
function ConvertFrom-FixedColumnTable {
        Converts string output to psobject
        Converts string output in table format (with header) to psobject
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        Specify the input to convert. Accepts input only via the pipeline
        (winget list) -match '^\p{L}' | ConvertFrom-FixedColumnTable
        This example retrieves all software identified by winget
        The input is assumed to have a header line whose column names to mark the start of each field

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $InputObject
    Begin {
        Set-StrictMode -Version 1
        $LineIndex = 0
         # data line
        $List = @()
    Process {
        $lines = if ($InputObject.Contains("`n")) { $InputObject.TrimEnd("`r", "`n") -split '\r?\n' } else { $InputObject }
            foreach ($line in $lines) {
                Write-Verbose ("LINE [{1}]: {0}" -f $line,$LineIndex)
                if ($LineIndex -eq 1) { 
                    # header line
                    $headerLine = $line 
                elseif ($LineIndex -eq 2 ) { 
                    # separator line
                    # Get the indices where the fields start.
                    $fieldStartIndex = [regex]::Matches($headerLine, '\b\S').Index
                    # Calculate the field lengths.
                    $fieldLengths = foreach ($i in 1..($fieldStartIndex.Count-1)) { 
                    $fieldStartIndex[$i] - $fieldStartIndex[$i - 1] - 1
                    # Get the column names
                    $colNames = foreach ($i in 0..($fieldStartIndex.Count-1)) {
                        if ($i -eq $fieldStartIndex.Count-1) {
                        } else {
                            $headerLine.Substring($fieldStartIndex[$i], $fieldLengths[$i]).Trim()
                else {
                    $i = 0
                    # ordered helper hashtable for object constructions.
                    $ObjectHash = [ordered] @{} 
                    foreach ($colName in $colNames) {
                        Write-Verbose ("COLUMN: {0}" -f $colName)
                        $ObjectHash[$colName] = 
                            if ($fieldStartIndex[$i] -lt $line.Length) {
                                if ($fieldLengths[$i] -and $fieldStartIndex[$i] + $fieldLengths[$i] -le $line.Length) {
                                    $line.Substring($fieldStartIndex[$i], $fieldLengths[$i]).Trim()
                                else {
                    $List += [pscustomobject] $ObjectHash
        # Output list as an object
        Return $List