function Get-ADPasswordPolicyReport { param ( [string] $Domain, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) begin { ## Import prereq module Import-Module ActiveDirectory $params = @{} if ($Domain){ $params['Domain'] = $Domain } if ($Credential){ $params['Credential'] = $Credential } } process { $DefaultPolicy = Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy @params $FineGrains = Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy -Filter * @params | sort-object Precedence $finaltable = @() ## add default to table $finaltable += [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "Default Domain Password Policy" Domain = $Domain Type = "Default Domain Password Policy" ComplexityEnabled = $defaultpolicy.ComplexityEnabled LockoutDuration = $defaultpolicy.LockoutDuration LockoutObservationWindow = $defaultpolicy.LockoutObservationWindow LockoutThreshold = $defaultpolicy.LockoutThreshold MaxPasswordAge = $defaultpolicy.MaxPasswordAge MinPasswordAge = $defaultpolicy.MinPasswordAge MinPasswordLength = $defaultpolicy.MinPasswordLength PasswordHistoryCount = $defaultpolicy.PasswordHistoryCount Precedence = "default" ReversibleEncryptionEnabled = $defaultpolicy.ReversibleEncryptionEnabled DistinguishedName = $defaultpolicy.DistinguishedName AppliesTo = "default" } ## add all fine grains to table foreach ($fg in $FineGrains){ $finaltable += [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $ Domain = $Domain Type = "Fine Grain Password Policy" ComplexityEnabled = $fg.ComplexityEnabled LockoutDuration = $fg.LockoutDuration LockoutObservationWindow = $fg.LockoutObservationWindow LockoutThreshold = $fg.LockoutThreshold MaxPasswordAge = $fg.MaxPasswordAge MinPasswordAge = $fg.MinPasswordAge MinPasswordLength = $fg.MinPasswordLength PasswordHistoryCount = $fg.PasswordHistoryCount Precedence = $fg.Precedence ReversibleEncryptionEnabled = $fg.ReversibleEncryptionEnabled DistinguishedName = $fg.DistinguishedName AppliesTo = $fg.appliesto -join ";" } } $finaltable } } |