
Function Get-ADLockedUser
    Get the locked status of one or all users from Active Directory.
    This function gets the locked status of one domain user or of all domain users from the Active Directory.
    SamAccountName Name
    -------------- ----
    SMAN Spider Man
    IMAN Iron Man
    UMAN Unknow Man
    Get-ADLockedUser -Logon JBOND
    UserPrincipalName LockedOut
    ----------------- --------- False
    Get-ADLockedUser -Logon JBOND -InformationLevel Detailed
    UserPrincipalName Name Enabled LockedOut
    ----------------- ---- ------- --------- James Bond True False
    Get-ADLockedUser -Logon JBOND -InformationLevel Quiet
    .PARAMETER Logon
    The SamAccountName of some user.
    .PARAMETER InformationLevel
    You can use 'Detailed' to add or 'Quiet' to reduce the amount of information of this user.
    Author: Bruno B Silva -


        If (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name ActiveDirectory)) { Write-Error 'ActiveDirectory PowerShell module is required.' -Category NotInstalled }
        ElseIf ($Logon)
            $User = Get-ADUser $Logon -Properties LockedOut
            Switch ($InformationLevel)
                Detailed { Return $User | Select-Object UserPrincipalName, Name, Enabled, LockedOut}
                Quiet { Return $User.LockedOut }
                Default { Return $User | Select-Object UserPrincipalName, LockedOut }
        Else { Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | Select SamAccountName, Name }
Function Get-ComputerLoggedUser
    Get the logged user from a computer.
    This function gets the logged user from a computer.
    Get-ComputerLoggedUser -ComputerName MACHINE01
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    The computer hostname that you would like to find out the logged user.
    Author: Bruno B Silva -

        $HostName = Resolve-DnsName $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Switch ($HostName.Type)
            A { $ComputerName = $HostName.Name }
            PTR { $ComputerName = $HostName.NameHost }
                Write-Error "$ComputerName not found" -Category ObjectNotFound
        If ($HostName)
            Get-WmiObject â€“ComputerName $ComputerName â€“Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object UserName
Function Search-DeviceInDHCP
    Search for a device lease in DHCP servers.
    This function receives a device name and tries to find this host in leases from all DHCP servers from the domain. You can specify a DHCP server address to optimize the search.
    Search-DeviceInDHCP -DeviceName MACHINE01
    ServerIP HostName IPAddress ClientId
    -------- -------- --------- -------- 40-fb-3b-bb-51-1a
    Search-DeviceInDHCP -DeviceName MACHINE02 -DHCPServers SRV01, SRV02, SRV03
    ServerIP HostName IPAddress ClientId
    -------- -------- --------- -------- 40-fb-3b-bb-33-c2
    .PARAMETER DeviceName
    The name of the host that you are looking for.
    The name or IP address of the DHCP servers that you would like to restrict the search.
    Author: Bruno B Silva -

        [String[]]$DHCPServers = ((Get-DhcpServerInDC).DnsName)
        If (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name DhcpServer)) { Write-Error 'DhcpServer PowerShell module is required.' -Category NotInstalled }
            $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
            [int]$N = 1
            [int]$Total = $DHCPServers.count
            $Jobs = @()
            foreach ($SRV in $DHCPServers)
                Write-Progress -Activity $SRV -Status ("$N/$Total Servers") -PercentComplete ($N/$Total*100)
                $Jobs += Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ComputerName $SRV | Get-DhcpServerv4Lease -ComputerName $SRV -AsJob
            While ( (Get-Job -Id $Jobs.Id).State -eq 'Running' ) { Start-Sleep 5 }
            Get-Job -Id $Jobs.Id | Receive-Job | Where-Object Hostname -Match $DeviceName | Select-Object ServerIP, HostName, IPAddress, ClientId -Unique
            Remove-Job -Id $Jobs.Id