
#region Helper methods

Function BoolToString() {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] [bool] $value

    Process {
        return $value.ToString().ToLower()


#region App-based authentication
Function Connect-MSGraphApp
Authenticates to the Graph API via the Microsoft.Graph.Intune module using app-based authentication.
The Connect-MSGraphApp cmdlet is a wrapper cmdlet that helps authenticate to the Intune Graph API using the Microsoft.Graph.Intune module. It leverages an Azure AD app ID and app secret for authentication. See for more information.
Specifies the tenant (e.g. to which to authenticate.
Specifies the Azure AD app ID (GUID) for the application that will be used to authenticate.
Specifies the Azure AD app secret corresponding to the app ID that will be used to authenticate.
Connect-MSGraphApp -TenantId $tenantID -AppId $app -AppSecret $secret

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Tenant,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$AppId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$AppSecret

    Process {
        Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
        $authority = "$Tenant"
        Update-MSGraphEnvironment -AppId $AppId -Quiet
        Update-MSGraphEnvironment -AuthUrl $authority -Quiet

        $body =  @{
            Grant_Type    = "client_credentials"
            Scope         = ""
            Client_Id     = $AppId
            Client_Secret = $AppSecret
        $connection = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri$Tenant/oauth2/v2.0/token -Method POST -Body $body
        $secureToken = ConvertTo-SecureString $connection.access_token -AsPlainText -Force
        Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken $secureToken

#region Core methods

Function Get-AutopilotDevice(){
Gets devices currently registered with Windows Autopilot.
The Get-AutopilotDevice cmdlet retrieves either the full list of devices registered with Windows Autopilot for the current Azure AD tenant, or a specific device if the ID of the device is specified.
Optionally specifies the ID (GUID) for a specific Windows Autopilot device (which is typically returned after importing a new device)
Optionally specifies the serial number of the specific Windows Autopilot device to retrieve
Expand the properties of the device to include the Autopilot profile information
Get a list of all devices registered with Windows Autopilot

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] $id,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $serial,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Switch]$expand = $false

    Process {

        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentities"
        if ($id -and $expand) {
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)/$($id)?`$expand=deploymentProfile,intendedDeploymentProfile"
        elseif ($id) {
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)/$id"
        elseif ($serial) {
            $encoded = [uri]::EscapeDataString($serial)
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)?`$filter=contains(serialNumber,'$encoded')"
        else {
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"

        Write-Verbose "GET $uri"

        try {
            $response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get
            if ($id) {
            else {
                $devices = $response.value
                $devicesNextLink = $response."@odata.nextLink"
                while ($null -ne $devicesNextLink){
                    $devicesResponse = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $devicesNextLink -Method Get)
                    $devicesNextLink = $devicesResponse."@odata.nextLink"
                    $devices += $devicesResponse.value
                if ($expand) {
                    $devices | Get-AutopilotDevice -Expand
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 

Function Set-AutopilotDevice(){
Updates settings on an Autopilot device.
The Set-AutopilotDevice cmdlet can be used to change the updatable properties on a Windows Autopilot device object.
The Windows Autopilot device id (mandatory).
.PARAMETER userPrincipalName
The user principal name.
.PARAMETER addressibleUserName
The name to display during Windows Autopilot enrollment. If specified, the userPrincipalName must also be specified.
.PARAMETER displayName
The name (computer name) to be assigned to the device when it is deployed via Windows Autopilot. This is presently only supported with Azure AD Join scenarios. Note that names should not exceed 15 characters. After setting the name, you need to initiate a sync (Invoke-AutopilotSync) in order to see the name in the Intune object.
The group tag value to set for the device.
Assign a user and a name to display during enrollment to a Windows Autopilot device.
Set-AutopilotDevice -id $id -userPrincipalName $userPrincipalName -addressableUserName "John Doe" -displayName "CONTOSO-0001" -groupTag "Testing"

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] $id,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Prop")] $userPrincipalName = $null,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Prop")] $addressableUserName = $null,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Prop")][Alias("ComputerName","CN","MachineName")] $displayName = $null,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Prop")] $groupTag = $null

    Process {
        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentities"
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id/UpdateDeviceProperties"

        $json = "{"
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('userPrincipalName'))
            $json = $json + " userPrincipalName: `"$userPrincipalName`","
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('addressableUserName'))
            $json = $json + " addressableUserName: `"$addressableUserName`","
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('displayName'))
            $json = $json + " displayName: `"$displayName`","
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('groupTag'))
            $json = $json + " groupTag: `"$groupTag`""
            $json = $json.Trim(",")
        $json = $json + " }"

        Write-Verbose "POST $uri`n$json"

        try {
            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method POST -Body $json
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 

Function Remove-AutopilotDevice(){
Removes a specific device currently registered with Windows Autopilot.
The Remove-AutopilotDevice cmdlet removes the specified device, identified by its ID, from the list of devices registered with Windows Autopilot for the current Azure AD tenant.
Specifies the ID (GUID) for a specific Windows Autopilot device
Remove all Windows Autopilot devices from the current Azure AD tenant
Get-AutopilotDevice | Remove-AutopilotDevice

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] $id

    Begin {       

    Process {

        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentities"    
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id"

        try {
            Write-Verbose "DELETE $uri"
            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method DELETE
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 

Function Get-AutopilotImportedDevice(){
Gets information about devices being imported into Windows Autopilot.
The Get-AutopilotImportedDevice cmdlet retrieves either the full list of devices being imported into Windows Autopilot for the current Azure AD tenant, or information for a specific device if the ID of the device is specified. Once the import is complete, the information instance is expected to be deleted.
Optionally specifies the ID (GUID) for a specific Windows Autopilot device being imported.
Get a list of all devices being imported into Windows Autopilot for the current Azure AD tenant.

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $id = $null

    # Defining Variables
    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    if ($id) {
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/deviceManagement/importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentities/$id"
    else {
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/deviceManagement/importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentities"

    Write-Verbose "GET $uri"

    try {
        $response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get
        if ($id) {
        else {
            $devices = $response.value
            $devicesNextLink = $response."@odata.nextLink"
            while ($null -ne $devicesNextLink){
                $devicesResponse = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $devicesNextLink -Method Get)
                $devicesNextLink = $devicesResponse."@odata.nextLink"
                $devices += $devicesResponse.value
    catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 


Adds a new device to Windows Autopilot.
The Add-AutopilotImportedDevice cmdlet adds the specified device to Windows Autopilot for the current Azure AD tenant. Note that a status object is returned when this cmdlet completes; the actual import process is performed as a background batch process by the Microsoft Intune service.
.PARAMETER serialNumber
The hardware serial number of the device being added (mandatory).
.PARAMETER hardwareIdentifier
The hardware hash (4K string) that uniquely identifies the device.
An optional identifier or tag that can be associated with this device, useful for grouping devices using Azure AD dynamic groups.
.PARAMETER displayName
The optional name (computer name) to be assigned to the device when it is deployed via Windows Autopilot. This is presently only supported with Azure AD Join scenarios. Note that names should not exceed 15 characters. After setting the name, you need to initiate a sync (Invoke-AutopilotSync) in order to see the name in the Intune object.
.PARAMETER assignedUser
The optional user UPN to be assigned to the device. Note that no validation is done on the UPN specified.
Add a new device to Windows Autopilot for the current Azure AD tenant.
Add-AutopilotImportedDevice -serialNumber $serial -hardwareIdentifier $hash -groupTag "Kiosk" -assignedUser ""

Function Add-AutopilotImportedDevice(){
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $serialNumber,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $hardwareIdentifier,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Alias("orderIdentifier")] $groupTag = "",
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Prop2")][Alias("UPN")] $assignedUser = ""

        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentities"
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource"
        $json = @"
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity",
    "groupTag": "$groupTag",
    "serialNumber": "$serialNumber",
    "productKey": "",
    "hardwareIdentifier": "$hardwareIdentifier",
    "assignedUserPrincipalName": "$assignedUser",
    "state": {
        "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentityState",
        "deviceImportStatus": "pending",
        "deviceRegistrationId": "",
        "deviceErrorCode": 0,
        "deviceErrorName": ""

        Write-Verbose "POST $uri`n$json"

        try {
            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $json -ContentType "application/json"
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 

Function Remove-AutopilotImportedDevice(){
Removes the status information for a device being imported into Windows Autopilot.
The Remove-AutopilotImportedDevice cmdlet cleans up the status information about a new device being imported into Windows Autopilot. This should be done regardless of whether the import was successful or not.
The ID (GUID) of the imported device status information to be removed (mandatory).
Remove the status information for a specified device.
Remove-AutopilotImportedDevice -id $id

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] $id

    Process {

        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentities"    
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id"

        try {
            Write-Verbose "DELETE $uri"
            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method DELETE
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 


Function Get-AutopilotProfile(){
Gets Windows Autopilot profile details.
The Get-AutopilotProfile cmdlet returns either a list of all Windows Autopilot profiles for the current Azure AD tenant, or information for the specific profile specified by its ID.
Optionally, the ID (GUID) of the profile to be retrieved.
Get a list of all Windows Autopilot profiles.

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $id

    # Defining Variables
    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles"

    if ($id) {
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id"
    else {
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource"

    Write-Verbose "GET $uri"

    try {
        $response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get
        if ($id) {
        else {
            $devices = $response.value
            $devicesNextLink = $response."@odata.nextLink"
            while ($null -ne $devicesNextLink){
                $devicesResponse = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $devicesNextLink -Method Get)
                $devicesNextLink = $devicesResponse."@odata.nextLink"
                $devices += $devicesResponse.value
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception 


Function Get-AutopilotProfileAssignedDevice(){
Gets the list of devices that are assigned to the specified Windows Autopilot profile.
The Get-AutopilotProfileAssignedDevice cmdlet returns the list of Autopilot devices that have been assigned the specified Windows Autopilot profile.
The ID (GUID) of the profile to be retrieved.
Get a list of all Windows Autopilot profiles.
Get-AutopilotProfileAssignedDevices -id $id

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] $id

    Process {

        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles"
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id/assignedDevices"

        Write-Verbose "GET $uri"

        try {
            $response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 

Function ConvertTo-AutopilotConfigurationJSON(){
Converts the specified Windows Autopilot profile into a JSON format.
The ConvertTo-AutopilotConfigurationJSON cmdlet converts the specified Windows Autopilot profile, as represented by a Microsoft Graph API object, into a JSON format.
.PARAMETER profile
A Windows Autopilot profile object, typically returned by Get-AutopilotProfile
Get the JSON representation of each Windows Autopilot profile in the current Azure AD tenant.
Get-AutopilotProfile | ConvertTo-AutopilotConfigurationJSON

        [Object] $profile

  Begin {

    # Set the org-related info
    $script:TenantOrg = Get-MgOrganization
    $script:allDomains = Get-MgDomain -All
    foreach ($domain in $script:allDomains) {
        if ($domain.isDefault) {
            $script:TenantDomain = $domain.Id

  Process {

    $oobeSetting = $profile.outOfBoxExperienceSetting

    # Build up properties
    $json = @{}
    $json.Add("Comment_File", "Profile $($_.displayName)")
    $json.Add("Version", 2049)
    $json.Add("ZtdCorrelationId", $
    if ($profile."@odata.type" -eq "#microsoft.graph.activeDirectoryWindowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile")
        $json.Add("CloudAssignedDomainJoinMethod", 1)
        $json.Add("CloudAssignedDomainJoinMethod", 0)
    if ($profile.deviceNameTemplate)
        $json.Add("CloudAssignedDeviceName", $_.deviceNameTemplate)

    # Figure out config value
    $oobeConfig = 8 + 256
    if ($oobeSetting.userType -eq 'standard') {
        $oobeConfig += 2
    if ($oobeSetting.privacySettingsHidden -eq $true) {
        $oobeConfig += 4
    if ($oobeSetting.eulaHidden -eq $true) {
        $oobeConfig += 16
    if ($oobeSetting.keyboardSelectionPageSkipped -eq $true) {
        $oobeConfig += 1024
    if ($_.locale) {
            $json.Add("CloudAssignedLanguage", $_.locale)
    if ($oobeSetting.deviceUsageType -eq 'shared') {
        $oobeConfig += 32 + 64
    $json.Add("CloudAssignedOobeConfig", $oobeConfig)

    # Set the forced enrollment setting
    if ($oobeSetting.escapeLinkHidden -eq $true) {
        $json.Add("CloudAssignedForcedEnrollment", 1)
    else {
        $json.Add("CloudAssignedForcedEnrollment", 0)

    $json.Add("CloudAssignedTenantId", $
    $json.Add("CloudAssignedTenantDomain", $script:TenantDomain)
    $embedded = @{}
    $embedded.Add("CloudAssignedTenantDomain", $script:TenantDomain)
    $embedded.Add("CloudAssignedTenantUpn", "")
    if ($oobeSetting.escapeLinkHidden -eq $true) {
        $embedded.Add("ForcedEnrollment", 1)
        $embedded.Add("ForcedEnrollment", 0)
    $ztc = @{}
    $ztc.Add("ZeroTouchConfig", $embedded)
    $json.Add("CloudAssignedAadServerData", (ConvertTo-JSON $ztc -Compress))

    # Skip connectivity check
    if ($profile.hybridAzureADJoinSkipConnectivityCheck -eq $true) {
        $json.Add("HybridJoinSkipDCConnectivityCheck", 1)

    # Hard-code properties not represented in Intune
    $json.Add("CloudAssignedAutopilotUpdateDisabled", 1)
    $json.Add("CloudAssignedAutopilotUpdateTimeout", 1800000)

    # Return the JSON
    ConvertTo-JSON $json


Function Set-AutopilotProfile(){
Sets Windows Autopilot profile properties on an existing Autopilot profile.
The Set-AutopilotProfile cmdlet sets properties on an existing Autopilot profile.
The GUID of the profile to be updated.
.PARAMETER displayName
The name of the Windows Autopilot profile to create. (This value cannot contain spaces.)
.PARAMETER description
The description to be configured in the profile. (This value cannot contain dashes.)
.PARAMETER ConvertDeviceToAutopilot
Configure the value "Convert all targeted devices to Autopilot"
Enable everything that can be enabled
.PARAMETER AllDisabled
Disable everything that can be disabled
Configure the OOBE option to hide or not the EULA
.PARAMETER OOBE_PreprovisioningAllowed
Configure the OOBE option to allow pre-provisioning or not
.PARAMETER OOBE_PrivacySettingsHidden
Configure the OOBE option to hide or not the privacy settings
.PARAMETER OOBE_ChangeAccountOptionsHidden
Configure the OOBE option to hide or not the change account options
Configure the user account type as administrator.
Configure the OOBE option to apply a device name template
The locale identifier (e.g. "en-us") to be configured in the profile
.PARAMETER OOBE_KeyboardSelectionPageSkipped
Configure the OOBE option to skip or not the keyboard selection page
.PARAMETER OOBE_ChangeAccountOptionsHidden
Configure the OOBE option to hide or not the change account options
.PARAMETER OOBE_SkipConnectivityCheck
Specify whether to skip Active Directory connectivity check (UserDrivenAAD only)
Update an existing Autopilot profile to specify a locale:
Set-AutopilotProfile -ID <guid> -Locale "en-us"
Update an existing Autopilot profile to set multiple properties:
Set-AutopilotProfile -ID <guid> -Locale "en-us" -displayname "My testing profile" -Description "Description of my profile" -OOBE_EULAHidden $True -OOBE_PrivacySettingsHidden $True

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] $id,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='notAll')][string] $displayName,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='notAll')][string] $description,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='notAll')][Switch] $ConvertDeviceToAutopilot,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='notAll')][string] $OOBE_Locale,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='notAll')][Switch] $OOBE_KeyboardSelectionPageSkipped,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='notAll')][string] $OOBE_NameTemplate,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='notAll')][Switch] $OOBE_PreprovisioningAllowed,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='notAll')][Switch] $OOBE_UserTypeAdmin,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='AllEnabled',Mandatory=$true)][Switch] $AllEnabled, 
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='AllDisabled',Mandatory=$true)][Switch] $AllDisabled, 
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='notAll')][Switch] $OOBE_EULAHidden,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='notAll')][Switch] $OOBE_PrivacySettingsHidden,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='notAll')][Switch] $OOBE_ChangeAccountOptionsHidden,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='notAll')][Switch] $OOBE_SkipConnectivityCheck

    # Get the current values
    $current = Get-AutopilotProfile -id $id

    # If this is a Hybrid AADJ profile, make sure it has the needed property
    if ($current.'@odata.type' -eq "#microsoft.graph.azureADWindowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile") {
        if (-not ($current.PSObject.Properties | where { $_.Name -eq "hybridAzureADJoinSkipConnectivityCheck"})) {
            $current | Add-Member -NotePropertyName hybridAzureADJoinSkipConnectivityCheck -NotePropertyValue $false

    # For parameters that were specified, update that object in place
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('displayName')) { $current.displayName = $displayName }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('description')) { $current.description = $description }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ConvertDeviceToAutopilot')) { $current.hardwareHashExtractionEnabled = [bool]$ConvertDeviceToAutopilot }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Locale')) { $current.locale = $OOBE_Locale }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OOBE_KeyboardSelectionPageSkipped')) { $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.keyboardSelectionPageSkipped = [bool]$OOBE_KeyboardSelectionPageSkipped }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OOBE_NameTemplate')) { $current.deviceNameTemplate = $OOBE_NameTemplate }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OOBE_PreprovisioningAllowed')) { $current.preprovisioningAllowed = [bool]$OOBE_PreprovisioningAllowed }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OOBE_UserTypeAdmin')) {
        if ($OOBE_UserTypeAdmin) {
            $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.userType = "administrator"
        else {
            $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.userType = "standard"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OOBE_EULAHidden')) { $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.eulaHidden = [bool]$OOBE_EULAHidden }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OOBE_PrivacySettingsHidden')) { $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.privacySettingsHidden = [bool]$OOBE_PrivacySettingsHidden }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OOBE_ChangeAccountOptionsHidden')) { $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.escapeLinkHidden = [bool]$OOBE_ChangeAccountOptionsHidden }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OOBE_SkipConnectivityCheck')) { $current.hybridAzureADJoinSkipConnectivityCheck = [bool]$OOBE_SkipConnectivityCheck }

    if ($AllEnabled) {
        $current.hardwareHashExtractionEnabled = $true
        $current.hybridAzureADJoinSkipConnectivityCheck = $true        
        $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.eulaHidden = $true 
        $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.hidePrivacySettings = $true
        $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.escapeLinkHidden = $true
        $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.keyboardSelectionPageSkipped = $true
        $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.userType = "administrator"
        $current.preprovisioningAllowed = $true
    elseif ($AllDisabled) {
        $current.hardwareHashExtractionEnabled = $false
        $current.hybridAzureADJoinSkipConnectivityCheck = $false
        $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.eulaHidden = $false
        $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.privacySettingsHidden = $false
        $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.escapeLinkHidden = $false
        $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.keyboardSelectionPageSkipped = $false
        $current.outOfBoxExperienceSetting.userType = "standard"
        $current.preprovisioningAllowed = $false

    # Clean up unneeded properties

    # Remove deprecated properties
    if($current.ContainsKey('language') -and $current.ContainsKey('language')) {$current.Remove('language')}
    if($current.ContainsKey('extractHardwareHash') -and $current.ContainsKey('hardwareHashExtractionEnabled')) {$current.Remove('extractHardwareHash')}
    if($current.ContainsKey('enableWhiteGlove') -and $current.ContainsKey('preprovisioningAllowed')) {$current.Remove('enableWhiteGlove')}
    if($current.ContainsKey('outOfBoxExperienceSettings') -and $current.ContainsKey('outOfBoxExperienceSetting')) {$current.Remove('outOfBoxExperienceSettings')}

    # Defining Variables
    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles"
    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id"
    $json = ($current | ConvertTo-JSON).ToString()
    Write-Verbose "PATCH $uri`n$json"

    try {
        Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method PATCH -Body $json
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception 


Function New-AutopilotProfile(){
Creates a new Autopilot profile.
The New-AutopilotProfile creates a new Autopilot profile.
.PARAMETER displayName
The name of the Windows Autopilot profile to create. (This value cannot contain spaces.)
The type of Autopilot profile to create. Choices are "UserDrivenAAD", "UserDrivenAD", and "SelfDeployingAAD".
.PARAMETER description
The description to be configured in the profile. (This value cannot contain dashes.)
.PARAMETER ConvertDeviceToAutopilot
Configure the value "Convert all targeted devices to Autopilot"
Configure the OOBE option to hide or not the EULA
.PARAMETER OOBE_PreprovisioningAllowed
Configure the OOBE option to allow or not White Glove OOBE
.PARAMETER OOBE_PrivacySettingsHidden
Configure the OOBE option to hide or not the privacy settings
.PARAMETER OOBE_ChangeAccountOptionsHidden
Configure the OOBE option to hide or not the change account options
Configure the user account type as administrator.
Configure the OOBE option to apply a device name template
The locale identifier (e.g. "en-us") to be configured in the profile
.PARAMETER OOBE_KeyboardSelectionPageSkipped
Configure the OOBE option to skip or not the keyboard selection page
.PARAMETER OOBE_ChangeAccountOptionsHidden
Configure the OOBE option to hide or not the change account options
.PARAMETER OOBE_SkipConnectivityCheck
Specify whether to skip Active Directory connectivity checks (UserDrivenAAD only)
Create profiles of different types:
New-AutopilotProfile -mode UserDrivenAAD -displayName "My AAD profile" -description "My user-driven AAD profile" -OOBE_Quiet
New-AutopilotProfile -mode UserDrivenAD -displayName "My AD profile" -description "My user-driven AD profile" -OOBE_Quiet
New-AutopilotProfile -mode SelfDeployingAAD -displayName "My Self Deploying profile" -description "My self-deploying profile" -OOBE_Quiet
Create a user-driven AAD profile:
New-AutopilotProfile -mode UserDrivenAAD -displayName "My testing profile" -Description "Description of my profile" -OOBE_Locale "en-us" -OOBE_EULAHidden -OOBE_PrivacySettingsHidden

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $displayName,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateSet('UserDrivenAAD','UserDrivenAD','SelfDeployingAAD')][string] $mode, 
    [string] $description,
    [Switch] $ConvertDeviceToAutopilot,
    [string] $OOBE_Locale,
    [Switch] $OOBE_KeyboardSelectionPageSkipped,
    [string] $OOBE_NameTemplate,
    [Switch] $OOBE_PreprovisioningAllowed,
    [Switch] $OOBE_UserTypeAdmin,
    [Switch] $OOBE_EULAHidden,
    [Switch] $OOBE_PrivacySettingsHidden,
    [Switch] $OOBE_ChangeAccountOptionsHidden,
    [Switch] $OOBE_SkipConnectivityCheck

    # Adjust values as needed
    switch ($mode) {
        "UserDrivenAAD" { $odataType = "#microsoft.graph.azureADWindowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile"; $usage = "singleUser" }
        "SelfDeployingAAD" { $odataType = "#microsoft.graph.azureADWindowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile"; $usage = "shared" }
        "UserDrivenAD" { $odataType = "#microsoft.graph.activeDirectoryWindowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile"; $usage = "singleUser" }

    if ($OOBE_UserTypeAdmin)
        $OOBE_userType = "administrator"
        $OOBE_userType = "standard"

    if ($OOBE_PreprovisioningAllowed)
        $OOBE_ChangeAccountOptionsHidden = $True
    # Defining Variables
    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles"
    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource"
    if ($mode -eq "UserDrivenAD")
        $json = @"
    "@odata.type": "$odataType",
    "displayName": "$displayname",
    "description": "$description",
    "locale": "$OOBE_Locale",
    "hardwareHashExtractionEnabled": $(BoolToString($ConvertDeviceToAutopilot)),
    "deviceNameTemplate": "$OOBE_NameTemplate",
    "deviceType": "windowsPc",
    "preprovisioningAllowed": $(BoolToString($OOBE_PreprovisioningAllowed)),
    "hybridAzureADJoinSkipConnectivityCheck": $(BoolToString($OOBE_SkipConnectivityCheck)),
    "outOfBoxExperienceSetting": {
        "privacySettingsHidden": $(BoolToString($OOBE_PrivacySettingsHidden)),
        "eulaHidden": $(BoolToString($OOBE_EULAHidden)),
        "userType": "$OOBE_userType",
        "deviceUsageType": "$usage",
        "keyboardSelectionPageSkipped": $(BoolToString($OOBE_KeyboardSelectionPageSkipped)),
        "escapeLinkHidden": $(BoolToString($OOBE_ChangeAccountOptionsHidden))

        $json = @"
    "@odata.type": "$odataType",
    "displayName": "$displayname",
    "description": "$description",
    "locale": "$OOBE_Locale",
    "hardwareHashExtractionEnabled": $(BoolToString($ConvertDeviceToAutopilot)),
    "deviceNameTemplate": "$OOBE_NameTemplate",
    "deviceType": "windowsPc",
    "preprovisioningAllowed": $(BoolToString($OOBE_PreprovisioningAllowed)),
    "outOfBoxExperienceSetting": {
        "privacySettingsHidden": $(BoolToString($OOBE_PrivacySettingsHidden)),
        "eulaHidden": $(BoolToString($OOBE_EULAHidden)),
        "userType": "$OOBE_userType",
        "deviceUsageType": "$usage",
        "keyboardSelectionPageSkipped": $(BoolToString($OOBE_KeyboardSelectionPageSkipped)),
        "escapeLinkHidden": $(BoolToString($OOBE_ChangeAccountOptionsHidden))


    Write-Verbose "POST $uri`n$json"

    try {
        Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method POST -Body $json
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception 


Function Remove-AutopilotProfile(){
Remove a Deployment Profile
The Remove-AutopilotProfile allows you to remove a specific deployment profile
Mandatory, the ID (GUID) of the profile to be removed.
Remove-AutopilotProfile -id $id

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] $id

    Process {
        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles"
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id"

        Write-Verbose "DELETE $uri"

            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method DELETE
            Write-Error $_.Exception 

Function Get-AutopilotProfileAssignments(){
List all assigned devices for a specific profile ID
The Get-AutopilotProfileAssignments cmdlet returns the list of groups that ae assigned to a spcific deployment profile
Type: Integer - Mandatory, the ID (GUID) of the profile to be retrieved.
Get-AutopilotProfileAssignments -id $id

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] $id

    Process {

        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles"
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id/assignments"

        Write-Verbose "GET $uri"

        try {
            $response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get
            $Group_ID = $
            ForEach($Group in $Group_ID)
                Try {
                    Get-MgGroup -GroupId $Group
                Catch {
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 



Function Remove-AutopilotProfileAssignments(){
Removes a specific group assigntion for a specifc deployment profile
The Remove-AutopilotProfileAssignments cmdlet allows you to remove a group assignation for a deployment profile
Type: Integer - Mandatory, the ID (GUID) of the profile
.PARAMETER groupid
Type: Integer - Mandatory, the ID of the group
Remove-AutopilotProfileAssignments -id $id

    # Defining Variables
    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles"
    $full_assignment_id = $id + "_" + $groupid + "_0"

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id/assignments/$full_assignment_id"

    Write-Verbose "DELETE $uri"

    try {
        Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method DELETE
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception 


Function Set-AutopilotProfileAssignedGroup(){
Assigns a group to a Windows Autopilot profile.
The Set-AutopilotProfileAssignedGroup cmdlet allows you to assign a specific group to a specific deployment profile
Type: Integer - Mandatory, the ID (GUID) of the profile
.PARAMETER groupid
Type: Integer - Mandatory, the ID of the group
Set-AutopilotProfileAssignedGroup -id $id -groupid $groupid

        $full_assignment_id = $id + "_" + $groupid + "_0"  
        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles"        
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id/assignments"        

$json = @"
    "id": "$full_assignment_id",
    "target": {
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget",
        "groupId": "$groupid"

        Write-Verbose "POST $uri`n$json"

        try {
            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $json
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 

Function Get-EnrollmentStatusPage(){
List enrollment status page
The Get-EnrollmentStatusPage cmdlet returns available enrollment status page with their options
The ID (GUID) of the status page (optional)

    [Parameter()] $id

    # Defining Variables
    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/deviceEnrollmentConfigurations"

    if ($id) {
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id"
    else {
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource"

    Write-Verbose "GET $uri"

    try {
        $response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get
        if ($id) {
        else {
            $response.Value | ? { $_.'@odata.type' -eq "#microsoft.graph.windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfiguration" }
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception 


Function Add-EnrollmentStatusPage(){
Adds a new Windows Autopilot Enrollment Status Page.
The Add-EnrollmentStatusPage cmdlet sets properties on an existing Autopilot profile.
.PARAMETER DisplayName
Type: String - Configure the display name of the enrollment status page
.PARAMETER description
Type: String - Configure the description of the enrollment status page
.PARAMETER HideProgress
Type: Boolean - Configure the option: Show app and profile installation progress
.PARAMETER AllowCollectLogs
Type: Boolean - Configure the option: Allow users to collect logs about installation errors
Type: String - Configure the option: Show custom message when an error occurs
.PARAMETER AllowUseOnFailure
Type: Boolean - Configure the option: Allow users to use device if installation error occurs
.PARAMETER AllowResetOnError
Type: Boolean - Configure the option: Allow users to reset device if installation error occurs
.PARAMETER BlockDeviceUntilComplete
Type: Boolean - Configure the option: Block device use until all apps and profiles are installed
.PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
Type: Integer - Configure the option: Show error when installation takes longer than specified number of minutes
Add-EnrollmentStatusPage -Message "Oops an error occured, please contact your support" -HideProgress $True -AllowResetOnError $True


    If($HideProgress -eq $False)
            $blockDeviceSetupRetryByUser = $true

    If(($Description -eq $null))
            $Description = $EnrollmentPage_Description

    If(($DisplayName -eq $null))
            $DisplayName = ""

    If(($TimeoutInMinutes -eq ""))
            $TimeoutInMinutes = "60"

    # Defining Variables
    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/deviceEnrollmentConfigurations"
    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource"
    $json = @"
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfiguration",
    "displayName": "$DisplayName",
    "description": "$description",
    "showInstallationProgress": "$hideprogress",
    "blockDeviceSetupRetryByUser": "$blockDeviceSetupRetryByUser",
    "allowDeviceResetOnInstallFailure": "$AllowResetOnError",
    "allowLogCollectionOnInstallFailure": "$AllowCollectLogs",
    "customErrorMessage": "$Message",
    "installProgressTimeoutInMinutes": "$TimeoutInMinutes",
    "allowDeviceUseOnInstallFailure": "$AllowUseOnFailure"

    Write-Verbose "POST $uri`n$json"

    try {
        Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $json
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception 


Function Set-EnrollmentStatusPage(){
Sets Windows Autopilot Enrollment Status Page properties.
The Set-EnrollmentStatusPage cmdlet sets properties on an existing Autopilot profile.
The ID (GUID) of the profile to be updated.
.PARAMETER DisplayName
Type: String - Configure the display name of the enrollment status page
.PARAMETER description
Type: String - Configure the description of the enrollment status page
.PARAMETER HideProgress
Type: Boolean - Configure the option: Show app and profile installation progress
.PARAMETER AllowCollectLogs
Type: Boolean - Configure the option: Allow users to collect logs about installation errors
Type: String - Configure the option: Show custom message when an error occurs
.PARAMETER AllowUseOnFailure
Type: Boolean - Configure the option: Allow users to use device if installation error occurs
.PARAMETER AllowResetOnError
Type: Boolean - Configure the option: Allow users to reset device if installation error occurs
.PARAMETER BlockDeviceUntilComplete
Type: Boolean - Configure the option: Block device use until all apps and profiles are installed
.PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
Type: Integer - Configure the option: Show error when installation takes longer than specified number of minutes
Set-EnrollmentStatusPage -id $id -Message "Oops an error occured, please contact your support" -HideProgress $True -AllowResetOnError $True

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] $id,

    Process {

        # Default profile values
        $EnrollmentPage_Values = Get-EnrollmentStatusPage -ID $id
        $EnrollmentPage_DisplayName = $EnrollmentPage_Values.displayName
        $EnrollmentPage_Description = $EnrollmentPage_Values.description
        $EnrollmentPage_showInstallationProgress = $EnrollmentPage_Values.showInstallationProgress
        $EnrollmentPage_blockDeviceSetupRetryByUser = $EnrollmentPage_Values.blockDeviceSetupRetryByUser
        $EnrollmentPage_allowDeviceResetOnInstallFailure = $EnrollmentPage_Values.allowDeviceResetOnInstallFailure
        $EnrollmentPage_allowLogCollectionOnInstallFailure = $EnrollmentPage_Values.allowLogCollectionOnInstallFailure
        $EnrollmentPage_customErrorMessage = $EnrollmentPage_Values.customErrorMessage
        $EnrollmentPage_installProgressTimeoutInMinutes = $EnrollmentPage_Values.installProgressTimeoutInMinutes
        $EnrollmentPage_allowDeviceUseOnInstallFailure = $EnrollmentPage_Values.allowDeviceUseOnInstallFailure

            $HideProgress = $EnrollmentPage_showInstallationProgress
            $BlockDeviceUntilComplete = $EnrollmentPage_blockDeviceSetupRetryByUser
            $AllowCollectLogs = $EnrollmentPage_allowLogCollectionOnInstallFailure
            $AllowUseOnFailure = $EnrollmentPage_allowDeviceUseOnInstallFailure

        If(($Message -eq ""))
            $Message = $EnrollmentPage_customErrorMessage
        If(($Description -eq $null))
            $Description = $EnrollmentPage_Description

        If(($DisplayName -eq $null))
            $DisplayName = $EnrollmentPage_DisplayName

            $AllowResetOnError = $EnrollmentPage_allowDeviceResetOnInstallFailure

        If(($TimeoutInMinutes -eq ""))
            $TimeoutInMinutes = $EnrollmentPage_installProgressTimeoutInMinutes

        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/deviceEnrollmentConfigurations"
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id"
        $json = @"
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfiguration",
    "displayName": "$DisplayName",
    "description": "$description",
    "showInstallationProgress": "$HideProgress",
    "blockDeviceSetupRetryByUser": "$BlockDeviceUntilComplete",
    "allowDeviceResetOnInstallFailure": "$AllowResetOnError",
    "allowLogCollectionOnInstallFailure": "$AllowCollectLogs",
    "customErrorMessage": "$Message",
    "installProgressTimeoutInMinutes": "$TimeoutInMinutes",
    "allowDeviceUseOnInstallFailure": "$AllowUseOnFailure"

        Write-Verbose "PATCH $uri`n$json"

        try {
            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method PATCH -Body $json
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 



Function Remove-EnrollmentStatusPage(){
Remove a specific enrollment status page
The Remove-EnrollmentStatusPage allows you to remove a specific enrollment status page
Mandatory, the ID (GUID) of the profile to be retrieved.
Remove-EnrollmentStatusPage -id $id

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] $id

    Process {

        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/deviceEnrollmentConfigurations"
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id"

        Write-Verbose "DELETE $uri"

        try {
            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method DELETE
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 



Function Invoke-AutopilotSync(){
Initiates a synchronization of Windows Autopilot devices between the Autopilot deployment service and Intune.
The Invoke-AutopilotSync cmdlet initiates a synchronization between the Autopilot deployment service and Intune.
This can be done after importing new devices, to ensure that they appear in Intune in the list of registered
Autopilot devices. See
for more information.
Initiate a synchronization.

    # Defining Variables
    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotSettings/sync"
    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource"

    Write-Verbose "POST $uri"

    try {
        Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Post
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception 


Function Get-AutopilotSyncInfo(){
    Returns details about the last Autopilot sync.
    The Get-AutopilotSyncInfo cmdlet retrieves details about the sync status between Intune and the Autopilot service.
    for more information.

        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotSettings"
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource"
        Write-Verbose "GET $uri"
        try {
            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 

Function Import-AutopilotCSV(){
Adds a batch of new devices into Windows Autopilot.
The Import-AutopilotCSV cmdlet processes a list of new devices (contained in a CSV file) using a several of the other cmdlets included in this module. It is a convenient wrapper to handle the details. After the devices have been added, the cmdlet will continue to check the status of the import process. Once all devices have been processed (successfully or not) the cmdlet will complete. This can take several minutes, as the devices are processed by Intune as a background batch process.
The file containing the list of devices to be added.
An optional identifier or tag that can be associated with this device, useful for grouping devices using Azure AD dynamic groups. This value overrides an Group Tag value specified in the CSV file.
Add a batch of devices to Windows Autopilot for the current Azure AD tenant.
Import-AutopilotCSV -csvFile C:\Devices.csv

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $csvFile,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Alias("orderIdentifier")] $groupTag = ""
        # Read CSV and process each device
        $devices = Import-CSV $csvFile
        foreach ($device in $devices) {
            if ($groupTag -ne "")
                $o = $groupTag
            elseif ($device.'Group Tag' -ne "")
                $o = $device.'Group Tag'
                $o = $device.'OrderID'
            Add-AutopilotImportedDevice -serialNumber $device.'Device Serial Number' -hardwareIdentifier $device.'Hardware Hash' -groupTag $o -assignedUser $device.'Assigned User'

        # While we could keep a list of all the IDs that we added and then check each one, it is
        # easier to just loop through all of them
        $processingCount = 1
        while ($processingCount -gt 0)
            $deviceStatuses = @(Get-AutopilotImportedDevice)
            $deviceCount = $deviceStatuses.Length

            # Check to see if any devices are still processing
            $processingCount = 0
            foreach ($device in $deviceStatuses){
                if ($device.state.deviceImportStatus -eq "unknown") {
                    $processingCount = $processingCount + 1
            Write-Host "Waiting for $processingCount of $deviceCount"

            # Still processing? Sleep before trying again.
            if ($processingCount -gt 0){
                Start-Sleep 15

        # Display the statuses
        $deviceStatuses | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host "Serial number $($_.serialNumber): $($_.state.deviceImportStatus) $($_.state.deviceErrorCode) $($_.state.deviceErrorName)"

        # Cleanup the imported device records
        $deviceStatuses | ForEach-Object {
            Remove-AutopilotImportedDevice -id $

Function Get-AutopilotEvent(){
Gets Windows Autopilot deployment events.
The Get-AutopilotEvent cmdlet retrieves the list of deployment events (the data that you would see in the "Autopilot deployments" report in the Intune portal).
Get a list of all Windows Autopilot events


    Process {

        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $Resource = "deviceManagement/autopilotEvents"
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"

        try {
            $response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get
            $devices = $response.value
            $devicesNextLink = $response."@odata.nextLink"
            while ($null -ne $devicesNextLink){
                $devicesResponse = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $devicesNextLink -Method Get)
                $devicesNextLink = $devicesResponse."@odata.nextLink"
                $devices += $devicesResponse.value
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception 