function Import-WELCChannelDefinition { <# .Synopsis Import-WELCChannelDefinition .DESCRIPTION Import definition data for creating custom Windows EventLog Channels from a Excel file The Excel file acts as a definition database and provide easy handling and definition for custom eventlog channels and there structure Additionally in the excel file, there is the possibility to manage XPath-Queries for Windows Event Forwading queries .PARAMETER Path The Excel file or a folder with Excel files to import .PARAMETER Sheet The Name of the sheet within the Excel file .PARAMETER Table The table containing the definition data within the sheet of the Excel file .PARAMETER FileExtension A list of file extensions indicating Excel files Only needed/used if a folder is specified as a Path .PARAMETER Recursive The specified path will be parsed recursivly Only needed/used if a folder is specified as a Path .PARAMETER OutputChannelDefinition If specified the function will output a WELC.ChannelDefinition object, instead of WELC.TemplateRecord data .PARAMETER OutputChannelConfig If specified the function will output a WELC.ChannelDefinition object, instead of WELC.TemplateRecord data .PARAMETER WhatIf If this switch is enabled, no actions are performed but informational messages will be displayed that explain what would happen if the command were to run. .PARAMETER Confirm If this switch is enabled, you will be prompted for confirmation before executing any operations that change state. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Import-WELCChannelDefinition -Path C:\WELC\MyFile.xls Import the excel file 'C:\WELC\MyFile.xls' with the default expected parametersettings (Excel file has to contain a Sheet 'CustomEventLogChannels' and a table 'T_Channel') .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Import-WELCChannelDefinition -Path C:\WELC Import all excel files in path 'C:\WELC' with the default expected parametersettings (sheet and table settings like in first example. Files have to have an extension with ".xlsx", ".xlsm", ".xls") .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Import-WELCChannelDefinition -Path C:\WELC -Recursive -FileExtension "xlsx", "xlsm", "xls" Import all excel files in path 'C:\WELC' and in all subfolders with the specified extensions "xlsx", "xlsm", "xls" (sheet and table settings like in first example) .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Import-WELCChannelDefinition -Path C:\WELC\MyFile.xls -Sheet "CustomEventLogChannels" -Table "T_Channel" Import the excel file 'C:\WELC\MyFile.xls' with the explicit parameter settings on sheet and table .NOTES Author: Andreas Bellstedt .LINK #> [CmdLetBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = "OutputTemplateRecord", SupportsShouldProcess = $true, PositionalBinding = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Low' )] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '', Justification = 'Intentional')] [OutputType("WELC.ChannelDefinition", "WELC.ChannelConfig", "WELC.TemplateRecord", "PSObject")] param( [parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0 )] [Alias("FullName", "FilePath", "Folder", "File")] [string[]] $Path, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias("ExcelSheet", "SheetName")] [string] $Sheet = "CustomEventLogChannels", [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias("ExcelTable", "TableName")] [string] $Table = "T_Channel", [string[]] $FileExtension = @("xlsx", "xlsm", "xls"), [switch] $Recursive, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "OutputChannelDefinition" )] [switch] $OutputChannelDefinition, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "OutputChannelConfig" )] [switch] $OutputChannelConfig ) begin { # ensure correct format for specified extensions if ($FileExtension) { $FileExtension = foreach ($item in $FileExtension) { $item = $item.Trim(".") ".$($item)" } } } process { Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "ParameterNameSet: $($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName)" # working trough the specified path(s) foreach ($pathItem in $Path) { # File and folder validity tests if (Test-Path -Path $pathItem -PathType Leaf) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Found file '$($pathItem)' as a valid file in path" $files = $pathItem | Resolve-Path | Get-ChildItem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName } elseif (Test-Path -Path $pathItem -PathType Container) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Getting files in path '$($pathItem)'" $param = @{ Path = $pathItem "File" = $true } if ($Recursive) { $param["Recursive"] = $true } $files = Get-ChildItem @param | Where-Object Extension -in $FileExtension | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Found $($files.count) file$(if($files.count -gt 1){"s"}) in path " } elseif (-not (Test-Path -Path $pathItem -PathType Any -IsValid)) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Error -Message "'$pathItem' is not a valid path or file." continue } else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Error -Message "Unable to open '$($pathItem)'" continue } # Working trough the actual found file(s) foreach ($file in $files) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Open file '$($file)' as Excel file" # Open the file #$excelDocument = Get-ExcelDocument -Path $file $excelDocument = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage -ArgumentList $file if (-not $excelDocument) { continue } # Select the specified sheet $excelSheet = $excelDocument.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object name -like $Sheet if (-not $excelSheet) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Error -Message "Excel file '$($file.split("\")[-1])' contains no sheet '$($Sheet)'" continue } # Select the specified table $excelTable = $excelSheet.Tables | Where-Object name -like $Table if (-not $table) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Error -Message "Unable to find table '$($Table)' in sheet '$($file.split("\")[-1])' " continue } # Prepare importing the table as powershell object $param = @{ ExcelPackage = $excelDocument WorksheetName = $ StartRow = $excelTable.Address.Start.Row StartColumn = $excelTable.Address.Start.Column EndRow = $excelTable.Address.End.Row EndColumn = $excelTable.Address.End.Column } if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("table '$($Table)' in sheet '$($Sheet)' from file '$($file)'", "Import")) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Import Excel file" # Import and filter data from excel table into powershell $tableData = Import-Excel @param $data = $tableData | Where-Object LogFullName Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Found $(([array]$data).Count) usable records in $($tableData.Count) records from table '$($Table)' in worksheet '$($Sheet)'" # Output result foreach ($item in $data) { switch ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "OutputChannelDefinition" { if ($OutputChannelDefinition) { $output = [WELC.ChannelDefinition]@{ ChannelName = $item.ChannelName ChannelSymbol = $item.ChannelSymbol ProviderName = $item.ProviderName ProviderSymbol = $item.ProviderSymbol } $output } } "OutputChannelConfig" { if ($OutputChannelConfig) { $output = [WELC.ChannelConfig]@{ ChannelName = $item.ChannelName LogFullName = $item.LogFullName LogMode = $item.LogMode Enabled = [bool]::Parse($item.ChannelEnabled) MaxEventLogSize = $item.MaxEventLogSize / 1 } $output } } "OutputTemplateRecord" { $item.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "WELC.TemplateRecord") $item } Default { Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Unhandeled ParameterSetName. Developers mistake." -EnableException $true throw } } } } # Data/variable cleanup Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Close Excel file and cleanup variables" $excelSheet.Dispose() $excelDocument.Dispose() Remove-Variable excelDocument, excelSheet, excelTable, tableData, data, param, item -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction:Ignore } Remove-Variable file, files -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Ignore } Remove-Variable pathItem -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Ignore } end { } } |