param( #Defines the output location for the file [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=0)] [string] $outputFile = "$moduleDataPath\New APIFunctions.ps1", #Defines if the alias is included [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=1)] $includeAlias = $false ) $actionWordsPath = "$PSScriptRoot\actionWords.csv" $unallowedWords = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\unallowedWords.txt" If(Test-Path $outputFile){Remove-Item $outputFile -Force} $doc = Get-O365DomainAdminDoc -domain $Global:O365CurrentConnection.domain $methods = $doc.methods $methodNames = $methods | Get-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name' Function Create-Function($methodName, $method, $outputFile, $actionWordsPath, $unallowedWords, $includeAlias){ $headers = Create-Headers -method $method -methodName $methodName -includeAlias $includeAlias $params = Create-Parameters -parameters $method.parameters $JSON = Create-JSON -parameters $method.parameters -methodName $methodName Add-Content $outputFile ` $headers Add-Content $outputFile ` " Param ( $params ) " Add-Content $outputFile ` " Begin{ #Check to ensure that a connection has been set. Test-HelperO365Connection } Process{ #Create hash table for JSON command `$body = @{ $JSON } " Add-Content $outputFile ` " #Invoke the function Invoke-HelperO365Function -body `$body } } " } Function Create-Headers($method, $methodName, $includeAlias){ $outputs = (Normalize-Outputs -outputs $method.return).trim() $names = Normalize-FunctionName -origName $methodName -actionWordsPath $actionWordsPath -unallowedWords $unallowedWords $normalizedName = $names.normalizedName $normalizedOriginalName = $names.normalizedOriginalName $originalName = $methodName $string = "" $string+= "<# .Synopsis $($method.purpose) .OUTPUTS $outputs .LINK https://wiscmail.wisc.edu/admin/index.php?action=domain-domainadmin_api #> Function $normalizedName{ [CmdletBinding()] " If($normalizedOriginalName){ $string+= " [Alias(`"$normalizedOriginalName`")] " } If($includeAlias){ $string+= " [Alias(`"$originalName`")] " } return $string } Function Create-Parameters($parameters){ $paramNames = $parameters | Get-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name' $paramString = "" $i=0 $j=$paramNames.count Foreach($paramName in $paramNames){ $isRequired = ($parameters.$paramName.required -eq '1') if($paramName -eq "domain"){$isRequired = $false} if($parameters.$paramName.description -like "*|*") { $predefVals = $parameters.$paramName.description.Split("|") | % {"'$_'"} $predefVals = $predefVals -join "," } else {$predefVals = $null} $paramString += "`t`t" + "# " + "$($parameters.$paramName.description)" + "`n" $paramString += "`t`t" + "[Parameter(Mandatory=$" + "$isRequired,Position=$i)]" + "`n" $paramString += if($predefVals){"`t`t"+ "[ValidateSet($predefVals)]" + "`n"} $paramString += "`t`t" + "$" + "$paramName" $paramString += if($paramName -eq "domain"){" = `$Global:O365CurrentConnection.domain"} $paramString += if($i+1 -lt $j){",`n`n"} $i++ } return $paramString } Function Create-JSON($parameters, $methodName){ $paramNames = $parameters | Get-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name' $JSONString = "" $JSONString += "`t`t`t" + '"action" = ' + '"' + $methodName + '";' + "`n" $i=0 $j=$paramNames.count Foreach ($paramName in $paramNames){ $JSONString += "`t`t`t" + '"' + $paramName + '"' + " = " + '"$' + $paramName + '"' $JSONString += if($i+1 -lt $j){";`n"} $i++ } return $JSONString } Function Normalize-FunctionName($origName, $actionWordsPath, $unallowedWords){ #Import the action words $actionWords = Import-Csv $actionWordsPath #Use PowerShell convention "Verb-Noun" $origVerb = $null $verb = $null $noun = $null #Find the verb $match = $false Foreach ($actionWord in $actionWords){ #Compare the method name to the pre-defined action words (verbs) If($origName -like "$($actionWord.originalVerb)*"){ $match = $true #Check if the original verb has an alternate approved verb (which means the original is unapproved) If($actionWord.approvedVerb){ #If so, the verb will be the alternate approved verb, not the original verb $verb = $actionWord.approvedVerb $origVerb = $actionWord.originalVerb } Else{ #Otherwise, the verb is the original verb $verb = $actionWord.originalVerb $origVerb = $actionWord.originalVerb } } } #If the original name isn't like any of the verbs in the list If(!$match){ #Separate at the first capital letter and remove all except the first word $verb = ($origName -creplace '([A-Z\W_]|\d+)(?<![a-z])',' $&') $verb = $verb.Substring(0, $verb.IndexOf(' ')) $origVerb = $verb #Add the verb to the list #Create an object to store the new verb information and add the values $newVerb = New-Object System.Object $newVerb | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "originalVerb" -Value $origVerb $newVerb | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "approvedVerb" -Value "" #Create an object for storing all the verbs and add the existing verbs $allVerbs = @() Foreach ($actionWord in $actionWords){ $allVerbs += $actionWord } #Add the new verb to the list $allVerbs += $newVerb #Export all verbs to the existing CSV file Try{ $allVerbs | Export-Csv -Path $actionWordsPath -NoTypeInformation -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Catch{ Write-Error $_ } } #Trim the original word to get the noun $noun = $origName -replace $origVerb #Check for unallowed words in the noun. If present, at the beginning of the noun, trim them out. Foreach ($unallowedWord in $unallowedWords){ If($noun -like "$unallowedWord*"){ $noun = $noun -replace $unallowedWord } } #Check for special characters in the noun. If present, get rid of them, capitalize the next word, and combine. $noun = $noun -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ' ' $noun = $noun.Trim() if($noun -like '* *'){ $noun = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($noun) $noun = $noun.Replace(' ','') } #Capitalize the first letter of the verbs and noun if($verb) {$verb = $verb.substring(0,1).toupper()+$verb.substring(1)} if($origVerb) {$origVerb = $origVerb.substring(0,1).toupper()+$origVerb.substring(1)} if($noun) {$noun = $noun.substring(0,1).toupper()+$noun.substring(1)} #Create an object to store the names $names = New-Object System.Object #Combine to create the normalized name and add it to the names object $normalizedName = $verb + "-" + "O365" + $noun $names | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name normalizedName -Value $normalizedName #If the verb was changed, create the normalized original name and add it to the names object If($verb -ne $origVerb){ $normalizedOriginalName = $origVerb + "-" + "O365" + $noun $names | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name normalizedOriginalName -Value $normalizedOriginalName } return $names } Function Normalize-Outputs ($outputs){ $string = "" #Get the names of the outputs $outputNames = $outputs | Get-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name' #Get the members of each of the outputs Foreach ($outputName in $outputNames){ $outputMembers = $outputs.$($outputName) #Check if the members have more members $outputSubMemberNames = $outputMembers | Get-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name' If($outputSubMemberNames){ $string += $tab + $outputName $string += "`n`t" $tab += "`t" $string += Normalize-Outputs -outputs $outputMembers } Else{ $string += $tab + $outputName + ": " + $outputMembers $string += "`n`t" } } return $string } Foreach ($methodName in $methodNames){ Create-Function -methodName $methodName -method $methods.$methodName -outputFile $outputFile -actionWordsPath $actionWordsPath -unallowedWords $unallowedWords -includeAlias $includeAlias } |