#Requires -Modules TableUI Set-StrictMode -Version 3 Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\WinGet-Utils.psm1" [string]$PackageDatabase = "$PSScriptRoot\winget.packages.json" [string]$PackageDatabaseSchema = "$PSScriptRoot\schema\packages.schema.json" [string]$CheckpointFilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\winget.{HOSTNAME}.checkpoint" [string]$FakePackageExpression = "<.*>" [string]$DefaultSource = 'winget' <# .DESCRIPTION Restore a collection of packages based on the provided list of tags. .EXAMPLE PS> Restore-WinGetSoftware -All -UseUI .EXAMPLE PS> Restore-WinGetSoftware -Tag Dev,Essential #> function Restore-WinGetSoftware { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'Filter', ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param ( # The specified tags to filter and determine which software to install. # A matching package is one that contains all the specified tags. # See $MatchAny to change the filtering behavior for this parameter. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Filter')] [string[]]$Tag, # When set, the specified list of $Tag will no longer require a package # to contain all the specified tags for it to be considered a match, # as long as one of the tags is associated with the package it will be # considered a match. The default behavior is to "Match All" tags. # This switch does not affect $ExcludeTag behavior. [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Filter')] [switch]$MatchAny, # An optional list of tags which will filter a package from the # install list if it contains ANY of tags specified in this list. [Parameter()] [string[]]$ExcludeTag = @(), # When set, all packages in "winget.packages.json" will be selected. [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'NoFilter')] [switch]$All, # When set, packages listed in the "checkpoint" file (generated via # Checkpoint-WinGetSoftware) will be filtered from the list. Thus # supplying a list of packages that are not installed on the system. [Parameter()] [switch]$NotInstalled, # When set, a CLI based UI will be presented to allow for more refined # selection of packages to install. [Parameter()] [switch]$UseUI, # When set, ignore the 'Version' of all packages to be installed and use # the latest version available. However, packages with 'VersionLock' set # will be respected. [Parameter()] [switch]$UseLatest, # When set, indicates that interactive installation should be used, # requires user to navigate install wizards. [Parameter()] [switch]$Interactive, # Acts as a inverse of -Confirm. Provided for convenience. [Parameter()] [switch]$Force, # Launches and runs the invoked command in an administrator instance of PowerShell. [Parameter()] [switch]$Administrator, # Bypasses schema validation for the "winget.packages.json". This is # for testing purposes and should not be used in normal usage. [Parameter()] [switch]$SkipValidation ) function Write-ProgressHelper { param ( [PSObject[]]$Packages, [int]$PackageIndex ) $i = $PackageIndex + 1 $bar = ('─' * 64) # Match Width of TableUI Write-Output "`r$bar" Write-Output "[ $i / $($Packages.Count) ] Installing '$($Packages[$PackageIndex].PackageIdentifier)'" Write-Output "$bar`n" } if ($Administrator -and -not(Test-Administrator)) { $boundParamsString = $PSBoundParameters.Keys | ForEach-Object { if ($PSBoundParameters[$_] -is [switch]) { if ($PSBoundParameters[$_]) { "-$($_)" } } else { "-$($_) $($PSBoundParameters[$_])" } } $cmdArgs = "-NoLogo -NoExit -Command Restore-WinGetSoftware $($boundParamsString -join ' ')" Start-Process -Verb RunAs -FilePath "pwsh" -ArgumentList $cmdArgs return } if (-not(Test-Administrator) -and -not($Force)) { Write-Warning ('Some programs will not install correctly if WinGet is used without administrator rights. ' + 'This is particularly true for zip-based installs which involve the creation of symbolic links to export the utility the WinGet "Links" path.') Write-Output 'Press any key to continue ...' $null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown') } if (-not(Test-Path variable:Confirm)) { $Confirm = $false } if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' } Initialize-WinGetRestore | Out-Null if (-not(Test-Path $PackageDatabase)) { Write-Error ("`"$PackageDatabase`" does not exist. Please create this file and populate it with tagged winget package identifiers. " + "Then use Initialize-WinGetRestore to setup a symlink to this file.") return } $MatchAnyScriptBlock = { param([string[]]$p1, [string[]]$p2) $tags = $p1 $packageTags = $p2 $matchedAny = $false $tags | ForEach-Object { if ($packageTags -contains $_) { $matchedAny = $true return } } $matchedAny } $MatchAllScriptBlock = { param([string[]]$p1, [string[]]$p2) $tags = $p1 $packageTags = $p2 $matchedAll = $true $tags | ForEach-Object { if ($packageTags -notcontains $_) { $matchedAll = $false return } } $matchedAll } $MatchNoneScriptBlock = { param([string[]]$p1, [string[]]$p2) $tags = $p1 $packageTags = $p2 $matchedNone = $true $tags | ForEach-Object { if ($packageTags -contains $_) { $matchedNone = $false return } } $matchedNone } if ($MatchAny) { $isMatch = $MatchAnyScriptBlock } else { $isMatch = $MatchAllScriptBlock } if (-not($SkipValidation) -and -not(Test-Json -Json (Get-Content $PackageDatabase | Out-String) -SchemaFile $PackageDatabaseSchema)) { Write-Error "Schema validation failed for: '$PackageDatabase'. Please fix and try again. The file can be validated against '$PackageDatabaseSchema'." return } $installPackages = @(Get-Content $PackageDatabase | ConvertFrom-Json) $checkpointFile = $CheckpointFilePath.Replace('{HOSTNAME}', $(hostname).ToLower()) if ($NotInstalled) { if (Test-Path $checkpointFile) { # Check across all sources for packages, not just winget. $checkpointPackageIds = (Get-Content $checkpointFile | ConvertFrom-Json).Sources.Packages.PackageIdentifier $installPackages = @($installPackages | Where-Object { $checkpointPackageIds -notcontains $_.PackageIdentifier }) } else { Write-Error "No checkpoint file found. 'Checkpoint-WinGetSoftware' should be run before using -NotInstalled." return } } if (-not($All)) { $installPackages = @($installPackages | Where-Object { &$isMatch -p1 $Tag -p2 $_.Tags }) } if ($ExcludeTag.Count -gt 0) { $installPackages = @($installPackages | Where-Object { &$MatchNoneScriptBlock -p1 $ExcludeTag -p2 $_.Tags }) } if ($installPackages.Count -eq 0) { Write-Output "No packages to install." return } $fakePackages = $installPackages | Where-Object { $_.PackageIdentifier -match $FakePackageExpression } | Sort-Object -Property PackageIdentifier $installPackages = $installPackages | Where-Object { $_.PackageIdentifier -notmatch $FakePackageExpression } | Sort-Object -Property PackageIdentifier if ($null -ne $fakePackages) { $installPackages = $installPackages + $fakePackages } if ($UseUI) { $selections = [bool[]]@() $ShowPackageDetailsScriptBlock = { param($currentSelections, $selectedIndex) $fakePackage = $installPackages[$selectedIndex].PackageIdentifier -match $FakePackageExpression $hasPostInstall = $installPackages[$selectedIndex].PSobject.Properties.Name -contains "PostInstall" Clear-Host if ($fakePackage) { Write-Output "The selected package is not part of winget and only executes post-install comamnds." } else { $commandArgs = @('show', $installPackages[$selectedIndex].PackageIdentifier) if (-not([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DefaultSource))) { $commandArgs += @('--source', $DefaultSource) } winget $commandArgs } if ($hasPostInstall) { Write-Output "`nPost-Install Commands:" $installPackages[$selectedIndex].PostInstall.Commands | ForEach-Object { Write-Output "`t$_" } } Write-Output "`n[Press ENTER to return.]" [Console]::CursorVisible = $false $cursorPos = $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition while ($host.ui.RawUI.ReadKey().VirtualKeyCode -ne [ConsoleKey]::Enter) { $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $cursorPos [Console]::CursorVisible = $false } } $TableUIArgs = @{ Table = $installPackages Title = 'Select Software to Install' EnterKeyDescription = "Press ENTER to show selection details. " EnterKeyScript = $ShowPackageDetailsScriptBlock DefaultMemberToShow = "PackageIdentifier" SelectedItemMembersToShow = @("PackageIdentifier", "Tags", "Version", "Location", "Interactive") Selections = ([ref]$selections) } Show-TableUI @TableUIArgs if ($null -eq $selections) { $selectedPackages = @(); } else { $selectedPackages = @($installPackages | Where-Object { $selections[$installPackages.indexOf($_)] }) } } else { $selectedPackages = $installPackages } if ($selectedPackages.Count -eq 0) { Write-Output "No packages selected." return } $packageIndex = 0 $errorCount = 0 foreach ($installPackage in $selectedPackages) { Write-ProgressHelper -Packages $selectedPackages -PackageIndex $packageIndex $fakePackage = ($installPackage.PackageIdentifier -match $FakePackageExpression) if ($fakePackage) { Write-Verbose "command: (post-install only)" } else { Write-Verbose "command: winget install$(Get-WinGetSoftwareInstallArgs -Package $installPackage -UseLatest:$UseLatest)" } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($installPackage.PackageIdentifier)) { Install-WinGetSoftware -Package $installPackage -ErrorCount ([ref]$errorCount) } Write-Output "" $packageIndex++ } if ($errorCount -gt 0) { Write-Error "Done (Errors = $errorCount)." } else { Write-Output "Done." } } function Test-ObjectProperty { param ( [object]$Object, [string]$PropertyName ) $PropertyName -in $Object.PSobject.Properties.Name } function Get-WinGetSoftwareInstallArgs { param( [object]$Package, [switch]$UseLatest ) if ($Interactive -or ((Test-ObjectProperty -Object $Package -Property "Interactive") -and $Package.Interactive)) { $interactiveArg = ' --interactive' } else { $interactiveArg = '' } $packageIdArg = " --id $($Package.PackageIdentifier)" if (-not([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DefaultSource))) { $sourceArg = " --source $DefaultSource" } else { $sourceArg = '' } if ((((Test-ObjectProperty -Object $Package -Property "VersionLock") -and $Package.VersionLock) -or -not($UseLatest)) -and (Test-ObjectProperty -Object $Package -Property "Version") -and -not([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Package.Version))) { $versionArg = " --version $($Package.Version)" } else { $versionArg = '' } if ((Test-ObjectProperty -Object $Package -Property "Location") -and -not([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Package.Location))) { $locationArg = " --location '$($Package.Location)'" } else { $locationArg = '' } if ((Test-ObjectProperty -Object $Package -Property "AdditionalArgs") -and -not([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Package.AdditionalArgs))) { $additionalArgs = " $($Package.AdditionalArgs)" } else { $additionalArgs = '' } return "$interactiveArg$packageIdArg$sourceArg$versionArg$locationArg$additionalArgs" } function Install-WinGetSoftware { param( [object]$Package, [ref]$ErrorCount ) $postInstallQuestion = "Run post-install command(s)?" $postInstallChoices = @( [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]::new("&Yes", "Do run post-install command") [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]::new("&No", "Do not run post-install command") ) $runPostInstall = ($Package.PSobject.Properties.Name -contains "PostInstall") $fakePackage = $Package.PackageIdentifier -match $FakePackageExpression if ($fakePackage) { $installOk = $true } else { $installArgs = Get-WinGetSoftwareInstallArgs -Package $Package -UseLatest:$UseLatest Invoke-Expression "winget install $installArgs" $installOk = $LASTEXITCODE -eq 0 Write-Verbose "returned: $LASTEXITCODE" } if (-not($installOk)) { $ErrorCount.Value++ } if (-not($runPostInstall)) { continue } if ($installOk) { if ($Package.PostInstall.Run -eq "Prompt") { $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($null, $postInstallQuestion, $postInstallChoices, 0) $runPostInstall = $runPostInstall -and ($decision -eq 0) } else { $runPostInstall = $runPostInstall -and ( ($Package.PostInstall.Run -eq "Always") -or ($Package.PostInstall.Run -eq "OnSuccess")) } } else { if (($Package.PostInstall.Run -eq "Prompt") -or ($Package.PostInstall.Run -eq "PromptOnError")) { $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($null, $postInstallQuestion, $postInstallChoices, 1) $runPostInstall = $runPostInstall -and ($decision -eq 0) } else { $runPostInstall = $runPostInstall -and ($Package.PostInstall.Run -eq "Always") } } if (-not($runPostInstall)) { continue } Write-Output "Post-install: running ..." $terminatePostInstall = $false foreach ($cmd in $Package.PostInstall.Commands) { $runCommand = $true while ($runCommand) { $runCommand = $false Write-Verbose "executing: '$cmd'" $errorReult = $false try { $global:LASTEXITCODE = 0 Invoke-Expression $cmd -ErrorVariable errorOutput $errorReult = ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) -or -not($?) -or -not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($errorOutput)) } catch { Write-Output "Last command encountered an error: $_" $errorReult = $true } if ($errorReult) { $ErrorCount.Value++ if ($Package.PostInstall.OnError -eq "Skip") { $terminatePostInstall = $true break } elseif ($Package.PostInstall.OnError -eq "Prompt") { $title = "An error occurred during the last post-install command" $question = "What action should be performed?" $choices = @( [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]::new("&Continue", "Continue with the next command") [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]::new("&Re-Run", "Re-run the last command") [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]::new("&Skip", "Skip the remaining commands for the current package") ) $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 2) $runCommand = $decision -eq 1 if ($decision -eq 2) { return } } else { # "Continue", do nothing. } } } if ($terminatePostInstall) { break; } } Write-Output "Post-install: complete." } $RestoreTagScriptBlock = { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) if (Test-Path $PackageDatabase) { $packages = Get-Content $PackageDatabase | ConvertFrom-Json if ($null -ne $packages) { $packages.Tags | Sort-Object -Unique | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } } } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Restore-WingetSoftware -ParameterName Tag -ScriptBlock $RestoreTagScriptBlock Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Restore-WingetSoftware -ParameterName ExcludeTag -ScriptBlock $RestoreTagScriptBlock |