function Add-WFListViewItem { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds the item(s) to the ListView and stores the object in the ListViewItem's Tag property. .DESCRIPTION Adds the item(s) to the ListView and stores the object in the ListViewItem's Tag property. .PARAMETER ListView The ListView control to add the items to. .PARAMETER Items The object or objects you wish to load into the ListView's Items collection. .PARAMETER ImageIndex The index of a predefined image in the ListView's ImageList. .PARAMETER SubItems List of strings to add as Subitems. .PARAMETER Group The group to place the item(s) in. .PARAMETER Clear This switch clears the ListView's Items before adding the new item(s). .EXAMPLE Add-WFListViewItem -ListView $listview1 -Items "Test" -Group $listview1.Groups[0] -ImageIndex 0 -SubItems "Installed" .NOTES SAPIEN Technologies, Inc. #> Param ( [ValidateNotNull()] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Windows.Forms.ListView]$ListView, [ValidateNotNull()] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Items, [int]$ImageIndex = -1, [string[]]$SubItems, $Group, [switch]$Clear ) BEGIN { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms } PROCESS { if ($Clear) { $ListView.Items.Clear(); } $lvGroup = $null if ($Group -is [System.Windows.Forms.ListViewGroup]) { $lvGroup = $Group } elseif ($Group -is [string]) { #$lvGroup = $ListView.Group[$Group] # Case sensitive foreach ($groupItem in $ListView.Groups) { if ($groupItem.Name -eq $Group) { $lvGroup = $groupItem break } } if (-not $lvGroup) { $lvGroup = $ListView.Groups.Add($Group, $Group) } } if ($Items -is [Array]) { $ListView.BeginUpdate() foreach ($item in $Items) { $listitem = $ListView.Items.Add($item.ToString(), $ImageIndex) #Store the object in the Tag $listitem.Tag = $item if ($SubItems) { $listitem.SubItems.AddRange($SubItems) } if ($lvGroup) { $listitem.Group = $lvGroup } } $ListView.EndUpdate() } else { #Add a new item to the ListView $listitem = $ListView.Items.Add($Items.ToString(), $ImageIndex) #Store the object in the Tag $listitem.Tag = $Items if ($SubItems) { $listitem.SubItems.AddRange($SubItems) } if ($lvGroup) { $listitem.Group = $lvGroup } } } #PROCESS } |