
RootModule = 'Write-Log.psm1'
ModuleVersion = '1.2'
GUID = 'b5b276dd-b1ab-4083-b4d5-1bd60b75a1bb'
Author = 'Brice FOURIE'
CompanyName = 'None'
Copyright = '(c) 2019 Brice FOURIE. Tous droits réservés.'
Description = '
Write-Log is a simple PowerShell Logger for your script.
Write-Log write the log on the console with color (INFO/WARNING : Yellow, SUCCESS : Green,ERROR : Red, DEBUG : DarkYellow)
and create and log file on the execution folder of the script. The default name of the log is YourScriptName_log.txt
Usage :
Write-Log [-errorLevel] {INFO | SUCCESS | WARNING | ERROR | DEBUG} [[-message] <string>] [OPTIONAL[-stack] <string>]
