
# Author: K Lakshmi VidyaSagar
# Email: Sagar.PSM1@Gmail.Com
# Version: 1.0
# Purpose: To Maintain logs
# Initial creation date: 16-Jan-2017 11:51 PM
# Last modified date: 16-Jan-2017 11:51 PM
function New-WriteLogObject
            Create a log object instance
            This command allows you to create a log object which can be given in the command Write-Log. This object contains the information like file directory/name and fully qualified file path.
        .PARAMETER LogsDirectory
            The directory where the log file should be created.
        .PARAMETER Filename_Prefix
            Specifies the prefix of the file name. For example if you specify the input as "ServerReboot" then the log file name shall be "ServerReboot_16_01_2018_17_22_15.txt" where _16_01_2018_17_22_15 is the date_month_Year_24Hours_Min_seconds
        .PARAMETER Filename_Prefix
            To this prameter you can specify the command name which is being utilizied. This input appears in the log file header secion. For an example please navigate to examples section.
            $LogObject = New-WriteLogObject -LogsDirectory $env:TEMP -Filename_Prefix ServerReboot -Calling_Command Start-ServerReboot
            Once you output the content of the $LogObject you can find something like below. For more information about each prameter please look for help on each parameter.
            FileName : ServerReboot_16_01_2018_17_22_15.txt
            FileDirectory : C:\Users\SJyo\AppData\Local\Temp
            FileFQN : C:\Users\SJyo\AppData\Local\Temp\ServerReboot_16_01_2018_17_22_15.txt
            $LogObject = New-WriteLogObject -LogsDirectory "C:\InvalidPath" -Filename_Prefix ServerReboot -Calling_Command Start-ServerReboot
            In this example the directory "InvalidPath" doesn't exists in C:\ but when I run the command the script will create a folder and a logfile in it. If the object wasn't created successfully because of any issue(like access denied..etc) then you will get $fase as a return statement from the command.

    $Start_TimeStamp = ([String](Get-Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() -Format "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss")+" UTC")
    if(!(Test-Path $LogsDirectory))
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $LogsDirectory -Force | Out-Null
            $Err = $_
            Write-Error $Err
        if($Filename_Prefix -match "\s")
            Write-Warning "Your input for file name contains spaces which will be replaced by an underscore '_'"
            $Filename_Prefix = $Filename_Prefix -replace "\s","_"
        $Filename_Postfix = (Get-Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() -Format "dd_MM_yyyy_HH_mm_ss")
        $FileName = [String]($Filename_Prefix+"_"+$Filename_Postfix+".txt")
        $FilePath = Join-Path $LogsDirectory -ChildPath $FileName
        $WhoWhenWhat = @"
|Script Started By : $ENV:USERNAME
|Script Start Time : $Start_TimeStamp
|Command Name : $Calling_Command
|Computer Name : $Env:Computername

        New-Item -ItemType File -Path $LogsDirectory -Name $FileName  -ea 1| Out-Null
        Return $false
        $WriteLogObject = New-Object PSObject
        $WriteLogObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FileName" $FileName
        $WriteLogObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FileDirectory" $LogsDirectory
        $WriteLogObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FileFQN" $FilePath
        Add-Content -Value $WhoWhenWhat -Path $FilePath
        Return $WriteLogObject
function Write-Log
        Writes the given information/warning/ Error string input to the log file
        This command allows you to...
        1. Write the provided string to the log file
        2. If you wish to display the same text on the screen as well then you can do that too
        3. All types of logs are colore coded. For example the Information kind of text will be displayed in Green, warning in yellow and obvisouly the errors are displayed in Red.
        4. Every feed to the log file will be timestamped in UTC
        5. If you wish to add a command output as well to the log file along with your comments, yes you can.
        For more practical examples please navigate to -Examples secion.
    .PARAMETER Message
        This parameter allows you to input the text which you would like to log
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        Get the returned results from the command New-WriteLogObject. Parse this variable as InputObject. For more information please navigate to help system of New-WriteLogObject command.
    .PARAMETER LogEntryType
        This parameter accepts only one of the input among ("Information","Warning","Error"). Please specify your message type.
    .PARAMETER WriteToScreenAsWell
        If you specify this switch the message will be displayed on the screen as well; this is colore coded. This cmdlet is capable to print to screen even from a child thread as well.
    .PARAMETER ContentObject
        When you have some results in otherhand and you wish to log even those results as well then you can input them to this parameter.
        $LogObject = New-WriteLogObject -LogsDirectory $env:TEMP -Filename_Prefix ServerReboot -Calling_Command Start-ServerReboot
        PS C:\>Write-Log -Message "Trying to connect to the server" -Inputobject $LogObject -LogEntryType Information -WriteToScreenAsWell
            16-01-2018 18:02:35 UTC, INF : Trying to connect to the server
            1. Before you consume the Write-Log you should have the log object which you can get from New-WriteLogObject command.
            2. The log file content looks like this
                |Script Started By : KLakshmiVidyaSagar
                |Script Start Time : 16-01-2018 18:00:51 UTC
                |Command Name : Start-ServerReboot
                |Computer Name : Host1
                16-01-2018 18:02:08 UTC, INF : Trying to connect to the server
        Write-Log -Message "The blow are the results of Dns service" -Inputobject $a -LogEntryType Information -WriteToScreenAsWell -ContentObject (Get-Content D:\Desktop\tempfile.txt)
        16-01-2018 20:02:35 UTC, INF : The blow are the results of Dns service
        And the log file look like,
        |Script Started By : KLakshmiVidyaSagar
        |Script Start Time : 16-01-2018 18:12:49 UTC
        |Command Name : Start-ServerReboot
        |Computer Name : Host1
        16-01-2018 18:16:25 UTC, INF : The blow are the results of Dns service
        Name : Dnscache
        RequiredServices : {nsi, Tdx}
        CanPauseAndContinue : False
        CanShutdown : False
        CanStop : True
        DisplayName : DNS Client
        DependentServices : {NcaSvc}
        MachineName : .
        ServiceName : Dnscache
        ServicesDependedOn : {nsi, Tdx}
        ServiceHandle :
        Status : Running
        ServiceType : Win32OwnProcess
        StartType : Automatic
        Site :
        Container :

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("Information","Warning","Error")][String]$LogEntryType,
        if(!(Test-Path $Inputobject.FileFQN))
            Write-Error ("Cannot find the file name "+$Inputobject.FileFQN+" and hence cannot proceed further")
        $Current_ForeGround_Color = [Console]::ForegroundColor
        [String]$TimStamp = [String](Get-Date (get-date).ToUniversalTime() -Format "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss UTC")
        if($LogEntryType -eq "Information"){ $LogEntryType_Short = "INF" }
        elseif($LogEntryType -eq "Warning"){ $LogEntryType_Short = "WAR" }
        else{ $LogEntryType_Short = "ERR" }
        $Message_ = ($TimStamp+", "+$LogEntryType_Short+" : "+$Message)
        if($LogEntryType_Short -eq "INF")
                [Console]::ForegroundColor = "Green"
        elseif($LogEntryType_Short -eq "WAR")
                [Console]::ForegroundColor = "Yellow"
                [Console]::ForegroundColor = "Red"
        Add-Content -Value $Message_ -Path $Inputobject.FileFQN
            Add-Content -Value "`n" -Path $Inputobject.FileFQN
            Add-Content -Value $ContentObject -Path $Inputobject.FileFQN
            Add-Content -Value "`n" -Path $Inputobject.FileFQN
        [Console]::ForegroundColor = $Current_ForeGround_Color