function Get-WinSCPChildItem { [CmdletBinding( HelpUri = "", PositionalBinding = $false )] [OutputType( [Array] )] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateScript({ if ($_.Opened) { return $true } else { throw "The WinSCP Session is not in an Open state." } })] [WinSCP.Session] $WinSCPSession, [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String[]] $Path = $WinSCPSession.HomePath, [Parameter()] [String] $Filter = $null, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Recurse, [Parameter()] [Int] $Depth, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Name, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Directory, [Parameter()] [Switch] $File ) process { foreach ($pathValue in ( Format-WinSCPPathString -Path $Path )) { $pathExists = Test-WinSCPPath -WinSCPSession $WinSCPSession -Path $pathValue if (-not $pathExists) { Write-Error -Message "Cannot find path '$pathValue' because it does not exist." continue } $depthParameterUsed = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( "Depth" ) if ($depthParameterUsed -and -not $Recurse.IsPresent) { $Recurse = $true } if ($Recurse.IsPresent) { $enumerationOptions = [WinSCP.EnumerationOptions]::AllDirectories -bor [WinSCP.EnumerationOptions]::MatchDirectories } else { $enumerationOptions = [WinSCP.EnumerationOptions]::None -bor [WinSCP.EnumerationOptions]::MatchDirectories } try { $items = $WinSCPSession.EnumerateRemoteFiles( $pathValue, $Filter, $enumerationOptions ) $items = $items | Sort-Object -Property IsDirectory -Descending:$false | Sort-Object -Property @{ Expression = { Split-Path -Path $_.FullName } }, Name if ($depthParameterUsed) { $items = $items.Where({ ($_.FullName.SubString( 0, $_.FullName.LastIndexOf( [System.IO.Path]::AltDirectorySeparatorChar ) ).Split( [System.IO.Path]::AltDirectorySeparatorChar ).Count - 1) -le $Depth }) } if ($Directory.IsPresent -and $File.IsPresent) { # If both -Directory and -File switches are used, exit the loop and return nothing. # This mimics the functionality of Get-ChildItem. continue } elseif ($Directory.IsPresent -and -not $File.IsPresent ) { $items = $items.Where({ $_.IsDirectory -eq $true }) } elseif ($File.IsPresent -and -not $Directory.IsPresent) { $items = $items.Where({ $_.IsDirectory -eq $false }) } if ($Name.IsPresent) { $items = $items | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name } Write-Output -InputObject $items } catch { $PSCmdlet.WriteError( $_ ) continue } } } } |