function Get-PortCertificate { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns certificate information from a listening TLS/SSL service port. .DESCRIPTION Gets the associated certificate from a TLS/SSL application service port. .PARAMETER Computername Hostname or IP address of the target system (Default: localhost). The function uses the supplied computername to validate with the certificate's subject name(s). .PARAMETER Port Port to retrieve SSL certificate (Default: 443). .PARAMETER Path Directory path to save SSL certificate(s). .PARAMETER DownloadChain Save all chain certificates to file. A certificate chain folder will be created under the specfied -path directory. -DownloadChain is dependent on the path parameter. .NOTES Name: Get-PortCertificate Author: Caleb Keene Updated: 08-30-2016 Version: 1.2 .EXAMPLE Get-PortCertificate -Computername Server1 -Port 3389 -Path C:\temp -verbose .EXAMPLE "server1","server2","server3" | Get-PortCertificate #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] [Alias('IPAddress','Server','Computer')] [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,Position = 1)] [ValidateRange(1,65535)] [int]$Port = 443, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Path ) #use a dynamic parameter to prevent -downloadchain without -path. DynamicParam { #Need some sort of conditional check before allowing Dynamic Parameter If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path')) { #Same as [Parameter()] $attribute = new-object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $attribute.Mandatory = $false $AttributeCollection = new-object -Type System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $AttributeCollection.Add($attribute) #Build out the Dynamic Parameter # Need the Parameter Name, Type and Attribute Collection (Built already) $DynamicParam = new-object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter("DownloadChain", [switch], $AttributeCollection) $ParamDictionary = new-object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $ParamDictionary.Add("DownloadChain", $DynamicParam) return $ParamDictionary } } Begin{ #make sure the version is supported if ($psversiontable.psversion.Major -le 2 ){ Write-warning "Function requires PowerShell version 3 or later." break } #add a custom type name to control our objects default display properties try{ Update-TypeData -TypeName 'Get.PortCertificate' -DefaultDisplayPropertySet Subject,Issuer,NotAfter,NotBefore,ExpiresIn,CertificateValidNames,TargetName,TargetNameStatus,TargetNameStatusDetails,TargetNameIsValid,ChainPath,ChainStatus,ChainStatusDetails,CertificateIsValid -ErrorAction stop} catch{} #validate that the path is a filesystem directory if ($path) { if(-not(test-path -PathType Container FileSystem::$path)){ Write-warning "The supplied directory path is not valid: $path" break } } } Process { #make sure we are able to establish a port connection #Set our connection timeout $timeout = 1000 #Create object to test the port connection $tcpobject = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient #Connect to remote port $connect = $tcpobject.BeginConnect($ComputerName,$Port,$null,$null) #Configure connection timeout $wait = $connect.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($timeout,$false) If (-NOT $Wait) { Write-Warning "[$($ComputerName)] Connection to port $($Port) timed out after $($timeout) milliseconds" return } Else { Try { [void]$tcpobject.EndConnect($connect) Write-Verbose "[$($ComputerName)] Successfully connected to port $($Port). Good!" } Catch { Write-Warning "[$($ComputerName)] $_" return } } #Note: This also works for validating the port connection, but the default timeout when unable to connect is a bit long. <# try { (New-Object -ArgumentList $computername,$port -ErrorAction stop).Connected } catch{ Write-Warning ("Unable to connect to {0} on port {1}"-f$ComputerName,$Port) return } #> Write-Verbose "[$($ComputerName)] Getting SSL certificate from port $($Port)." #create our webrequest object for the ssl connection $sslrequest = [Net.WebRequest]::Create("https://$ComputerName`:$port") #make the connection and store the response (if any). try{$Response = $sslrequest.GetResponse()} catch{} #load the returned SSL certificate using x509certificate2 class if ($certificate = [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]$sslrequest.ServicePoint.Certificate.Handle){ Write-Verbose "[$($ComputerName)] Certificate found! Building certificate chain information and object data." #build our certificate chain object $chain = [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain]::create() $isValid = $chain.Build($certificate) #get certificate subject names from our certificate extensions $validnames = @() try{[array]$validnames += @(($certificate.Extensions | Where-Object {$_.Oid.Value -eq ""}).Format($true).split("`n") | Where-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object {$_.split("=")[1].trim()})}catch{} try{[array]$validnames += @($certificate.subject.split(",")[0].split("=")[1].trim())}catch{} #validate the target name for($i=0;$i -le $validnames.count - 1;$i++){ if ($validnames[$i] -match '^\*'){ $wildcard = $validnames[$i] -replace '^\*\.' if($computername -match "$wildcard$"){ $TargetNameIsValid = $true break } $TargetNameIsValid = $false } else{ if($validnames[$i] -match "^$ComputerName$"){ $TargetNameIsValid = $true break } $TargetNameIsValid = $false } } #create custom object to later convert to PSobject (required in order to use the custom type name's default display properties) $customized = $certificate | Select-Object *, @{n="ExtensionData";e={$_.Extensions | ForEach-Object {@{$_.oid.friendlyname.trim()=$_.format($true).trim()}}}}, @{n="ResponseUri";e={if ($Response.ResponseUri){$Response.ResponseUri}else{$false}}}, @{n="ExpiresIn";e={if((get-date) -gt $_.NotAfter){"Certificate has expired!"}else{$timespan = New-TimeSpan -end $_.notafter;"{0} Days - {1} Hours - {2} Minutes" -f $timespan.days,$timespan.hours,$timespan.minutes}}}, @{n="TargetName";e={$ComputerName}}, @{n="CertificateValidNames";e={$validnames}}, @{n="ChainPath";e={$count=0;$chaincerts = @($chain.ChainElements.certificate.subject);$($chaincerts[($chaincerts.length -1) .. 0] | ForEach-Object {"{0,$(5+$count)}{1}" -f "---",$_;$count+=3}) -join "`n"}}, @{n="ChainCertificates";e={@{"Certificates"=$chain.ChainElements.certificate}}}, @{n="ChainStatus";e={if($isvalid -and !$_.chainstatus){"Good"}else{$chain.chainstatus.Status}}}, @{n="ChainStatusDetails";e={if($isvalid -and !$_.chainstatus){"The certificate chain is valid."}else{$chain.chainstatus.StatusInformation.trim()}}}, @{n="CertificateIsValid";e={$isValid}}, @{n="TargetNameIsValid";e={$TargetNameIsValid}}, @{n="TargetNameStatus";e={if($TargetNameIsValid){"Good"}else{"Invalid"}}}, @{n="TargetNameStatusDetails";e={if($TargetNameIsValid){"The target name appears to be valid: $computername"}else{"TargetName $computername does not match any certificate subject name."}}} #get object properties for our PSObject $objecthash = [Ordered]@{} ($customized | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).name | ForEach-Object {$objecthash+=@{$_=$customized.$_}} #create the PSObject $psobject = New-Object psobject -Property $objecthash #add the custom type name to the PSObject $psobject.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,'Get.PortCertificate') #save our certificate(s) to file if applicable if ($path){ write-verbose "Saving certificate(s) to file." try { $psobject.RawData | Set-Content -Encoding Byte -Path "$path\Cert`_$ComputerName`_$port`.cer" -ErrorAction stop write-verbose "Certificate saved to $path\Cert`_$ComputerName`_$port`.cer." } catch{write-warning ("Unable to save certificate to {0}: {1}" -f "$path\Cert`_$ComputerName`_$port`.cer",$_.exception.message)} if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DownloadChain')){ New-Item -ItemType directory -path "$path\ChainCerts`_$ComputerName`_$port" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null $psobject.chaincertificates.certificates | ForEach-Object { try { Set-Content $_.RawData -Encoding Byte -Path "$path\ChainCerts`_$ComputerName`_$port\$($_.thumbprint)`.cer" -ErrorAction stop write-verbose "Certificate chain certificate saved to $path\ChainCerts`_$ComputerName`_$port\$($_.thumbprint)`.cer." } catch{ write-warning ("Unable to save certificate chain certificate to {0}: {1}" -f "$path\ChainCerts`_$ComputerName`_$port",$_.exception.message) } } } } #abort any connections $sslrequest.abort() #return the object $psobject } else{ #we were able to connect to the port but no ssl certificate was returned write-warning ("[{0}] No certificate returned on port {1}."-f $ComputerName,$Port) #abort any connections $sslrequest.abort() return } } } |