function Clear-WFErrorProvider { <# .SYNOPSIS The Clear-WFErrorProvider function will clear the error message on the Winforms control specified .DESCRIPTION The Clear-WFErrorProvider function will clear the error message on the Winforms control specified .PARAMETER ErrorProvider Specifies the ErrorProvider Control .PARAMETER Control Specifies the Control on which the error message will be cleared .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Clear-WFErrorProvider -$ErrorProvider $ErrorProvider1 -Control $TextBox1 Clear the error message on the $TextBox1 control .NOTES Francois-Xavier Cat @lazywinadm #> PARAM ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Windows.Forms.ErrorProvider]$ErrorProvider, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Control ) BEGIN { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms } PROCESS { $ErrorProvider.SetError($Control,'') } } |