Function Suspend-WindowsUpdate { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [OutputType('None', 'WindowsUpdateSetting')] [Alias('swu')] Param( [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Enter a date time to resume updates. This must be less than 35 days.')] [ValidateScript( { if ($_ -gt (Get-Date)) { $True } else { Throw 'You must enter a date in the future.' $false } })] [ValidateScript( { $test = New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End $_ if ($test.totalDays -gt 35) { Throw 'You must enter a date less than 35 days from now' $False } else { $True } })] [DateTime]$Resume = (Get-Date).AddDays(35), [Switch]$PassThru ) $PSDefaultParameterValues["_verbose:Command"] = $MyInvocation.MyCommand _verbose $strings.Starting _verbose ($strings.UsingModule -f $ModuleVersion) _verbose ($strings.PSVersion -f $PSVersionTable.PSVersion) $epoch = Get-Date 1/1/1600 $utc = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() $Start = '{0:u}' -f $utc $end = '{0:u}' -f $resume.ToUniversalTime() $ticks = ($utc - $epoch).Ticks $val = $ticks - $ticks % [TimeSpan]::TicksPerSecond _verbose ($strings.Pausing -f $end) if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($env:computername, "Suspend Windows Update until $Resume")) { $base1 = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\ux\Settings' _verbose ($strings.Updating-f $base1) Set-ItemProperty -Path $base1 -Name PauseFeatureUpdatesStartTime -Value $start -Type String Set-ItemProperty -Path $base1 -Name PauseQualityUpdatesStartTime -Value $start -Type String Set-ItemProperty -Path $base1 -Name PauseUpdatesExpiryTime -Value $end -Type String Set-ItemProperty -Path $base1 -Name PauseFeatureUpdatesEndTime -Value $end -Type String Set-ItemProperty -Path $base1 -Name PauseQualityUpdatesEndTime -Value $end -Type String $base2 = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UpdatePolicy\Settings' _verbose ($strings.Updating -f $base1) Set-ItemProperty -Path $base2 -Name PausedFeatureStatus -Value 1 -type DWord #dword 1 = on 0 = off Set-ItemProperty -Path $base2 -Name PausedQualityStatus -Value 1 -type DWord #dword 1 = on 0 = off Set-ItemProperty -Path $Base2 -Name PausedFeatureDate -Value $val -Type QWord Set-ItemProperty -Path $Base2 -Name PausedQualityDate -Value $val -Type QWord if ($PassThru) { Get-WindowsUpdateSetting } } $PSDefaultParameterValues["_verbose:Command"] = $MyInvocation.MyCommand _verbose $strings.Ending } |