function Invoke-ChocoUpgradeAll { <# .SYNOPSIS Upgrades all outdated Chocolatey packages. .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-ChocoUpgradeAll function checks for outdated Chocolatey packages and optionally upgrades them. It requires Chocolatey to be installed and accessible in the system PATH. .PARAMETER CheckOnly If specified, the function will only check for outdated packages without performing any upgrades. .EXAMPLE Invoke-ChocoUpgradeAll This example checks for outdated Chocolatey packages and upgrades them. .EXAMPLE Invoke-ChocoUpgradeAll -CheckOnly This example only checks for outdated packages without upgrading them. .INPUTS None You cannot pipe input to this function. .OUTPUTS Dependent on the Chocolatey command output. If -CheckOnly is specified, outputs the list of outdated packages. Otherwise, it outputs the results of the upgrade process. .NOTES This function requires Chocolatey to be installed on the system and throws an error if 'choco.exe' is not found. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter()] [switch]$CheckOnly ) try { Write-Verbose 'Checking for choco.exe' $null = Get-Command -Name choco -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning 'Unable to locate choco.exe, is it installed?' throw $_ } Write-Verbose 'Checking outdated choco apps using "choco outdated --limit-output"' $UpgradeApps = choco outdated --limit-output | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter '|' -Header Name, Version, NewVersion, Pinned | Select-Object -Property Name, @{n = 'Version'; e = { $_.Version -as [version] } }, @{n = 'NewVersion'; e = { $_.NewVersion -as [version] } } if ($UpgradeApps.Count) { $message = "Chocolatey can upgrade $($UpgradeApps.Count) packages." Write-Output $message if ($CheckOnly) { return $UpgradeApps } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($message, 'Perform upgrades')) { Write-Verbose "Installing choco upgrades using 'choco upgrade --no-progress --limit-output $($UpgradeApps.Name -join ' ')'" $CounterValue = 0 $StartTime = [DateTime]::Now foreach ($UpApp in $UpgradeApps.Name) { $CounterValue++ Write-MyProgress -StartTime $StartTime -Object $UpgradeApps.Name -CounterValue $CounterValue choco.exe upgrade --no-progress --limit-output $UpApp } Write-MyProgress -Completed } } } else { Write-Output 'All choco apps are up to date' } } |