#this script runs IN the Windows Sandbox $SetupPath = "C:\scripts\wsbScripts" #create a log file of the configuration process. Function log { Param( [String]$msg, [String]$log = "C:\work\wsblog.txt" ) "[{0}] {1}" -f (Get-Date), $msg | Out-File -FilePath $log -Encoding ascii -Append } #add the logging function to each background job $init = { Function log { Param( [String]$msg, [String]$log = "C:\work\wsblog.txt" ) "[{0}] {1}" -f (Get-Date), $msg | Out-File -FilePath $log -Encoding ascii -Append } } #using splatting to pass this parameter. Using PSDefaultParameterValues failed for some reason. $jobparams = @{InitializationScript = $init} $begin = Get-Date log "Starting Windows Sandbox configuration $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" log "Enabling PowerShell remoting" Enable-PSRemoting -Force -SkipNetworkProfileCheck log "Install package provider" Install-PackageProvider -name nuget -force -forcebootstrap -scope allusers log "Updating package management" Install-Module PackageManagement, PowerShellGet,PSReadLine -Force #run updates and installs in the background log "Setting DNS server to" Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).ifIndex -ServerAddresses log "Installing VSCode" Start-Job -name VSCode -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $SetupPath -ChildPath Install-vscodesandbox.ps1) @jobparams log "Updating Windows PowerShell Help" #Start-Job -ScriptBlock { PowerShell -command { Update-Help -Force } ; log "Help updated" } @jobparams Start-Job -name "Help-Update" -ScriptBlock { Update-Help -Force ; log "Help updated" } @jobparams log "Installing default modules: PSScriptTools, PSTeachingTools, BurntToast" Start-Job -name "Module-Install" -ScriptBlock { Install-Module PSScriptTools, PSTeachingTools, BurntToast -Force ; log "PowerShell modules installed" } @jobparams log "Installing PSReleaseTools and PowerShell 7 + Preview" Start-Job -name "PS7-Install" -ScriptBlock { Install-Module PSReleaseTools -Force $msi = (Get-Item C:\shared\PowerShell-7.1*.msi).FullName Start-Process -FilePath $msi -ArgumentList "/quiet REGISTER_MANIFEST=1 ADD_PATH=1 ENABLE_PSREMOTING=1 ADD_EXPLORER_CONTEXT_MENU_OPENPowerShell=1 ADD_FILE_CONTEXT_MENU_RUNPowerShell=1" $msi = (Get-Item C:\shared\PowerShell-7*preview*.msi).FullName Start-Process -FilePath $msi -ArgumentList "/quiet REGISTER_MANIFEST=1 ADD_PATH=1 ENABLE_PSREMOTING=1 ADD_EXPLORER_CONTEXT_MENU_OPENPowerShell=1 ADD_FILE_CONTEXT_MENU_RUNPowerShell=1" #Install-PowerShell -Mode quiet -EnableRemoting -EnableContextMenu #Install-PSPreview -Mode quiet -EnableRemoting -EnableContextMenu #update help C:\Program` Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe -command { Update-Help -Force } log "PowerShell 7 installed" } @jobparams log "Installing Windows Terminal" Start-Job -name "Windows-Terminal" -ScriptBlock { Install-Module WTToolbox -Force ; Install-WTRelease ; log "Windows Terminal installed" } @jobparams log "Configuring desktop settings" Start-Job -Name "Desktop-Config" -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $SetupPath -ChildPath Set-SandboxDesktop.ps1) @jobparams log "Installing Winget and additional apps" Start-Job -name "Winget" -ScriptBlock { C:\scripts\Download-Winget.ps1 -install -AddPrequisites winget install git winget install microsoft.edge log "Winget and other apps installed" } @jobparams #wait for everything to finish log "Waiting for background jobs to complete" Get-Job | Wait-Job #add jobs to the log Get-Job | ForEach-Object { $msg = "Job: {0} {1} [{2}]" -f $, $_.state, ( New-TimeSpan -Start $_.PSBeginTime -End $_.PSEndTime) log $msg } log "Starting Windows Terminal" Start-Process wt.exe "-M new-tab -p PowerShell -d C:\ ; split-pane -V -p Windows PowerShell ; focus-tab --target 0" Log "Setting the host notification flag" Get-Date | Out-File -FilePath c:\scripts\sandbox.flag log "Sending toast notification in the Windows Sandbox" &(Join-Path -Path $SetupPath -ChildPath sandbox-toast.ps1) log "Ending configuration script $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" log "Configuration completed in $(New-Timespan -start $begin)" log "Have a nice day!" |