Set-StrictMode -Version Latest function Write-HtmlNode($node, $indent = '', [switch]$excludeAttributes, [switch]$excludeEmptyElements, [switch]$excludeComments) { if ($excludeEmptyElements -and $node.nodeName -ne '#text' -and $node.nodeName -ne '#comment' -and $node.canHaveChildren -eq $false) { return } if ($excludeComments -and $node.nodeName -eq '#comment') { return } Write-Host $indent -NoNewline if ($node.nodeName -eq '#text') { Write-Host $node.nodeValue -ForegroundColor White return } elseif ($node.nodeName -eq '#comment') { Write-Host $node.OuterHtml -ForegroundColor DarkGreen return } Write-Host '<' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Gray Write-Host $node.nodeName -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Blue if ($excludeAttributes -eq $false) { foreach ($attr in ($node.attributes | ? { $_.Specified })) { Write-Host ' ' -NoNewline Write-Host $attr.name -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host '="' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Gray Write-Host $attr.value -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host '"' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Gray } } if ($node.canHaveChildren -eq $false) { Write-Host ' />' -ForegroundColor Gray return } Write-Host '>' -ForegroundColor Gray $child = $node.firstChild $childIndent = $indent + ' ' while ($child -ne $null) { write-htmlNode $child $childIndent -excludeAttributes:$excludeAttributes -excludeEmptyElements:$excludeEmptyElements -excludeComments:$excludeComments $child = $child.nextSibling } Write-Host $indent -NoNewline Write-Host '</' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Gray Write-Host $node.nodeName -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host '>' -ForegroundColor Gray <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the given HTML node with color .PARAMETER node An HTML node, probably from (Invoke-WebRequest $url).ParsedHtml.documentElement .PARAMETER indent How much of an indent to add before the first node .PARAMETER excludeAttributes Whether to display attributes of the elements .PARAMETER excludeEmptyElements Whether to display elements that cannot have any content .PARAMETER excludeComments Whether to display the HTML comments #> } Export-ModuleMember Write-HtmlNode |