function ConvertFrom-FixedColumnTable { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts string output to psobject .DESCRIPTION Converts string output in table format (with header) to psobject .PARAMETER InputObject Specify the input to convert. Accepts input only via the pipeline .EXAMPLE (winget list) -match '^\p{L}' | ConvertFrom-FixedColumnTable This example retrieves all software identified by winget .NOTES The input is assumed to have a header line whose column names to mark the start of each field #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $InputObject ) Begin { Set-StrictMode -Version 1 $LineIndex = 0 # data line $List = @() } Process { $lines = if ($InputObject.Contains("`n")) { $InputObject.TrimEnd("`r", "`n") -split '\r?\n' } else { $InputObject } Try{ foreach ($line in $lines) { ++$LineIndex Write-Verbose ("LINE [{1}]: {0}" -f $line,$LineIndex) if ($LineIndex -eq 1) { # header line $headerLine = $line } elseif ($LineIndex -eq 2 ) { # separator line # Get the indices where the fields start. $fieldStartIndex = [regex]::Matches($headerLine, '\b\S').Index # Calculate the field lengths. $fieldLengths = foreach ($i in 1..($fieldStartIndex.Count-1)) { $fieldStartIndex[$i] - $fieldStartIndex[$i - 1] - 1 } # Get the column names $colNames = foreach ($i in 0..($fieldStartIndex.Count-1)) { if ($i -eq $fieldStartIndex.Count-1) { $headerLine.Substring($fieldStartIndex[$i]).Trim() } else { $headerLine.Substring($fieldStartIndex[$i], $fieldLengths[$i]).Trim() } } } else { $i = 0 # ordered helper hashtable for object constructions. $ObjectHash = [ordered] @{} foreach ($colName in $colNames) { Write-Verbose ("COLUMN: {0}" -f $colName) $ObjectHash[$colName] = if ($fieldStartIndex[$i] -lt $line.Length) { if ($fieldLengths[$i] -and $fieldStartIndex[$i] + $fieldLengths[$i] -le $line.Length) { $line.Substring($fieldStartIndex[$i], $fieldLengths[$i]).Trim() } else { $line.Substring($fieldStartIndex[$i]).Trim() } } ++$i } $List += [pscustomobject] $ObjectHash } } }Catch{} }End{ # Output list as an object Return $List } } |