<# .SYNOPSIS This command checks if Azure role assignments are active for the current user. .DESCRIPTION This command is used to validate Azure role assignments for the current user. It checks if the roles are assigned directly to the current user or if they are assigned transitively through groups. Also, it checks if the requested roles are included in other higher roles through the role hierarchy. For example, when Reader role is requested, Contributor and Owner roles are also checked. If any mandatory roles are missing, an error is thrown. .PARAMETER Roles The Roles parameter specifies the roles to be checked. It should be a hashtable where the keys represent the scope and the values represent the role definitions. The role definitions can be specified either by RoleDefinitionId or DisplayName. Multiple roles can be specified for the same scope by using an array of role definitions. .EXAMPLE PS> Confirm-Auto_AzRoleActiveAssignment -Roles @{ '/subscriptions/12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/MyStorageAccount' = 'Storage Account Contributor' '/subscriptions/12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/MyWebApp' = @{ DisplayName = 'Contributor' Optional = $true } '/subscriptions/12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/MyWebApp' = @{ RoleDefinitionId = 'b24988ac-6180-42a0-ab88-20f7382dd24c' } } #> function Confirm-Auto_AzRoleActiveAssignment { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] Param( [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [object]$Roles ) Write-Auto_FunctionBegin $MyInvocation Connect-Auto_MgGraph # Connect to Microsoft Graph and implicitly to Azure cloud $missingRoles = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $currentUserId = (Az.Accounts\Get-AzContext).Account.ExtendedProperties.HomeAccountId.Split('.')[0] $currentUserGroups = @((Invoke-Auto_MgGraphRequest @{ Uri = "/v1.0/users/$currentUserId/transitiveMemberOf" }) $return = @{} $cache = @{} $roleHierarchy = [ordered]@{ 'Automation Job Operator' = @{ Id = '4fe576fe-1146-4730-92eb-48519fa6bf9f' Includes = @( @{ Id = 'acdd72a7-3385-48ef-bd42-f606fba81ae7'; DisplayName = 'Reader' } @{ Id = '5fb5aef8-1081-4b8e-bb16-9d5d0385bab5'; DisplayName = 'Automation Runbook Operator' } ) Excludes = @() } 'Automation Operator' = @{ Id = 'd3881f73-407a-4167-8283-e981cbba0404' Includes = @( @{ Id = 'acdd72a7-3385-48ef-bd42-f606fba81ae7'; DisplayName = 'Reader' } @{ Id = '5fb5aef8-1081-4b8e-bb16-9d5d0385bab5'; DisplayName = 'Automation Runbook Operator' } @{ Id = '4fe576fe-1146-4730-92eb-48519fa6bf9f'; DisplayName = 'Automation Job Operator' } ) Excludes = @() } 'Automation Contributor' = @{ Id = 'f353d9bd-d4a6-484e-a77a-8050b599b867' Includes = @( @{ Id = 'acdd72a7-3385-48ef-bd42-f606fba81ae7'; DisplayName = 'Reader' } @{ Id = '4fe576fe-1146-4730-92eb-48519fa6bf9f'; DisplayName = 'Automation Job Operator' } @{ Id = 'd3881f73-407a-4167-8283-e981cbba0404'; DisplayName = 'Automation Operator' } @{ Id = '5fb5aef8-1081-4b8e-bb16-9d5d0385bab5'; DisplayName = 'Automation Runbook Operator' } ) Excludes = @() } Contributor = @{ Id = 'b24988ac-6180-42a0-ab88-20f7382dd24c' Includes = @( @{ Id = '*'; DisplayName = 'AllOtherRoles' } ) Excludes = @( @{ Id = 'f58310d9-a9f6-439a-9e8d-f62e7b41a168'; DisplayName = 'Role Based Access Control Administrator' } @{ Id = '18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9'; DisplayName = 'User Access Administrator' } ) } Owner = @{ Id = '8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635' Includes = @( @{ Id = '*'; DisplayName = 'AllOtherRoles' } ) Excludes = @() } } # Loop through each role and check if it is assigned or missing $Roles.GetEnumerator() | & { process { $Scope = $_.Key $return[$Scope] = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $ScopeRoles = if ($_.Value -is [string[]] -or $_.Value -is [array] -or $_.Value -is [System.Collections.ArrayList]) { $_.Value } elseif ($_.Value -is [string]) { @($_.Value) } else { Write-Error "Invalid type for Azure role definition: $($_.Value.GetType().Name)" -ErrorAction Stop exit } $ScopeRoles | & { process { $Role = if ($_ -is [hashtable]) { $_ } elseif ($_ -is [string]) { if ($_ -match '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$') { @{ RoleDefinitionId = $_ } } else { @{ DisplayName = $_ } } } else { Write-Error "Invalid type for Azure role definition: $($_.GetType().Name)" -ErrorAction Stop exit } if ($null -eq $cache[$Scope]) { $cache[$Scope] = Get-AzRoleAssignment -Scope $Scope -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $found = $cache[$Scope] | Where-Object { $_.ObjectType -eq 'User' -and $_.ObjectId -eq $currentUserId -and ( ($_.RoleDefinitionId -eq $Role.RoleDefinitionId) -or ($_.RoleDefinitionName -eq $Role.DisplayName) ) } if ($found) { Write-Verbose "[COMMON]: - Confirmed direct Azure role assignment: $($Role.DisplayName) ($($Role.RoleDefinitionId)), Scope: $Scope" [void] $return[$Scope].Add($found) return } $found = $cache[$Scope] | Where-Object { $_.ObjectType -eq 'Group' -and $currentUserGroups -contains $_.ObjectId -and ( ($_.RoleDefinitionId -eq $Role.RoleDefinitionId) -or ($_.RoleDefinitionName -eq $Role.DisplayName) ) } if ($found) { Write-Verbose "[COMMON]: - Confirmed transitive Azure role assignment: $($Role.DisplayName) ($($Role.RoleDefinitionId)), Scope: $Scope" [void] $return[$Scope].Add($found) return } else { # Check if the role is included in one of the $roleHierarchy roles above it $higherRoles = $null if ($null -ne $Role.RoleDefinitionId) { $higherRoles = $roleHierarchy.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { ($_.Value.Includes.Id -contains $Role.RoleDefinitionId -or $_.Value.Includes.Id -contains '*') -and $_.Value.Excludes.Id -notcontains $Role.RoleDefinitionId } } if (-not $higherRoles -and $null -ne $Role.DisplayName) { $higherRoles = $roleHierarchy.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { ($_.Value.Includes.DisplayName -contains $Role.DisplayName -or $_.Value.Includes.DisplayName -contains 'AllOtherRoles') -and $_.Value.Excludes.DisplayName -notcontains $Role.DisplayName } } foreach ($entry in $higherRoles) { $higherRoleDisplayName, $higherRole = $entry.Key, $entry.Value Write-Verbose "[COMMON]: - Checking for higher Azure role assignment: $($higherRoleDisplayName) ($($higherRole.Id)), Scope: $Scope" $found = $cache[$Scope] | Where-Object { $_.ObjectType -eq 'User' -and $_.ObjectId -eq $currentUserId -and ( ($_.RoleDefinitionId -eq $higherRole.Id) -or ($_.RoleDefinitionName -eq $higherRoleDisplayName) ) } if ($found) { Write-Verbose "[COMMON]: - Confirmed higher direct Azure role assignment: $($higherRoleDisplayName) ($($higherRole.Id)), Scope: $Scope" [void] $return[$Scope].Add($found) return } $found = $cache[$Scope] | Where-Object { $_.ObjectType -eq 'Group' -and $currentUserGroups -contains $_.ObjectId -and ( ($_.RoleDefinitionId -eq $higherRole.Id) -or ($_.RoleDefinitionName -eq $higherRoleDisplayName) ) } if ($found) { Write-Verbose "[COMMON]: - Confirmed higher transitive Azure role assignment: $($higherRoleDisplayName) ($($higherRole.Id)), Scope: $Scope" [void] $return[$Scope].Add($found) return } } if ($Role.Optional) { Write-Verbose "[COMMON]: - Missing optional Azure role assignment: $($Role.DisplayName) ($($Role.RoleDefinitionId)), Scope: $Scope" } else { [void] $missingRoles.Add(@{ Scope = $Scope; RoleDefinitionId = $Role.RoleDefinitionId; DisplayName = $Role.DisplayName }) } } } } } } # Throw an error if there are missing mandatory active Azure role assignments if ($missingRoles.Count -gt 0) { Write-Error "Missing mandatory Azure role permissions:`n$($missingRoles | ConvertTo-Json)" -ErrorAction Stop exit } Write-Auto_FunctionEnd $MyInvocation return $return } |