Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\Windows2008PFXImport.psm1 -Force Describe 'Windows2008PFXImport' { Context 'Script Analyzer' { It 'Does not have any issues with the Script Analyser - Import-PfxCertificate' { Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer $PSScriptRoot\Functions\Import-PfxCertificate.ps1 | Should be $null } } Context 'Import-PfxCertificate Parameter Validation' { Out-File -FilePath 'TestDrive:\text.pfx' It 'thows an error when $null is submitted as a FilePath' { {Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath $null} | should throw } It 'thows an error when an empty string is submitted as a FilePath' { {Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath ''} | should throw } It 'thows an error when an invalid path is submitted as a FilePath' { {Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath 'TestDrive:\thispfxfilewillneverexist.pfx'} | should throw } It 'thows an error when $null is submitted as a CertStoreLocation' { {Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath 'TestDrive:\text.pfx' -CertStoreLocation $null} | should throw } It 'thows an error when an empty string is submitted as a CertStoreLocation' { {Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath 'TestDrive:\text.pfx' -CertStoreLocation ''} | should throw } It 'thows an error when an invalid path is submitted as a CertStoreLocation' { {Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath 'TestDrive:\text.pfx' -CertStoreLocation 'CERT:\neverever\exist'} | should throw } } } |