#!/usr/bin/env powershell #requires -Version 3 <#PSScriptInfo .TITLE smartctl-Wrapper .VERSION 1.1.0 .GUID 0ab53c0d-988a-4e5e-aa37-6b3c021b4a7b .AUTHOR Velocet .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT © 2016 Velocet, Icon by Iconic [useiconic.com] .TAGS smartctl smart wrapper S.M.A.R.T .LICENSEURI https://github.com/Velocet/PowerShell/blob/master/LICENSE .PROJECTURI https://github.com/Velocet/PowerShell/ .ICONURI https://github.com/Velocet/PowerShell/raw/master/Velocet/Scripts/Wrapper-smartctl.png .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES 1.1.0 [2016-10-16] Merged pull request, see GitHub (thx Mark!) 1.0.0 [2016-10-08] Initial version Based on: http://stackoverflow.com/a/28570708/6813931/ .DESCRIPTION List attached devices and their S.M.A.R.T values. #> function Get-SMART { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the S.M.A.R.T values for the given device (eg. HDD, SSD, etc.). .DESCRIPTION Outputs the S.M.A.R.T values with the help of smartctl for the given device. For further information refer to the smartmontools homepage. Could and should be used in conjunction with Invoke-SMARTScan. .PARAMETER DeviceName Specifies the name of the device to query. .EXAMPLE Get-SMART /dev/sda | Format-Table Output the S.M.A.R.T values for /dev/sda as a nicely formatted table. .EXAMPLE Invoke-SMARTScan | Get-SMART | ft >DeviceName ID Attribute Flag Value Worst Treshold Type Updated Failing Now Raw >---------- -- --------- ---- ----- ----- -------- ---- ------- ----------- --- >/dev/sda 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f 166 166 006 Pre-fail Always - 0 >/dev/sda 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0032 253 100 036 Old_age Always - 0 >... Output the S.M.A.R.T values for all devices and prints it as a nice table. .INPUTS String .OUTPUTS PSObject .NOTES smartmontools (smartctl) needs to be installed in the standard path ($env:ProgramFiles) under Windows. smartmontools could be obtained via Chocolatey (choco install smartmontools) on Windows, from smartmontools.org or your preferred package manager on Linux/macOS. Values that should be monitored if looking for failing HDDs (does not apply to SSDs) are: ID Attribute --- --------- 5 Reallocated Sectors Count 187 Reported Uncorrectable Errors 188 Command Timeout 197 Current Pending Sector Count 198 Uncorrectable Sector Count .LINK https://github.com/velocet/PowerShell/blob/master/Velocet/Scripts/Wrapper-smartctl.ps1 .LINK https://smartmontools.org/ .COMPONENT smartctl #> [OutputType([PSObject])] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, HelpMessage='Device Name (eg. /dev/sda)' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('Dev')] [string[]]$DeviceName ) process { foreach ($Device in $DeviceName) { # Get the S.M.A.R.T values try { if ($env:OS -like 'Windows_NT') { $Drive = [string[]](& "$env:ProgramFiles\smartmontools\bin\smartctl.exe" -A $Device) | Select-Object -Skip 7 } # Windows else { $Drive = [string[]](& smartctl -A $Device) | Select-Object -Skip 7 } # Obscure other OS } catch [Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] { Write-Error -Message 'Smartmontools not installed in the default directory!' Write-Error -Message 'Install smartmontools from https://smartmontools.org/ or create a symbolic link if smartmontools is not installed in the default directory:' Write-Error -Message 'PS> New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name "$env:ProgramFiles\smartmontools" -Target "PATH\TO\SMARTMONTOOLS"' } # Catch Windows Command Not Found Exception catch { Write-Error -Message 'Smartmontools not installed or not accessible!' } # Catch Linux/macOS Command Not Found Exception foreach ($item in $Drive) { if ($item -Match '^\s*(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\d-]+)\s+([\w-]+)\s+(\w+)\s+([\w-]+)\s+(\d+)') { $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Device' = $Device 'ID' = $matches[1] 'Attribute' = $matches[2] 'Flag' = $matches[3] 'Value' = $matches[4] 'Worst' = $matches[5] 'Treshold' = $matches[6] 'Type' = $matches[7] 'Updated' = $matches[8] 'Failing Now' = $matches[9] 'Raw' = $matches[10] } Write-Output -InputObject $obj } #End if } #End foreach Item } # End foreach Device } #End process } #End function function Invoke-SMARTScan { <# .SYNOPSIS Output all devices (drives) known to smartctl. .DESCRIPTION Output the name and type of the attached devices available to smartctl. .EXAMPLE Invoke-SMARTScan >DeviceName DeviceType >---------- ---------- >/dev/sda ata >/dev/sdb scsi >/dev/sdc scsi >/dev/csmi0,0 ata Output a list of all devices with their name and type. .EXAMPLE Invoke-SMARTScan | Get-SMART | ft Output the S.M.A.R.T values for all devices and print it as a nice table. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Invoke-SMARTScan. .OUTPUTS PSObject. .NOTES smartmontools (smartctl) needs to be installed in the standard path ($env:ProgramFiles) under Windows. smartmontools could obtained via Chocolatey (choco install smartmontools) on Windows, from smartmontools.org or your preferred package manager on Linux/macOS. .LINK https://github.com/velocet/PowerShell/blob/master/Velocet/Scripts/Wrapper-smartctl.ps1 .LINK https://smartmontools.org/ .COMPONENT smartctl #> try { if ($env:OS -like 'Windows_NT') { $Scan = & "$env:ProgramFiles\smartmontools\bin\smartctl.exe" --scan } # Windows else { $Scan = & smartctl --scan } # Obscure other OS } catch [Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] { Write-Error -Message 'Smartmontools not installed in the default directory!' Write-Error -Message 'Install smartmontools from https://smartmontools.org/ or create a symbolic link if smartmontools is not installed in the default directory:' Write-Error -Message 'PS> New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name "$env:ProgramFiles\smartmontools" -Target "PATH\TO\SMARTMONTOOLS"' } # Catch Windows Command Not Found Exception catch { Write-Error -Message 'Smartmontools not installed or not accessible!' } # Catch Linux/macOS Command Not Found Exception foreach ($Device in $Scan) { $Device = $Device.Split() $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'DeviceName' = $Device[0] 'Type' = $Device[2] } Write-Output -InputObject $obj } # End foreach Device } |