TOPIC about_WinSCP SHORT DESCRIPTION PowerShell wrapper for WinSCP. LONG DESCRIPTION This is a PowerShell module designed to wrapper the open source WinSCP .net library. The goal of this project was to create a feeling of using native PowerShell commands with WinSCP. NOTE This is a work in progress, command names, parameters, and functionallity may change. TROUBLESHOOTING NOTE Please submit all issues and freature requests on the project site: https://github.com/dotps1/WinSCP/issues EXAMPLES Get-Command -Module WinSCP | Sort-Object -Property Name | Select-Object -Property Name Name ---- Close-WinSCPSession ConvertTo-WinSCPEscapedString Enter-WinSCPSession Exit-WinSCPSession Get-WinSCPChildItem Get-WinSCPItem Get-WinSCPItemChecksum Get-WinSCPSession Get-WinSCPSshHostKeyFingerprint Invoke-WinSCPCommand Move-WinSCPItem New-WinSCPItem New-WinSCPItemPermission New-WinSCPSession New-WinSCPSessionOption New-WinSCPTransferOption New-WinSCPTransferResumeSupport Open-WinSCPSession Receive-WinSCPItem Remove-WinSCPItem Remove-WinSCPSession Rename-WinSCPItem Send-WinSCPItem Start-WinSCPConsole Sync-WinSCPPath Test-WinSCPPath # Create a basic WinSCP.SessionOptions object, this use to open the connection to the host. $sessionOption = New-WinSCPSessionOption -HostName ftp.dotps1.github.io # Get the SshHostKeyFingerprint of the certificate the host is using. $sshHostKeyFingerprint = Get-WinSCPSshHostKeyFingerprint -SessionOption $sessionOption # Update the WinSCP.SessionOptions object. $sessionOption.SshHostKeyFingerprint = $sshHostKeyFingerprint # Create a new WinSCP.Session . New-WinSCPSession -SessionOption $sessionOption # List the contents of the home directory. Get-WinSCPChildItem # Close the WinSCP.Session object. Remove-WinSCPSession KEYWORDS WinSCP Ftp Sftp Scp WebDav SEE ALSO https://winscp.net |