
    Send data to web service

    This script sends data to a web service using the specified URI and request body. It supports converting the body to different formats such as HTML, JSON, and XML. The script is designed to be used as a runbook and should not be run directly.

    The URI of the web service to send the request to.

    The request body to send to the web service.

    Optional. Additional parameters to include in the web request.

    Optional. The format to convert the request body to. Supported values are 'Html', 'Json', 'Xml', where 'Json' is the default.

.PARAMETER ConvertToParam
    Optional. Additional parameters to pass to the conversion cmdlets.

    The response from the web service.

    PS> Submit-Auto_Webhook -Uri '' -Body 'Hello, world!' -ConvertTo 'Json'

    Sends a JSON-formatted request body to the specified URI.

function Submit-Auto_Webhook {
        [Parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        [String]$ConvertTo = 'Json',

    Write-Auto_FunctionBegin $MyInvocation

    $WebRequestParams = if ($Param) { $Param.Clone() } else { @{} }
    $WebRequestParams.Uri = $Uri

    if (-Not $WebRequestParams.Method) { $WebRequestParams.Method = 'POST' }
    if (-Not $WebRequestParams.UseBasicParsing) { $WebRequestParams.UseBasicParsing = $true }

    $ConvertToParams = if ($ConvertToParam) { $ConvertToParam.Clone() } else { @{} }

    Switch ($ConvertTo) {
        'Html' {
            $WebRequestParams.Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Html @ConvertToParams
        'Json' {
            if ($null -eq $ConvertToParams.Depth) { $ConvertToParams.Depth = 100 }
            if ($null -eq $ConvertToParams.Compress) { $ConvertToParams.Compress = $true }
            $WebRequestParams.Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json @ConvertToParams
        'Xml' {
            if ($null -eq $ConvertToParams.Depth) { $ConvertToParams.Depth = 100 }
            $WebRequestParams.Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Xml @ConvertToParams
        default {
            $WebRequestParams.Body = $Body

    $return = Invoke-WebRequest @WebRequestParams

    Write-Auto_FunctionEnd $MyInvocation
    return $return