function Get-EMCPowerPathInfo { <# .Synopsis Get EMC PowerPath Disk info .DESCRIPTION Script Retrieves Disk names, paths, etc. as provided by 'powermt display paths' .EXAMPLE Export List of servers EMC info Get-EMCPowerPathInfo -ComputerName $list -Credential $admincred | Export-Excel .EXAMPLE Export List of servers EMC info with full details Get-EMCPowerPathInfo -ComputerName $list -Credential $admincred -Detailed | Export-Excel #> Param ( [string[]] $ComputerName, [Switch] $Detailed, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) $scriptblocksimple = { $Outputs = powermt display paths # Create Hash Table $Properties = @() foreach ($Output in $Outputs){ # Clear Variables if ($Output -ne ""){ #Write-Host "working on $output" if ($Output -match 'Symmetrix logical device count=(?<Name>\d+)'){ $SymetrixDevCount = $Matches["Name"] } elseif ($Output -like "*port*path*") { $Diskinfo = $output -split " " | Where-Object {$_ -ne ""} $object = [pscustomobject]@{ Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME SymetrixDevCount = $SymetrixDevCount Port = $Diskinfo[0] HW_Path = $Diskinfo[1] StorageID = $Diskinfo[2] Stor_interf = $Diskinfo[3] + "--" + $Diskinfo[4] IOPathTotal = $Diskinfo[5] IOPathDead = $Diskinfo[6] }#end object $Properties += $object }#end elseif port*path }#end if $output else{ Write-Verbose "Skipping line: $Output" }#end else }#end foreach $output return $properties }# end script block $scriptblockdetailed = { $Outputs = powermt display dev=all # Create Hash Table $Properties = @() foreach ($Output in $Outputs){ # Clear Variables if ($Output -ne ""){ #Write-Host "working on $output" if ($Output -match 'Pseudo name=harddisk(?<Name>\d+)'){ $PsuedoName = "harddisk" + $Matches["Name"] } elseif ($Output -match 'Logical device ID=(?<ID>\w+)') { $LogicalDeviceID = $Matches["ID"] } elseif ($Output -like "state*policy*queued*") { $data = ($output -split ";").trim() | ConvertFrom-StringData $state = $data.state $policy = $data.policy $queudIOs = $data.'queued-IOs' }#end elseif state*policy elseif ($Output -like "*port*path*") { $Diskinfo = $output -split " " | Where-Object {$_ -ne ""} $object = [pscustomobject]@{ Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME PseudoName = $PsuedoName LogicalDevID = $LogicalDeviceID State = $State Policy = $policy QueuedIOs = $queudIOs Port = $Diskinfo[0] HW_Path = $Diskinfo[1] IO_Paths = $Diskinfo[2] Stor_interf = $Diskinfo[3] + " " + $Diskinfo[4] IOPathMode = $Diskinfo[5] IOPathState = $Diskinfo[6] QIOs = $Diskinfo[7] Err = $Diskinfo[8] }#end object $Properties += $object }#end elseif port*path }#end if $output else{ Write-Verbose "Blank Line" }#end else }#end foreach $output return $properties }# end script block ## Choose Scriptblock if ($Detailed){ $scriptblock = $scriptblockdetailed } else{ $scriptblock = $scriptblocksimple } #Execute Scriptblock on Computername(s) with set parameters. $params = @{ ScriptBlock = $scriptblock } if ($ComputerName){ $params['ComputerName'] = $ComputerName } if ($Credential){ $params['Credential'] = $Credential } Invoke-Command @params } |