.Synopsis Created on: 28/12/2024 Created by: Ben Whitmore Filename: Test-MgConnection.ps1 .Description Function to test Microsoft Graph connection status and required scopes .PARAMETER LogID The component (script name) passed as LogID to the 'Write-Log' function .PARAMETER RequiredScopes Array of scopes that should be present in the connection .PARAMETER TestScopes Switch to test the scopes of the connection #> function Test-MgConnection { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'LogId name of the script of the calling function')] [string]$LogId = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand).Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Scopes required for Microsoft Graph API access')] [string[]]$RequiredScopes, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Test if scopes are defined')] [switch]$TestScopes ) # If we don't have required scopes, set the default required scopes to create Win32 apps. This assumes the Connect-MgGraphCustom function is used outside of the New-Win32App function if (-not $RequiredScopes -and $TestScopes) { if (Test-Path variable:\global:scopes) { $RequiredScopes = $global:scopes Write-LogAndHost -Message ("Required Scopes are defined already in global variable. Using existing required scopes: {0}" -f ($RequiredScopes -join ', ')) -LogId $LogId -ForegroundColor Green } } elseif (-not $RequiredScopes -and -not $TestScopes) { $global:scopes = @('DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All') $RequiredScopes = $global:scopes } try { # Check if we have an active connection $context = Get-MgContext -ErrorAction Stop if (-not $context) { Write-LogAndHost -Message "No active Microsoft Graph connection found" -LogId $LogId -Severity 2 -ForegroundColor Yellow return $false } # Check if the required scopes are in the scopes of the active connection $scopes = $context.Scopes $missingScopes = $RequiredScopes | Where-Object { $scopes -notcontains $_ } if ($missingScopes) { Write-LogAndHost -Message ("Missing required scopes: {0}" -f ($missingScopes -join ', ')) -LogId $LogId -Severity 2 -ForegroundColor Yellow return $false } # If we get here, we have a valid connection with the required scopes return $true } catch { Write-LogAndHost -Message ("Error while checking Microsoft Graph connection: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message) -LogId $LogId -Severity 3 -ForegroundColor Red return $false } } |