.SYNOPSIS Parse the specified version and create a fix version when needed. .DESCRIPTION When a 4-part version number is used by the software authors, there may be a little hard at times to push out an updated version by manually creating the fix version. This script helps out with this when both a 4-part version is used, and when a prerelease have been passed. .PARAMETER Version The version number to parse for a fix version .PARAMETER OnlyFixBelowVersion The version to stop adding fix versions to (in case of padding revision number) .PARAMETER AppendRevisionLength The number of zeros to append the revision number with, before adding the fix number (defaults to 1). .PARAMETER NuspecFile The nuspec metadata file to parse for the existing version information (defaults to '.\*.nuspec') .OUTPUTS Will output the full version number with a fix number when a 4-part version have been specified. .OUTPUTS Will append the date to any pre-release versions. .OUTPUTS Will just return the same version number if no fix is needed, or when the version number isn't a 4-part version. .EXAMPLE Get-FixVersion -Version '' will output `` if the nuspec version is equal to `` or `` and `$global:au_Force` is set to `$true` .EXAMPLE Get-FixVersion -Version '5.0-beta' will output `5.0-beta-20171123` (the current date) .NOTES While the parameter `NuspecFile` accepts globbing patterns, it is expected to only match a single file. .LINK #> function Get-FixVersion() { param( [ValidateScript( { Test-ValidVersion -Version $_ })] [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Version, [string]$OnlyFixBelowVersion = $null, [Alias("AppendZeroes")] [int]$AppendRevisionLength = 1, [SupportsWildcards()] [string]$NuspecFile = "./*.nuspec" ) function appendRevision { param($version, [int]$appendRevisionLength, [int]$existingRevision) [string]$newVersion = $version for ($i = $appendRevisionLength; $i -gt 0; $i--) { $newVersion += "0" } [int]$revision = $existingRevision + 1 return $newVersion + $revision } function getExistingRevision { param($version, $existingVersion) $revision = $existingVersion -replace "^$version" if ($revision -match '^\d+$' -and $global:au_Force -eq $true) { return [int]$revision } elseif ($revision -match "^\d+$") { return ([int]$revision) - 1 } elseif ($version -eq $existingVersion) { return 0 } else { return -1 } } if ($Version -match "^\d+(\.\d+){1,2}$") { return $Version } $NuspecFile = Resolve-Path $NuspecFile $existingVersion = Get-NuspecMetadata -nuspecFile $NuspecFile | ForEach-Object version if ($existingVersion -eq $Version -and $global:au_Force -ne $true) { return $Version } if ($Version -like '*-*') { [version]$mainVersion = $Version -split "-" | Select-Object -First 1 $preRelease = "-" + ($Version -split "-" | Select-Object -First 1 -Skip 1) } else { [version]$mainVersion = $Version $preRelease = "" } if ($OnlyFixBelowVersion) { if ($OnlyFixBelowVersion -like '*-*') { [version]$belowVersion = $OnlyFixBelowVersion -split "-" | Select-Object -First 1 $belowPreRelease = "-" + ($OnlyFixBelowVersion -split "-" | Select-Object -First 1 -Skip 1) } else { [version]$belowVersion = $OnlyFixBelowVersion $belowPreRelease = "" } if ($mainVersion -ge $belowVersion -and ($preRelease -ge $belowPreRelease)) { if (!$preRelease -and ([string]$existingVersion).StartsWith($mainVersion)) { return $existingVersion }elseif (([string]$existingVersion).StartsWith("${mainVersion}${preRelease}")) { if ($global:au_Force -ne $true) { return $existingVersion } }else { return $Version } } elseif ($mainVersion -eq $belowVersion -and !$preRelease -and $belowVersion) { if (([string]$existingVersion).StartsWith($mainVersion)) { return $existingVersion } else { return $Version } } } if (!($preRelease)) { $existingRevision = getExistingRevision -version $Version -existingVersion $existingVersion return appendRevision ` -version $mainVersion ` -existingRevision $existingRevision ` -appendRevisionLength $AppendRevisionLength } else { return ([string]$mainVersion) + $preRelease + "-" + (Get-Date -UFormat "{0:yyyyMMdd}") } } |