
function Find-WFDataGridViewValue
        The Find-WFDataGridViewValue function helps you to find a specific value and select the cell, row or to set a fore and back color.
        The Find-WFDataGridViewValue function helps you to find a specific value and select the cell, row or to set a fore and back color.
    .PARAMETER DataGridView
        Specifies the DataGridView Control to use
    .PARAMETER RowBackColor
        Specifies the back color of the row to use
    .PARAMETER RowForeColor
        Specifies the fore color of the row to use
    .PARAMETER SelectCell
        Specifies to select only the cell when the value is found
    .PARAMETER SelectRow
        Specifies to select the entire row when the value is found
    .PARAMETER Value
        Specifies the value to search
        PS C:\> Find-WFDataGridViewValue -DataGridView $datagridview1 -Value $textbox1.Text
        This will find the value and select the cell(s)
        PS C:\> Find-WFDataGridViewValue -DataGridView $datagridview1 -Value $textbox1.Text -RowForeColor 'Red' -RowBackColor 'Black'
        This will find the value and color the fore and back of the row
        PS C:\> Find-WFDataGridViewValue -DataGridView $datagridview1 -Value $textbox1.Text -SelectRow
        This will find the value and select the entire row
        Francois-Xavier Cat

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Cell")]
    PARAM (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Cell")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Row")]
        #[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Column")]


        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "RowColor")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "RowColor")]
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        FOR ([int]$i = 0; $i -lt $DataGridView.RowCount; $i++)
            FOR ([int]$j = 0; $j -lt $DataGridView.ColumnCount; $j++)
                $CurrentCell = $dataGridView.Rows[$i].Cells[$j]
                if ((-not $CurrentCell.Value.Equals([DBNull]::Value)) -and ($CurrentCell.Value.ToString() -like "*$Value*"))
                    # Row Selection
                    IF ($PSBoundParameters['SelectRow'])
                        $dataGridView.Rows[$i].Selected = $true
                    # Column Selection
                    IF ($PSBoundParameters['SelectColumn'])
                        #$DataGridView.Columns[$($CurrentCell.ColumnIndex)].Selected = $true
                        #$DataGridView.Columns[$j].Selected = $true
                        #$CurrentCell.DataGridView.Columns[$j].Selected = $true

                    # Row Fore Color
                    IF ($PSBoundParameters['RowForeColor'])
                        $dataGridView.Rows[$i].DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = $RowForeColor
                    # Row Back Color
                    IF ($PSBoundParameters['RowBackColor'])
                        $dataGridView.Rows[$i].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = $RowBackColor
                    # Cell Selection
                    ELSEIF (-not ($PSBoundParameters['SelectRow']) -and -not ($PSBoundParameters['SelectColumn']))
                        $CurrentCell.Selected = $true
                } #IF not empty and contains value
            } #For Each column
        } #For Each Row
    } #PROCESS