# # (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.' # #culture="en-US" @{ confirmationTitle = "Delete diagnostic data" confirmationPrompt = @" You are about to delete the diagnostic data that Microsoft has collected about this device. Once you choose to delete your data, we will start the process of removing copies from our systems. If you have a Microsoft account, you might have additional diagnostic data that you can delete on the privacy dashboard (https://account.microsoft.com/privacy). If this is a company-owned device, your IT department might have a copy of some of this device's diagnostic data. Go to the following link to learn more: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=866190. Do you want to delete the diagnostic that Microsoft has collected about this device? "@; yesOption = "&Yes" noOption = "&No" yesDescription = "Delete the diagnostic data that Microsoft has collected about this device." noDescription = "Diagnostic data won't be deleted." deletedRequestSubmitted = "`nDelete request submitted successfully`n" requestError = "Could not submit the request to clear the device's diagnostic data. Error: 0x{0:X}" commandAborted = "`nCommand aborted by the user`n" notSupportedServerError = "This is not a supported server" adminRightsError = "Administrative rights required" } |