.Synopsis Created on: 21/03/2021 Created by: Ben Whitmore Filename: Export-Logo.ps1 .Description Function to export logo from selected ConfigMgr Application #> Function Export-Logo { Param ( [String]$IconId, [String]$AppName ) Write-Log -Message "Function: Export-Logo was called" -Log "Main.log" Write-Host "Preparing to export Application Logo for ""$($AppName)""" If ($IconId) { #Check destination folder exists for logo If (!(Test-Path $WorkingFolder_Logos)) { Try { Write-Log -Message "New-Item -Path $($WorkingFolder_Logos) -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null" -Log "Main.log" New-Item -Path $WorkingFolder_Logos -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } Catch { Write-Log -Message "Warning: Couldn't create ""$($WorkingFolder_Logos)"" folder for Application Logos" -Log "Main.log" Write-Host "Warning: Couldn't create ""$($WorkingFolder_Logos)"" folder for Application Logos" -ForegroundColor Red } } #Continue if Logofolder exists If (Test-Path $WorkingFolder_Logos) { Write-Log -Message "`$LogoFolder_Id = (Join-Path -Path $($WorkingFolder_Logos) -ChildPath $($IconId))" -Log "Main.log" $LogoFolder_Id = (Join-Path -Path $WorkingFolder_Logos -ChildPath $IconId) Write-Log -Message "`$Logo_File = (Join-Path -Path $($LogoFolder_Id) -ChildPath Logo.jpg)" -Log "Main.log" $Logo_File = (Join-Path -Path $LogoFolder_Id -ChildPath Logo.jpg) #Continue if logo does not already exist in destination folder If (!(Test-Path $Logo_File)) { If (!(Test-Path $LogoFolder_Id)) { Try { Write-Log -Message "New-Item -Path $($LogoFolder_Id) -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null" -Log "Main.log" New-Item -Path $LogoFolder_Id -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } Catch { Write-Log -Message "Warning: Couldn't create ""$($LogoFolder_Id)"" folder for Application Logo" -Log "Main.log" Write-Host "Warning: Couldn't create ""$($LogoFolder_Id)"" folder for Application Logo" -ForegroundColor Red } } #Continue if Logofolder\<IconId> exists If (Test-Path $LogoFolder_Id) { Try { #Grab the SDMPackgeXML which contains the Application and Deployment Type details Write-Log -Message "`$XMLPackage = Get-CMApplication -Name ""$($AppName)"" | Where-Object { `$Null -ne `$_.SDMPackageXML } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SDMPackageXML" -Log "Main.log" $XMLPackage = Get-CMApplication -Name $AppName | Where-Object { $Null -ne $_.SDMPackageXML } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SDMPackageXML #Deserialize SDMPackageXML $XMLContent = [xml]($XMLPackage) $Raw = $XMLContent.AppMgmtDigest.Resources.icon.Data $Logo = [Convert]::FromBase64String($Raw) [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($Logo_File, $Logo) If (Test-Path $Logo_File) { Write-Log -Message "Success: Application logo for ""$($AppName)"" exported successfully to ""$($Logo_File)""" -Log "Main.log" Write-Host "Success: Application logo for ""$($AppName)"" exported successfully to ""$($Logo_File)""" -ForegroundColor Green } } Catch { Write-Log -Message "Warning: Could not export Logo to folder ""$($LogoFolder_Id)""" -Log "Main.log" Write-Host "Warning: Could not export Logo to folder ""$($LogoFolder_Id)""" -ForegroundColor Red } } } else { Write-Log -Message "Information: Did not export Logo for ""$($AppName)"" to ""$($Logo_File)"" because the file already exists" -Log "Main.log" Write-Host "Information: Did not export Logo for ""$($AppName)"" to ""$($Logo_File)"" because the file already exists" -ForegroundColor Magenta } } } else { Write-Log -Message "Warning: Null or invalid IconId passed to function. Could not export Logo" -Log "Main.log" Write-Host "Warning: Null or invalid IconId passed to function. Could not export Logo" -ForegroundColor Red } } |