function Add-WFRichTextBoxText { <# .SYNOPSIS This function Append text to a RichTextBox .DESCRIPTION This function Append text to a RichTextBox .PARAMETER Richtextbox Specify the RichTextBox Control to use .PARAMETER Message Specify the Message to show .PARAMETER MessageColor Specify the Color to use for the Message. Default is DarkGreen. .PARAMETER Source Specify the Source type of the Message .PARAMETER SourceColor Specify the Source type color to use. Default is Gray. .PARAMETER ItemName Specify a name that will help the user to identify the item .PARAMETER ItemColor Specify a color for the ItemName. Default is Blue. .EXAMPLE Add-WFRichTextBoxText -RichTextBox $RichTextBox1 -Message "Hello World" .EXAMPLE Add-WFRichTextBoxText -RichTextBox $RichTextBox1 -Message "Some info" -Source "Get-TSSession" -ComputerName "RemoteServe01" .NOTES Francois-Xavier Cat @lazywinadm VERSION HISTORY 1.0 2014/04/16 Initial Version 2.0 2015/02/13 Small update of parameter/Comment Based help #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Windows.Forms.Richtextbox]$RichTextBox, [Alias("ComputerName", "UserName")] [string]$ItemName, [Alias("ComputerNameColor", "UserNameColor")] [System.Drawing.Color]$ItemColor = "Blue", [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Message, [System.Drawing.Color]$MessageColor = "DarkGreen", [string]$Source, [System.Drawing.Color]$SourceColor = "Gray", [switch]$IncludeDateTime, [System.Drawing.Color]$DateTimeColor = "Black" ) BEGIN { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms # Get current date/time. Example: 2015-12-20 18:25:03 $SortableTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" } PROCESS { TRY { IF ($PSBoundParameters['IncludeDateTime']) { # Add the Date/Time $RichTextBox.SelectionColor = $DateTimeColor $RichTextBox.AppendText("[$SortableTime] ") } IF ($PSBoundParameters['ItemName']) { # Add ComputerName $RichTextBox.SelectionColor = $ItemColor $RichTextBox.AppendText(("$ItemName ").ToUpper()) } IF ($PSBoundParameters['Source']) { # Add Source $RichTextBox.SelectionColor = $SourceColor $RichTextBox.AppendText("$Source ") } # Add Message with a return character $RichTextBox.SelectionColor = $MessageColor $RichTextBox.AppendText("$Message`r") Write-Verbose -Message "$SortableTime $Message" } CATCH { Write-Error -Message "PROCESS - Error while writing inside the RichTextBox" Write-Error -Message "PROCESS - $($Error[0].Exception.message)" } } END { # Refresh RichTextBox $RichTextBox.Refresh() # Scroll to the end of the RichTextBox $RichTextBox.ScrollToCaret() } } |