<Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04">
<Obj RefId="0"> <TN RefId="0"> <T>Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSRepositoryItemInfo</T> <T>System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject</T> <T>System.Object</T> </TN> <MS> <S N="Name">WriteToLogs</S> <Version N="Version">1.0.19</Version> <S N="Type">Module</S> <S N="Description">A collection of fuctions to simplify logging output in a variety of formats, which includes: _x000D__x000A_a) Logging simultaneously to the console and a specified log file; _x000D__x000A_b) Logging to the console and a log file with a time-stamp index at each line; _x000D__x000A_c) Logging output to only the specified log file._x000D__x000A_The Write-ToConsoleAndLog function displays the specified content on both the PowerShell console and an included log file._x000D__x000A_The Write-WithTime function displays the specified output on both the PowerShell console and an included log file, with a time index at each line of output._x000D__x000A_The Write-ToLogOnly function writes the specified content only to the inlcuded file._x000D__x000A_The function here is similar to using the native ...| Out-File -FilePath <path> syntax</S> <S N="Author">prestopa</S> <S N="CompanyName">pkparsard</S> <S N="Copyright">(c) 2016 prestopa. All rights reserved.</S> <DT N="PublishedDate">2016-07-11T04:07:55-04:00</DT> <Nil N="InstalledDate" /> <Nil N="UpdatedDate" /> <URI N="LicenseUri">https://mitlicense.org/</URI> <Nil N="ProjectUri" /> <Nil N="IconUri" /> <Obj N="Tags" RefId="1"> <TN RefId="1"> <T>System.Object[]</T> <T>System.Array</T> <T>System.Object</T> </TN> <LST> <S>Write</S> <S>Logs</S> <S>PSModule</S> </LST> </Obj> <Obj N="Includes" RefId="2"> <TN RefId="2"> <T>System.Collections.Hashtable</T> <T>System.Object</T> </TN> <DCT> <En> <S N="Key">Function</S> <Obj N="Value" RefId="3"> <TNRef RefId="1" /> <LST> <S>Write-ToConsoleAndLog</S> <S>Write-WithTime</S> <S>Write-ToLogOnly</S> </LST> </Obj> </En> <En> <S N="Key">RoleCapability</S> <Obj N="Value" RefId="4"> <TNRef RefId="1" /> <LST /> </Obj> </En> <En> <S N="Key">Command</S> <Obj N="Value" RefId="5"> <TNRef RefId="1" /> <LST> <S>Write-ToConsoleAndLog</S> <S>Write-WithTime</S> <S>Write-ToLogOnly</S> </LST> </Obj> </En> <En> <S N="Key">DscResource</S> <Obj N="Value" RefId="6"> <TNRef RefId="1" /> <LST /> </Obj> </En> <En> <S N="Key">Workflow</S> <Obj N="Value" RefId="7"> <TNRef RefId="1" /> <LST /> </Obj> </En> <En> <S N="Key">Cmdlet</S> <Obj N="Value" RefId="8"> <TNRef RefId="1" /> <LST /> </Obj> </En> </DCT> </Obj> <Nil N="PowerShellGetFormatVersion" /> <S N="ReleaseNotes">Removed the AzureAutomationNotSupported tag</S> <Obj N="Dependencies" RefId="9"> <TNRef RefId="1" /> <LST /> </Obj> <S N="RepositorySourceLocation">https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/</S> <S N="Repository">PSGallery</S> <S N="PackageManagementProvider">NuGet</S> <Obj N="AdditionalMetadata" RefId="10"> <TNRef RefId="2" /> <DCT> <En> <S N="Key">releaseNotes</S> <S N="Value">Removed the AzureAutomationNotSupported tag</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">versionDownloadCount</S> <S N="Value">71</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">ItemType</S> <S N="Value">Module</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">copyright</S> <S N="Value">(c) 2016 prestopa. All rights reserved.</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">CompanyName</S> <S N="Value">Unknown</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">tags</S> <S N="Value">Write Logs PSModule PSFunction_Write-ToConsoleAndLog PSCommand_Write-ToConsoleAndLog PSFunction_Write-WithTime PSCommand_Write-WithTime PSFunction_Write-ToLogOnly PSCommand_Write-ToLogOnly PSIncludes_Function</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">created</S> <S N="Value">7/11/2016 04:07:55 -04:00</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">description</S> <S N="Value">A collection of fuctions to simplify logging output in a variety of formats, which includes: _x000D__x000A_a) Logging simultaneously to the console and a specified log file; _x000D__x000A_b) Logging to the console and a log file with a time-stamp index at each line; _x000D__x000A_c) Logging output to only the specified log file._x000D__x000A_The Write-ToConsoleAndLog function displays the specified content on both the PowerShell console and an included log file._x000D__x000A_The Write-WithTime function displays the specified output on both the PowerShell console and an included log file, with a time index at each line of output._x000D__x000A_The Write-ToLogOnly function writes the specified content only to the inlcuded file._x000D__x000A_The function here is similar to using the native ...| Out-File -FilePath <path> syntax</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">published</S> <S N="Value">7/11/2016 04:07:55 -04:00</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">developmentDependency</S> <S N="Value">False</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">NormalizedVersion</S> <S N="Value">1.0.19</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">downloadCount</S> <S N="Value">390</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">GUID</S> <S N="Value">a3fe747a-6784-4719-8ba5-fe6217c1d142</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">updated</S> <S N="Value">2016-09-28T17:58:11Z</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">isLatestVersion</S> <S N="Value">True</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">IsPrerelease</S> <S N="Value">false</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">isAbsoluteLatestVersion</S> <S N="Value">True</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">packageSize</S> <S N="Value">13397</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">FileList</S> <S N="Value">WriteToLogs.nuspec|WriteToLogs.psd1|WriteToLogs.psm1|temp\WriteToLogs.psd1|temp\WriteToLogs.psm1</S> </En> <En> <S N="Key">requireLicenseAcceptance</S> <S N="Value">True</S> </En> </DCT> </Obj> <S N="InstalledLocation">C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\WriteToLogs\1.0.19</S> </MS> </Obj> </Objs> |