
function Start-WinGetWrapperAppUpdate {
        Upgrades apps to available update
        Target a software by its Winget Id. Recommended if need to use Id or Name
        Target a software to update by name. Thic can be quirky as some names are long and get cut off in output
        Default to this if ID or Name not specficied. WIll attempt to update any software winget has an update for
    .PARAMETER Silent
        Preforms installation using silent switch
    .PARAMETER Scope
        Options are 'Machine' or 'User'. Defaults to 'Machine'
        This example retrieves all software that has an available update sand installs it
        Get-WinGetWrapperUpgradeableList | Select -First 1 | Start-WinGetWrapperAppUpdate
        This example retrieves the first software that has an available update and updates it





        [string]$Scope = "Machine"
        $OriginalEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding
        If(Test-VSCode -eq $false -and Test-IsISE -eq $false){
            [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new()
        If(-Not(Test-IsWinGetInstalled)){Add-AppxPackage -RegisterByFamilyName -MainPackage Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe -ErrorAction Stop}

        # filter out progress-display and header-separator lines
        $List =  Get-WinGetWrapperUpgradeableList

        $wingetparam = @()

        If ($Silent -eq $true){
            $wingetparam += '--silent'

        $wingetparam += "--scope $($Scope.ToLower())"
        $wingetparam += "--disable-interactivity"
        $wingetparam += "--accept-source-agreements"
        $wingetparam += "--accept-package-agreements"
        $wingetparam += "--force"

        $UpgradeList = @()
        [string]$wingetargs = $wingetparam -join " "

            'Name'  { $Items = $List | Where {$_.Name -eq $Name -and $_.Available -ne ''} }
            'Id'    { $Items = $List | Where {$_.Id -eq $Id -and $_.Available -ne ''} }
            'All'   {$Items = $List | Where Available -ne '' | Select -First 1} # don't need to get full list...just one
            default {$Items = $List | Where Available -ne '' | Select -First 1} # don't need to get full list...just one

        #TEST $Item = $List | Where Available -ne '' | Select -first 1
        Foreach($Item in $Items){
            $obj = New-Object pscustomobject
                'Name'  {
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Item.Name -Force
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Id -Value $Item.Id -Force
                    Write-Verbose ("RUNNING: winget upgrade --name {0} {1}" -f $Item.Name,$wingetargs)
                    $result = Start-Process winget -ArgumentList "upgrade --name $($Item.Name) $wingetargs" -PassThru -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden `
                                        -RedirectStandardError $env:temp\winget.errout -RedirectStandardOutput $env:temp\winget.stdout
                'Id'    {
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Item.Name -Force
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Id -Value $Item.Id -Force
                    Write-Verbose ("RUNNING: winget upgrade --id {0} {1}" -f $Item.Id,$wingetargs)
                    $result = Start-Process winget -ArgumentList "upgrade --id $($Item.Id) $wingetargs" -PassThru -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden `
                                        -RedirectStandardError $env:temp\winget.errout -RedirectStandardOutput $env:temp\winget.stdout
                'All'   {
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AppsUpdated -Value $List.count -Force
                    Write-Verbose ("RUNNING: winget upgrade --all {0}" -f $wingetargs)
                    $result = Start-Process winget -ArgumentList "upgrade --all $wingetargs" -PassThru -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden `
                                        -RedirectStandardError $env:temp\winget.errout -RedirectStandardOutput $env:temp\winget.stdout
                default {
                    Write-Verbose ("RUNNING: winget upgrade --all {0}" -f $wingetargs)
                    $result = Start-Process winget -ArgumentList "upgrade --all $wingetargs" -PassThru -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden `
                                        -RedirectStandardError $env:temp\winget.errout -RedirectStandardOutput $env:temp\winget.stdout

            $ExitCode = $result.ExitCode
            $Status = ((Get-Content $env:temp\winget.stdout) -split '`n'| Select -last 3) -join '.'
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExitCode -Value $ExitCode -Force
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Status -Value $Status -Force
            $UpgradeList += $obj

        #restore encoding settings
        If(Test-VSCode -eq $false -and Test-IsISE -eq $false){
            [Console]::OutputEncoding =  $OriginalEncoding
        Return $UpgradeList