.Synopsis Gets the documentation for the Domain Admin API, which is what you are viewing right now .OUTPUTS failure: undef success: JSON array with all Domain Admin API documentation .LINK https://wiscmail.wisc.edu/admin/index.php?action=domain-domainadmin_api #> Function Get-O365DomainAdminDoc{ [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # Domain name (e.g. bar.wisc.edu) [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,Position=0)] $domain = $Global:O365CurrentConnection.domain ) Begin{ #Check to ensure that a connection has been set. Test-HelperO365Connection } Process{ #Create hash table for JSON command $body = @{ "action" = "getDomainAdminDoc"; "domain" = "$domain" } #Invoke the function Invoke-HelperO365Function -body $body } } |