function Initialize-Auto_RuntimeEnvironment { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', '', Justification = 'GlobalVars required to restore ConfirmPreference after module was removed.')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'Function must run unattended during module import.')] param() if ($null -eq $IsAzureAutomationJob) { $params = @{ Scope = 'Script' Name = 'IsAzureAutomationJob' Value = $null -ne $PSPrivateMetadata.JobId Option = 'ReadOnly' Description = 'PowerShell is running as an Azure Automation job that can either be in the cloud or on a hybrid worker.' } Write-Debug "Setting variable 'IsAzureAutomationJob' to $($params.Value)." Set-Variable @params [void] $Script:ModuleMemberExport.Variable.Add('IsAzureAutomationJob') } if ($null -eq $IsAzureAutomationSandbox) { $params = @{ Scope = 'Script' Name = 'IsAzureAutomationSandbox' Value = $IsAzureAutomationJob -and [System.Environment]::MachineName -like 'SANDBOXHOST-*' Option = 'ReadOnly' Description = 'PowerShell is running as an Azure Automation job in the cloud.' } Write-Debug "Setting variable 'IsAzureAutomationSandbox' to $($params.Value)." Set-Variable @params [void] $Script:ModuleMemberExport.Variable.Add('IsAzureAutomationSandbox') } if ($null -eq $IsAzureAutomationHybridWorker) { $params = @{ Scope = 'Script' Name = 'IsAzureAutomationHybridWorker' Value = $IsAzureAutomationJob -and -not $IsAzureAutomationSandbox Option = 'ReadOnly' Description = 'PowerShell is running as an Azure Automation job on a hybrid worker.' } Write-Debug "Setting variable 'IsAzureAutomationHybridWorker' to $($params.Value)." Set-Variable @params [void] $Script:ModuleMemberExport.Variable.Add('IsAzureAutomationHybridWorker') } if ($null -eq $IsContainerized) { $params = @{ Scope = 'Script' Name = 'IsContainerized' Value = ( $IsAzureAutomationSandbox -or # Azure Automation sandbox hosts are containerized $IsAzureAutomationHybridWorker -or # Azure Automation hybrid workers are containerized $env:POWERSHELL_DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL -like 'PSDocker*' -or # Official PowerShell images set this environment variable $env:DOTNET_RUNNING_IN_CONTAINER -or # .NET 6.0+ sets this environment variable $env:DOTNET_RUNNING_IN_CONTAINERS -or # .NET 6.0+ sets this environment variable $env:REMOTE_CONTAINERS -or # Visual Studio Code Remote Containers sets this environment variable $env:GITHUB_CODESPACES -or # GitHub Codespaces sets this environment variable $env:AWS_CLOUD9_USER -or # AWS Cloud9 sets this environment variable $env:DOCKER_CONTAINER -or # Some Docker images set this environment variable $env:KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST -or # Kubernetes sets this environment variable $env:CONTAINER -or # Some container runtimes set this environment variable $env:container -or # Some container runtimes set this environment variable ($PID -eq 1) -or # Check if the process is running as PID 1 (Test-Path '/.dockerenv') -or # Docker containers often have this file (Test-Path '/.dockerinit') -or # Docker containers often have this file (older versions) ( (Test-Path '/proc/1/cgroup') -and ( (Get-Content '/proc/1/cgroup' | Select-String 'docker') -or # Check if the process is running inside Docker (Get-Content '/proc/1/cgroup' | Select-String '/lxc/') # Check if the process is running inside LXC ) ) ) Option = 'ReadOnly' Description = 'PowerShell is running in a container environment.' } Write-Debug "Setting variable 'IsContainerized' to $($params.Value)." Set-Variable @params [void] $Script:ModuleMemberExport.Variable.Add('IsContainerized') } switch -Regex (@([System.Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs())) { '(?i)^-NonI(n(t(e(r(a(c(t(i(ve?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?$' { if ($null -eq $IsNonUserInteractive) { $params = @{ Scope = 'Script' Name = 'IsNonUserInteractive' Value = $true Option = 'ReadOnly' Description = 'PowerShell was explicitly started in non-interactive user mode' } Write-Debug "Setting variable 'IsNonUserInteractive' to $($params.Value)." Set-Variable @params [void] $Script:ModuleMemberExport.Variable.Add('IsNonUserInteractive') } continue } } if ($null -eq $IsNonUserInteractive) { $params = @{ Scope = 'Script' Name = 'IsNonUserInteractive' Value = $IsAzureAutomationJob -or $null -eq [System.Environment]::UserInteractive Option = 'ReadOnly' Description = 'PowerShell was set into non-interactive user mode' } Write-Debug "Setting variable 'IsNonUserInteractive' to $($params.Value)." Set-Variable @params [void] $Script:ModuleMemberExport.Variable.Add('IsNonUserInteractive') } if ($null -eq $IsUserInteractive) { $params = @{ Scope = 'Script' Name = 'IsUserInteractive' Value = $IsNonUserInteractive -eq $false Option = 'ReadOnly' Description = 'PowerShell is running in user interactive mode' } Write-Debug "Setting variable 'IsUserInteractive' to $($params.Value)." Set-Variable @params [void] $Script:ModuleMemberExport.Variable.Add('IsUserInteractive') } if ($null -eq $PSModuleAutoloadingPreference) { $params = @{ Scope = 'Script' Name = 'PSModuleAutoloadingPreference' Value = if ($IsAzureAutomationJob) { 'ModuleQualified' } else { 'All' } Option = 'ReadOnly' Description = 'In Azure Automation, modules must be explicitly imported using Import-Auto_Module so verbose output can be controlled.' } Write-Debug "Setting variable 'PSModuleAutoloadingPreference' to $($params.Value)." Set-Variable @params [void] $Script:ModuleMemberExport.Variable.Add('PSModuleAutoloadingPreference') } Remove-Variable params -ErrorAction Ignore if ( $IsNonUserInteractive -and $null -eq $Global:PreAzAModule_ConfirmPreference ) { Write-Debug "Setting $ConfirmPreference to 'None' for non-interactive user mode." if ($null -ne $Global:ConfirmPreference) { $Global:PreAzAModule_ConfirmPreference = $Global:ConfirmPreference } $Global:ConfirmPreference = 'None' # Set directly to avoid deletion when module is removed so we can restore it. } } |