function Write-PSLog { param( [ValidateSet('Info', 'Warn', 'Error', 'Start', 'End', IgnoreCase = $false)] [string]$Severity = 'Info', [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Message, [ValidateScript({ if (-not ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Container -IsValid)) { throw 'Path is not a valid directory.' } return $true })] [string]$LogDirectory = 'C:\PSLogDir', [ValidateScript({ if (-not ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Leaf -IsValid)) { throw 'LogFileName is not a valid.' } return $true })] [string]$LogFileName = 'PSLogFile.json', [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$LastException = $_ ) #Identify User run as account by Home directory $User = $HOME | Split-Path -Leaf $Metadata = [PSCustomObject]@{ Invoking_User = $User } $CallStackDepth = 0 $FullCallStack = Get-PSCallStack $CallingFunction = $FullCallStack[1].FunctionName $LogObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ Timestamp = (Get-Date).ToString() Severity = $Severity CallingFunction = $CallingFunction Message = $Message Metadata = $Metadata } if ($Severity -eq 'Error') { if ($LastException.ErrorRecord) { #PSCore Error $LastError = $LastException.ErrorRecord } else { #PS 5.1 Error $LastError = $LastException } if ($LastException.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Version) { $Version = $LastError.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Version.ToString() } $LastErrorObject = @{ 'ExceptionMessage' = $LastError.Exception.Message 'ExceptionSource' = $LastError.Exception.Source 'ExceptionStackTrace' = $LastError.Exception.StackTrace 'PositionMessage' = $LastError.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage 'InvocationName' = $LastError.InvocationInfo.InvocationName 'MyCommandVersion' = $Version 'ScriptName' = $LastError.InvocationInfo.ScriptName } # $LogObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LastError -Value $LastErrorObject $LogObject.psobject.Members.Add([psnoteproperty]::new('LastError',$LastErrorObject)) $FullCallStackWithoutLogFunction = $FullCallStack | ForEach-Object { #loop through all the objects in the callstack result. #excluding the 0 position of the call stack which would represent this Write-PSLog function. if ($CallStackDepth -gt 0) { [PSCustomObject]@{ CallStackDepth = $CallStackDepth ScriptLineNumber = $_.ScriptLineNumber FunctionName = $_.FunctionName ScriptName = $_.ScriptName Location = $_.Location Command = $_.Command Arguments = $_.Arguments } } $CallStackDepth++ } # $LogObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FullCallStackDump -Value $FullCallStackWithoutLogFunction $LogObject.psobject.Members.Add([psnoteproperty]::new('FullCallStackDump',$FullCallStackWithoutLogFunction)) $WriteHostColor = @{ForegroundColor = 'Red'} } if (-not (Test-Path -Path $LogDirectory -PathType Container)) {$null = New-Item -Path $LogDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force} $LogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $LogDirectory -ChildPath $LogFileName $LogObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2 | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath -Append -Encoding utf8 Write-Host "$($LogObject.Timestamp) Sev=$($LogObject.Severity) CallingFunction=$($LogObject.CallingFunction) `n $($LogObject.Message)" @WriteHostColor if ($Severity -eq 'Error') {throw $LastException} } |