSource = $properties[$hashKey]
                elseif ($this.IsAvailableLocally) {
                    $this.Type = [WslRootFileSystemType]::Local
                    $this.Os = $Name
                    $this.AlreadyConfigured = $true # We assume it's already configured, but actually we don't know
                else {
                    # If the file is already present, take it
                    throw [UnknownDistributionException] $Name
        if ($this.IsAvailableLocally) {
            $this.State = [WslRootFileSystemState]::Synced
        else {
            $this.State = [WslRootFileSystemState]::NotDownloaded

    WslRootFileSystem([string]$Name, [bool]$Configured) {
        $this.init($Name, $Configured)

    WslRootFileSystem([string]$Name) {
        $this.init($Name, $false)

    WslRootFileSystem([FileInfo]$File) {

        $this.LocalFileName = $File.Name
        $this.State = [WslRootFileSystemState]::Synced

        if (!($this.ReadMetaData())) {
            $name = $File.Name -replace '\.rootfs\.tar\.gz$', ''
            if ($name.StartsWith("miniwsl.")) {
                $this.AlreadyConfigured = $true
                $this.Type = [WslRootFileSystemType]::Builtin
                $name = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase(($name -replace 'miniwsl\.', ''))
                $this.Os = $name
                $this.Release = [WslRootFileSystem]::Distributions[$name]['Release']
                $this.Url = [WslRootFileSystem]::Distributions[$name]['ConfiguredUrl']
            elseif ($name.StartsWith("lxd.")) {
                $this.AlreadyConfigured = $false
                $this.Type = [WslRootFileSystemType]::LXD
                $this.Os, $this.Release = ($name -replace 'lxd\.', '') -Split '_'
                $this.Url = Get-LxdRootFSUrl -Os $this.Os -Release $this.Release
            else {
                $name = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($name)
                $this.Os = $name
                if ([WslRootFileSystem]::Distributions.ContainsKey($name)) {
                    $this.AlreadyConfigured = $false
                    $this.Type = [WslRootFileSystemType]::Builtin
                    $this.Release = [WslRootFileSystem]::Distributions[$name]['Release']
                    $this.Url = [WslRootFileSystem]::Distributions[$name]['Url']
                else {
                    $this.Type = [WslRootFileSystemType]::Local
                    $this.Os = $name
                    $this.Release = "unknown"
                    $this.AlreadyConfigured = $true

    [string] ToString() {
        return $this.OsName

    [int] CompareTo([object] $obj) {
        $other = [WslRootFileSystem]$obj
        return $this.LocalFileName.CompareTo($other.LocalFileName)

    [void]WriteMetadata() {
            Os                = $this.Os
            Release           = $this.Release
            Type              = $this.Type.ToString()
            State             = $this.State.ToString()
            Url               = $this.Url
            AlreadyConfigured = $this.AlreadyConfigured
            HashSource        = $this.HashSource
            FileHash          = $this.FileHash
            # TODO: Checksums
        } | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path "$($this.File.FullName).json"

    [bool]ReadMetaData() {
        $metadata_filename = "$($this.File.FullName).json"
        $result = $false
        $rewrite_it = $false
        if (Test-Path $metadata_filename) {
            $metadata = Get-Content $metadata_filename | ConvertFrom-Json
            $this.Os = $metadata.Os
            $this.Release = $metadata.Release
            $this.Type = [WslRootFileSystemType]($metadata.Type)
            $this.State = [WslRootFileSystemState]($metadata.State)
            $this.Url = $metadata.Url
            $this.AlreadyConfigured = $metadata.AlreadyConfigured
            if ($metadata.HashSource) {
                $this.HashSource = $metadata.HashSource
            if ($metadata.FileHash) {
                $this.FileHash = $metadata.FileHash
            $result = $true
        if ($this.HashSource -and !$this.FileHash) {
            $this.FileHash = (Get-FileHash -Path $this.File.FullName -Algorithm $this.HashSource.Algorithm).Hash
            $rewrite_it = $true

        if ($rewrite_it) {
        return $result

    [bool]Delete() {
        if ($this.IsAvailableLocally) {
            Remove-Item -Path $this.File.FullName
            Remove-Item -Path "$($this.File.FullName).json" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $this.State = [WslRootFileSystemState]::NotDownloaded
            return $true
        return $false

    static [WslRootFileSystem[]] AllFileSystems() {
        $path = [WslRootFileSystem]::BasePath
        $files = $path.GetFiles("*.tar.gz")
        $local = [WslRootFileSystem[]]( $files | ForEach-Object { [WslRootFileSystem]::new($_) })
        $builtin = [WslRootFileSystem]::Distributions.keys | ForEach-Object {
            [WslRootFileSystem]::new($_, $false)
            [WslRootFileSystem]::new($_, $true)
        return ($local + $builtin) | Sort-Object | Get-Unique

    [WslRootFileSystemHash]GetHashSource() {
        if ($this.HashSource) {
            if ([WslRootFileSystem]::HashSources.ContainsKey($this.HashSource.Url)) {
                return [WslRootFileSystem]::HashSources[$this.HashSource.Url]
            else {
                $source = [WslRootFileSystemHash]($this.HashSource)
                [WslRootFileSystem]::HashSources[$this.HashSource.Url] = $source
                return $source
        return $null



    [string]$Release = "unknown"



    static [DirectoryInfo]$BasePath = $base_rootfs_directory

    # This is indexed by the URL
    static [hashtable]$HashSources = @{}

    static $BuiltinHashes = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Url       = ''
        Algorithm = 'SHA256'
        Type      = 'sums'

    static $Distributions = @{
        Arch     = @{
            Url            = ''
            Hash           = [WslRootFileSystem]::BuiltinHashes
            ConfiguredUrl  = ''
            ConfiguredHash = [WslRootFileSystem]::BuiltinHashes
            Release        = 'current'
        Alpine   = @{
            Url            = ''
            Hash           = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Url       = ''
                Algorithm = 'SHA256'
                Type      = 'sums'
            ConfiguredUrl  = ''
            ConfiguredHash = [WslRootFileSystem]::BuiltinHashes
            Release        = '3.17'
        Ubuntu   = @{
            Url            = ''
            Hash           = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Url       = ''
                Algorithm = 'SHA256'
                Type      = 'sums'
            ConfiguredUrl  = ''
            ConfiguredHash = [WslRootFileSystem]::BuiltinHashes
            Release        = 'kinetic'
        Debian   = @{
            # This is the root fs used to produce the official Debian slim docker image
            # see
            # see
            Url            = ""
            Hash           = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Url       = ''
                Algorithm = 'SHA256'
                Type      = 'single'
            ConfiguredUrl  = ""
            ConfiguredHash = [WslRootFileSystem]::BuiltinHashes
            Release        = 'bullseye'
        OpenSuse = @{
            Url            = ""
            Hash           = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Url       = ''
                Algorithm = 'SHA256'
                Type      = 'sums'
            ConfiguredUrl  = ""
            ConfiguredHash = [WslRootFileSystem]::BuiltinHashes
            Release        = 'tumbleweed'

Creates a new FileSystem hash holder.

The WslRootFileSystemHash object holds checksum information for one or more
distributions in order to check it upon download and determine if the filesystem
has been updated.

Note that the checksums are not downloaded until the `Retrieve()` method has been
called on the object.

The Url where the checksums are located.

.PARAMETER Algorithm
The checksum algorithm. Nowadays, we find mostly SHA256.

Type can either be `sums` in which case the file contains one
<checksum> <filename> pair per line, or `single` and just contains the hash for
the file which name is the last segment of the Url minus the extension. For
instance, if the URL is `https://.../rootfs.tar.xz.sha256`, we assume that the
checksum it contains is for the file named `rootfs.tar.xz`.

Creates the hash source for several files with SHA256 (default) algorithm.

New-WslRootFileSystemHash https://.../rootfs.tar.xz.sha256 -Type `single`
Creates the hash source for the rootfs.tar.xz file with SHA256 (default) algorithm.

General notes

function New-WslRootFileSystemHash {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Algorithm = 'SHA256',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Type = 'sums'

    return [WslRootFileSystemHash]@{
        Url       = $Url
        Algorithm = $Algorithm
        Type      = $Type


function New-WslRootFileSystem {
    Creates a WslRootFileSystem object.

    WslRootFileSystem object retrieve and provide information about available root

    .PARAMETER Distribution
    The identifier of the distribution. It can be an already known name:
    - Arch
    - Alpine
    - Ubuntu
    - Debian

    It also can be the URL (https://...) of an existing filesystem or a
    distribution name saved through Export-Wsl.

    It can also be a name in the form:

        lxd:<os>:<release> (ex: lxd:rockylinux:9)

    In this case, it will fetch the last version the specified image in

    .PARAMETER Configured
    Whether the distribution is configured. This parameter is relevant for Builtin

    The path of the root filesystem. Should be a file ending with `rootfs.tar.gz`.

    A FileInfo object of the compressed root filesystem.

    New-WslRootFileSystem lxd:alpine:3.17
        Type Os Release State Name
        ---- -- ------- ----- ----
        LXD alpine 3.17 Synced lxd.alpine_3.17.rootfs.tar.gz
    The WSL root filesystem representing the lxd alpine 3.17 image.

    New-WslRootFileSystem alpine -Configured
        Type Os Release State Name
        ---- -- ------- ----- ----
    Builtin Alpine 3.17 Synced miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz
    The builtin configured Alpine root filesystem.


    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Name', Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'Name', Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Path', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Name") {
            return [WslRootFileSystem]::new($Distribution, $Configured)
        else {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Path") {
                $File = [FileInfo]::new($Path)
            return [WslRootFileSystem]::new($File)

function Sync-WslRootFileSystem {
    Synchronize locally the specified WSL root filesystem.

    If the root filesystem is not already present locally, downloads it from its
    original URL.

    .PARAMETER Distribution
    The identifier of the distribution. It can be an already known name:
    - Arch
    - Alpine
    - Ubuntu
    - Debian

    It also can be the URL (https://...) of an existing filesystem or a
    distribution name saved through Export-Wsl.

    It can also be a name in the form:

        lxd:<os>:<release> (ex: lxd:rockylinux:9)

    In this case, it will fetch the last version the specified image in

    .PARAMETER Configured
    Whether the distribution is configured. This parameter is relevant for Builtin

    .PARAMETER RootFileSystem
    The WslRootFileSystem object to process.

    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the synchronization even if the root filesystem is already present locally.

    The WSLRootFileSystem Objects to process.

    The path of the WSL root filesytem. It is suitable as input for the
    `wsl --import` command.

    Sync-WslRootFileSystem Alpine -Configured
    Syncs the already configured builtin Alpine root filesystem.

    Sync-WslRootFileSystem Alpine -Force
    Re-download the Alpine builtin root filesystem.

    Get-WslRootFileSystem -State NotDownloaded -Os Alpine | Sync-WslRootFileSystem
    Synchronize the Alpine root filesystems not already synced

     New-WslRootFileSystem alpine -Configured | Sync-WslRootFileSystem | % { &wsl --import test $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Wsl\test $_ }
     Create a WSL distro from a synchronized root filesystem.


    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Name', Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Name', Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = "RootFileSystem")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    process {

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Name") {
            $RootFileSystem = New-WslRootFileSystem $Distribution -Configured:$Configured

        if ($null -ne $RootFileSystem) {
            $RootFileSystem | ForEach-Object {
                [FileInfo] $dest = $_.File

                If (!([WslRootFileSystem]::BasePath.Exists)) {
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess([WslRootFileSystem]::BasePath.Create(), "Create base path")) {
                        Write-Host "####> Creating rootfs base path [$([WslRootFileSystem]::BasePath)]..."
                if (!$dest.Exists -Or $_.Outdated -Or $true -eq $Force) {
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($_.Url, "Sync locally")) {
                        try {
                            $_.FileHash = $_.GetHashSource().DownloadAndCheckFile($_.Url, $_.File)
                        catch [Exception] {
                            throw "Error while loading distro [$($_.OsName)] on $($_.Url): $($_.Exception.Message)"
                            return $null
                        $_.State = [WslRootFileSystemState]::Synced
                else {
                    Write-Host "####> [$($_.OsName)] Root FS already at [$($dest.FullName)]."
                return $dest.FullName

function Get-WslRootFileSystem {
        Gets the WSL root filesystems installed on the computer and the ones available.
        The Get-WslRootFileSystem cmdlet gets objects that represent the WSL root filesystems available on the computer.
        This can be the ones already synchronized as well as the Bultin filesystems available.
        Specifies the name of the filesystem.
        Specifies the Os of the filesystem.
        Specifies the type of the filesystem.
    .PARAMETER Outdated
        Return the list of outdated root filesystems. Works mainly on Builtin
        You can pipe a distribution name to this cmdlet.
        The cmdlet returns objects that represent the WSL root filesystems on the computer.
           Type Os Release State Name
           ---- -- ------- ----- ----
        Builtin Alpine 3.17 NotDownloaded alpine.rootfs.tar.gz
        Builtin Arch current Synced arch.rootfs.tar.gz
        Builtin Debian bullseye Synced debian.rootfs.tar.gz
          Local Docker unknown Synced docker.rootfs.tar.gz
          Local Flatcar unknown Synced flatcar.rootfs.tar.gz
            LXD almalinux 8 Synced lxd.almalinux_8.rootfs.tar.gz
            LXD almalinux 9 Synced lxd.almalinux_9.rootfs.tar.gz
            LXD alpine 3.17 Synced lxd.alpine_3.17.rootfs.tar.gz
            LXD alpine edge Synced lxd.alpine_edge.rootfs.tar.gz
            LXD centos 9-Stream Synced lxd.centos_9-Stream.rootfs.ta...
            LXD opensuse 15.4 Synced lxd.opensuse_15.4.rootfs.tar.gz
            LXD rockylinux 9 Synced lxd.rockylinux_9.rootfs.tar.gz
        Builtin Alpine 3.17 Synced miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz
        Builtin Arch current Synced miniwsl.arch.rootfs.tar.gz
        Builtin Debian bullseye Synced miniwsl.debian.rootfs.tar.gz
        Builtin Opensuse tumbleweed Synced miniwsl.opensuse.rootfs.tar.gz
        Builtin Ubuntu kinetic NotDownloaded miniwsl.ubuntu.rootfs.tar.gz
          Local Netsdk unknown Synced netsdk.rootfs.tar.gz
        Builtin Opensuse tumbleweed Synced opensuse.rootfs.tar.gz
          Local Out unknown Synced out.rootfs.tar.gz
          Local Postgres unknown Synced postgres.rootfs.tar.gz
        Builtin Ubuntu kinetic Synced ubuntu.rootfs.tar.gz
        Get all WSL root filesystem.

        Get-WslRootFileSystem -Os alpine
           Type Os Release State Name
           ---- -- ------- ----- ----
        Builtin Alpine 3.17 NotDownloaded alpine.rootfs.tar.gz
            LXD alpine 3.17 Synced lxd.alpine_3.17.rootfs.tar.gz
            LXD alpine edge Synced lxd.alpine_edge.rootfs.tar.gz
        Builtin Alpine 3.17 Synced miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz
        Get All Alpine root filesystems.
        Get-WslRootFileSystem -Type LXD
        Type Os Release State Name
        ---- -- ------- ----- ----
        LXD almalinux 8 Synced lxd.almalinux_8.rootfs.tar.gz
        LXD almalinux 9 Synced lxd.almalinux_9.rootfs.tar.gz
        LXD alpine 3.17 Synced lxd.alpine_3.17.rootfs.tar.gz
        LXD alpine edge Synced lxd.alpine_edge.rootfs.tar.gz
        LXD centos 9-Stream Synced lxd.centos_9-Stream.rootfs.ta...
        LXD opensuse 15.4 Synced lxd.opensuse_15.4.rootfs.tar.gz
        LXD rockylinux 9 Synced lxd.rockylinux_9.rootfs.tar.gz
        Get All downloaded LXD root filesystems.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    process {
        $fses = [WslRootFileSystem]::AllFileSystems()

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Type")) {
            $fses = $fses | Where-Object {
                $_.Type -eq $Type

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Os")) {
            $fses = $fses | Where-Object {
                $_.Os -eq $Os

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("State")) {
            $fses = $fses | Where-Object {
                $_.State -eq $State

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Configured")) {
            $fses = $fses | Where-Object {
                $_.AlreadyConfigured -eq $Configured.IsPresent

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Outdated")) {
            $fses = $fses | Where-Object {

        if ($Name.Length -gt 0) {
            $fses = $fses | Where-Object {
                foreach ($pattern in $Name) {
                    if ($_.Name -ilike $pattern) {
                        return $true
                return $false
            if ($null -eq $fses) {
                throw [UnknownDistributionException]::new($Name)

        return $fses

Remove a WSL root filesystem from the local disk.

If the WSL root filesystem in synced, it will remove the tar file and its meta
data from the disk. Builtin root filesystems will still appear as output of
`Get-WslRootFileSystem`, but their state will be `NotDownloaded`.

.PARAMETER Distribution
The identifier of the distribution. It can be an already known name:
- Arch
- Alpine
- Ubuntu
- Debian

It also can be the URL (https://...) of an existing filesystem or a
distribution name saved through Export-Wsl.

It can also be a name in the form:

    lxd:<os>:<release> (ex: lxd:rockylinux:9)

In this case, it will fetch the last version the specified image in

.PARAMETER Configured
Whether the root filesystem is already configured. This parameter is relevant
only for Builtin distributions.

.PARAMETER RootFileSystem
The WslRootFileSystem object representing the WSL root filesystem to delete.

One or more WslRootFileSystem objects representing the WSL root filesystem to

The WSLRootFileSytem objects updated.

Remove-WslRootFileSystem alpine -Configured
Removes the builtin configured alpine root filesystem.

New-WslRootFileSystem "lxd:alpine:3.17" | Remove-WslRootFileSystem
Removes the LXD alpine 3.17 root filesystem.

Get-WslRootFilesystem -Type LXD | Remove-WslRootFileSystem
Removes all the LXD root filesystems present locally.


Function Remove-WslRootFileSystem {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Name', Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Name', Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = "RootFileSystem")]

    process {

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Name") {
            $RootFileSystem = New-WslRootFileSystem $Distribution -Configured:$Configured

        if ($null -ne $RootFileSystem) {
            $RootFileSystem | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_.Delete()) {

Get the list of available LXD based root filesystems.

This command retrieves the list of available LXD root filesystems from the
Canonical site:

List of names or wildcard based patterns to select the Os.

Retrieve the complete list of LXD root filesystems

 Get-LXDRootFileSystem alma*

Os Release
-- -------
almalinux 8
almalinux 9

Get all alma based filesystems.

Get-LXDRootFileSystem mint | %{ New-WslRootFileSystem "lxd:$($_.Os):$($_.Release)" }

    Type Os Release State Name
    ---- -- ------- ----- ----
     LXD mint tara NotDownloaded lxd.mint_tara.rootfs.tar.gz
     LXD mint tessa NotDownloaded lxd.mint_tessa.rootfs.tar.gz
     LXD mint tina NotDownloaded lxd.mint_tina.rootfs.tar.gz
     LXD mint tricia NotDownloaded lxd.mint_tricia.rootfs.tar.gz
     LXD mint ulyana NotDownloaded lxd.mint_ulyana.rootfs.tar.gz
     LXD mint ulyssa NotDownloaded lxd.mint_ulyssa.rootfs.tar.gz
     LXD mint uma NotDownloaded lxd.mint_uma.rootfs.tar.gz
     LXD mint una NotDownloaded lxd.mint_una.rootfs.tar.gz
     LXD mint vanessa NotDownloaded lxd.mint_vanessa.rootfs.tar.gz

Get all mint based LXD root filesystems as WslRootFileSystem objects.


function Get-LXDRootFileSystem {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    process {
        $fses = Sync-String "" | 
        ConvertFrom-Json | 
        ForEach-Object { $_.index.images.products } | Select-String 'amd64:default$' | 
        ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '^(?<distro>[^:]+):(?<release>[^:]+):.*', '${distro},"${release}"' } | 
        ConvertFrom-Csv -Header Os, Release

        if ($Name.Length -gt 0) {
            $fses = $fses | Where-Object {
                foreach ($pattern in $Name) {
                    if ($_.Os -ilike $pattern) {
                        return $true
                return $false
            if ($null -eq $fses) {
                throw [UnknownDistributionException]::new($Name)

        return $fses

Export-ModuleMember New-WslRootFileSystem
Export-ModuleMember Sync-File
Export-ModuleMember Sync-WslRootFileSystem
Export-ModuleMember Get-WslRootFileSystem
Export-ModuleMember Remove-WslRootFileSystem
Export-ModuleMember Get-LXDRootFileSystem
Export-ModuleMember New-WslRootFileSystemHash

# add update and rename methods
# add method to change metadata
# add checksums