# Functions for custom color writing function WriteViolet { Write-Host "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(153,0,255))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" -NoNewline } function WritePink { Write-Host "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,0,230))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" -NoNewline } function WriteLavender { Write-Host "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRgb(255,179,255))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" -NoNewline } function WriteTeaGreen { Write-Host "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRgb(133, 222, 119))$($args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" -NoNewline } function Select-Option { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)][string]$Message, [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)][string[]]$Options ) $Selected = $null while ($null -eq $Selected) { Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Magenta for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Options.Length; $i++) { Write-Host "$($i+1): $($Options[$i])" } $SelectedIndex = Read-Host "Select an option" if ($SelectedIndex -gt 0 -and $SelectedIndex -le $Options.Length) { $Selected = $Options[$SelectedIndex - 1] } else { Write-Host "Invalid Option." -ForegroundColor Yellow } } return $Selected } # we use --ssl-no-revoke because when system DNS is unreachable, CRL check will fail in cURL. # it is OKAY, we're using trusted Cloudflare and Google servers the certificates of which explicitly mention their IP addresses (in Subject Alternative Name) that we are using to connect to them Function Invoke-cURL { param($url) # Enables "TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256" Cipher Suite for Windows 11, if necessary, because it's disabled by default # cURL will need that cipher suite to perform encrypted DNS query, it uses Windows Schannel if (-NOT ((Get-TlsCipherSuite).name -contains "TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256")) { Enable-TlsCipherSuite -Name "TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256" } $IPs = curl --ssl-no-revoke --max-time 10 --tlsv1.3 --tls13-ciphers TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 --http2 -H "accept: application/dns-json" $url; $IPs = ( $IPs | ConvertFrom-Json) return $IPs } # Explicitly defining array type variable to store IP addresses $NewIPsV4 = @() Function Get-IPv4DoHServerIPAddressWinSecureDNSMgr { param ($domain) # get the new IPv4s for $domain Write-Host "Using the main Cloudflare Encrypted API to resolve $domain" -ForegroundColor Green $NewIPsV4 = Invoke-cURL "$domain&type=A" if (!$NewIPsV4) { Write-Host "First try failed, now using the secondary Encrypted Cloudflare API to to get IPv4s for $domain" -ForegroundColor Blue $NewIPsV4 = Invoke-cURL "$domain&type=A" } if (!$NewIPsV4) { Write-Host "Second try failed, now using the main Encrypted Google API to to get IPv4s for $domain" -ForegroundColor Yellow $NewIPsV4 = Invoke-cURL "$domain&type=A" } if (!$NewIPsV4) { Write-Host "Third try failed, now using the second Encrypted Google API to to get IPv4s for $domain" -ForegroundColor DarkRed $NewIPsV4 = Invoke-cURL "$domain&type=A" } if (!$NewIPsV4) { Write-Host "Fourth try failed, using any available system DNS to get the IPv4s for $domain" -ForegroundColor Magenta $NewIPsV4 = (Resolve-DnsName -Type A -Name "$domain" -NoHostsFile).ipaddress } if ($NewIPsV4) { if ($NewIPsV4.count -gt 2) { $NewIPsV4 = $NewIPsV4 | Select-Object -First 2 } return $NewIPsV4 } else { Write-Host "`nFailed to get IPv4s for $domain" -ForegroundColor Red return $null } } # Explicitly defining array type variable to store IP addresses $NewIPsV6 = @() Function Get-IPv6DoHServerIPAddressWinSecureDNSMgr { param ($domain) # get the new IPv6s for $domain Write-Host "Using the main Cloudflare Encrypted API to resolve $domain" -ForegroundColor Green $NewIPsV6 = Invoke-cURL "$domain&type=AAAA" if (!$NewIPsV6) { Write-Host "First try failed, now using the secondary Encrypted Cloudflare API to to get IPv6s for $domain" -ForegroundColor Blue $NewIPsV6 = Invoke-cURL "$domain&type=AAAA" } if (!$NewIPsV6) { Write-Host "Second try failed, now using the main Encrypted Google API to to get IPv6s for $domain" -ForegroundColor Yellow $NewIPsV6 = Invoke-cURL "$domain&type=AAAA" } if (!$NewIPsV6) { Write-Host "Third try failed, now using the second Encrypted Google API to to get IPv6s for $domain" -ForegroundColor DarkRed $NewIPsV6 = Invoke-cURL "$domain&type=AAAA" } if (!$NewIPsV6) { Write-Host "Fourth try failed, using any available system DNS to get the IPv6s for $domain" -ForegroundColor Magenta $NewIPsV6 = (Resolve-DnsName -Type AAAA -Name "$domain" -NoHostsFile).ipaddress } if ($NewIPsV6) { # in case server had more than 2 IP addresses if ($NewIPsV6.count -gt 2) { $NewIPsV6 = $NewIPsV6 | Select-Object -First 2 } return $NewIPsV6 } else { Write-Host "`nFailed to get IPv6s for $domain" -ForegroundColor Red return $null } } |