Import-Module WieldingAnsi enum DisplayFormat { Long; Short; } enum SortProperty { Name; Attributes; LastWriteTime; Length; } class GDCOptions { [string]$Path [string]$SortProperty [bool]$ShowHeader [bool]$ShowTotal [bool]$ShowColor [bool]$ShowHidden [bool]$ShowSystem [DisplayFormat]$Format [int]$Width } class Style { [string]$Codes } class FileItem { [object]$File [string]$Style } class GdcTheme { [string]$SourceCodeColor $SourceCodeExtensions = @() [string]$DataFileColor $DataFileExtensions = @() [string]$LogFileColor $LogFileExtensions = @() [string]$DocumentFileColor $DocumentFileExtensions = @() [string]$ExecutableFileColor $ExecutableFileExtensions = @() [string]$CompressedFileColor $CompressedFileExtensions = @() $FileAttributes = @() $FileAttributesColors = @{} [string]$HiddenFileColor [string]$HiddenFolderColor [string]$NakedFileColor [string]$DefaultFileColor $ExtensionColors = @{} [DisplayFormat]$DefaultDisplayFormat } $GdcTheme = New-Object -TypeName GdcTheme $GdcTheme.SourceCodeColor = "{:F82:}" $GdcTheme.SourceCodeExtensions = @( ".ahk", ".awk", ".c", ".h", ".cc", ".cpp", ".cxx", ".c++", ".hh", ".hpp", ".hxx", ".h++", ".cs", ".go", ".groovy", ".html", ".htm", ".hta", ".css", ".scss", ".sass", ".java", ".js", ".mjs", ".ts", ".tsx" ".pl", ".pm", ".t", ".pod", ".php", ".phtml", ".php3", ".php4", ".php5", ".php7", ".phps", ".php-s", ".pht", ".pp", ".pas", ".inc", ".psm1", ".ps1xml", ".psc1", ".psd1", ".pssc", ".cdxml", ".py", ".pyx", ".pyc", ".pyd", ".pyo", ".pyw", ".pyz", ".r", ".RData", ".rds", ".rda", ".rb" ".rs", ".rlib", ".scala", ".sc", ".scm", ".ss", ".swift", ".sql", ".vbs", ".vbe", ".wsf", ".wsc", ".asp" ) $GdcTheme.DataFileColor = "{:F14:}" $GdcTheme.DataFileExtensions = @( ".csv", ".dat", ".dxf", ".geojson" ".gpx", ".json", ".kml", ".shp", ".xml" ) $GdcTheme.LogFileColor = "{:F9:}" $GdcTheme.LogFileExtensions = @( ".log" ) $GdcTheme.DocumentFileColor = "{:F12:}" $GdcTheme.DocumentFileExtensions = @( ".doc", ".docx", ".md", ".xls" ) $GdcTheme.ExecutableFileColor = "{:F2:}" $GdcTheme.ExecutableFileExtensions = @( ".exe", ".bat", ".ps1", ".sh" ) $GdcTheme.CompressedFileColor = "{:F129:}" $GdcTheme.CompressedFileExtensions = @( ".zip", ".tz", ".gz", ".7z", ".deb", ".rpm" ) $GdcTheme.FileAttributes = [System.IO.FileAttributes].GetEnumNames() $GdcTheme.FileAttributesColors = @{ Directory = "{:F11:}" ReparsePoint = "{:F0:}{:B11:}" } $GdcTheme.HiddenFileColor = "{:F240:}" $GdcTheme.HiddenFolderColor = "{:F136:}" $GdcTheme.NakedFileColor = "{:F28:}" $GdcTheme.DefaultFileColor = "{:R:}" [DisplayFormat]$GdcTheme.DefaultDisplayFormat = [DisplayFormat]::Short function Get-WieldingLsInfo { $moduleName = (Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot/*.psd1").Name Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$PSScriptRoot/$moduleName" } function Update-GDCColors { foreach ($extension in $GdcTheme.SourceCodeExtensions) { $GdcTheme.ExtensionColors[$extension] = $GdcTheme.SourceCodeColor } foreach ($extension in $GdcTheme.DataFileExtensions) { $GdcTheme.ExtensionColors[$extension] = $GdcTheme.DataFileColor } foreach ($extension in $GdcTheme.LogFileExtensions) { $GdcTheme.ExtensionColors[$extension] = $GdcTheme.LogFileColor } foreach ($extension in $GdcTheme.CompressedFileExtensions) { $GdcTheme.ExtensionColors[$extension] = $GdcTheme.CompressedFileColor } foreach ($extension in $GdcTheme.ExecutableFileExtensions) { $GdcTheme.ExtensionColors[$extension] = $GdcTheme.ExecutableFileColor } foreach ($extension in $GdcTheme.DocumentFileExtensions) { $GdcTheme.ExtensionColors[$extension] = $GdcTheme.DocumentFileColor } } function Write-FileLength { Param ($Length) If ($null -eq $Length) { Return "" } ElseIf ($Length -ge 1GB) { Return ($Length / 1GB).ToString("F") + 'GB' } ElseIf ($Length -ge 1MB) { Return ($Length / 1MB).ToString("F") + 'MB' } ElseIf ($Length -ge 1KB) { Return ($Length / 1KB).ToString("F") + 'KB' } Return $Length.ToString() + ' ' } function Get-FileColor([Object]$file) { $fileStyle = $GdcTheme.DefaultFileColor $foundAttribute = $false $isDir = ($file.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory) -eq [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory foreach ($attribute in $GdcTheme.FileAttributes) { if (($file.Attributes -band $attribute) -eq $attribute ) { if ($GdcTheme.FileAttributesColors.ContainsKey($attribute)) { $fileStyle = $GdcTheme.FileAttributesColors[$attribute] $foundAttribute = $true } } } if ($isDir -and $file.Name.StartsWith(".")) { $fileStyle = $GdcTheme.HiddenFolderColor } if ($foundAttribute) { return $fileStyle } if (!$isDir -and $file.Extension.Length -lt 1) { return $GdcTheme.NakedFileColor } if ($file.Name.StartsWith(".")) { return $GdcTheme.HiddenFileColor } if ($GdcTheme.ExtensionColors.ContainsKey($file.Extension)) { return $GdcTheme.ExtensionColors[$file.Extension] } return $fileStyle } function Get-DirectoryContentsWithOptions { param ( [GDCOptions]$options ) $defaultColor = "{:R:}" $longestName = 0 $totalSize = 0 $index = 0 $fileList = @() $attributes = "!System" if ($options.ShowHidden) { $attributes = "!System,Hidden+!System" } if ($options.ShowSystem) { $attributes = "!System,Hidden+System" } try { if ($options.SortProperty -ne "") { $files = Get-ChildItem $options.Path -Attributes $attributes -ErrorAction stop | Sort-Object -Property $options.SortProperty } else { $files = Get-ChildItem $options.Path -Attributes $attributes -ErrorAction stop } } catch { if ($options.Path -ne ".") { Write-Wansi "{:F9:}[$($options.Path)] was not found{:R:}`n" return 8 } return 0 } if ($options.ShowHeader) { Write-Host ("{0, 5}`t{1, 19}`t{2, 10}`t{3}" -f "Mode", "LastWriteTime", "Length", "Name") Write-Host ("{0, 5}`t{1, 19}`t{2, 10}`t{3}" -f "-----", "-------------------", "----------", "----") } foreach ($file in $files) { ++$index if (!$options.ShowHidden) { if ($file.Name.StartsWith(".")) { continue } } if ($file.Name.Length + 2 -gt $longestName) { $longestName = $file.Name.Length + 2 } if ($options.ShowColor) { $fileStyle = Get-FileColor $file } else { $fileStyle = $defaultColor } $isDir = ($file.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory) -eq [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory if (!$isDir) { $totalSize += $file.Length } # Long Format if ($options.Format -eq [DisplayFormat]::Long) { Write-Host "$($file.Mode)`t" -NoNewline Write-Host ("{0, 10} {1, 8}`t" -f $($file.LastWriteTime.ToString("d"), $file.LastWriteTime.ToString("t"))) -NoNewline if ($isDir) { Write-Host ("{0, 9}`t" -f "-") -NoNewline } else { Write-Host ("{0, 10}`t" -f $(Write-FileLength $file.Length)) -NoNewline } Write-Wansi ("$($fileStyle)$($file.Name){:R:}`n") } # Build Short Format Array for display after the loop if ($options.Format -eq [DisplayFormat]::Short) { $t = New-Object -TypeName FileItem $t.File = $file $t.Style = $fileStyle $fileList += $t } } # Display the short format if ($options.Format -eq [DisplayFormat]::Short) { $boundary = 0 foreach ($i in $fileList) { if ($boundary + $longestName -ge $options.Width) { Write-Host $boundary = 0 } $boundary += $longestName $ansiString = ConvertTo-AnsiString "$($i.Style)$($i.File.Name){:R:}" Write-Host $ansiString.Value -NoNewline if ($longestName - $ansiString.NakedLength -gt 0) { $padding = " ".PadRight($longestName - $ansiString.NakedLength, " ") Write-Host $padding -NoNewline } } } if ($options.ShowTotal) { if ($totalSize -gt 0) { Write-Host ("`t`t`t`t{0, 10} total" -f $(Write-FileLength $totalSize)) } } Write-Host } function Get-DirectoryContents { <# .SYNOPSIS Display files in specified directory .DESCRIPTION Display colorized list of files for current or specified directory with options for color and format. .PARAMETER DisplayFormat The display format for output. Must be one of "Long", "Short" .PARAMETER SortProperty The file property to sort on. Must be one of "Name", "Attributes", "LastWriteTime", "Length" .PARAMETER HideHeader Disables displaying the directory list header .PARAMETER HideTotal Disables displaying the file size total .PARAMETER ShowHidden Enables displaying files that start with "." .PARAMETER NoColor Disables colorizing output .EXAMPLE Get-DirectoryContents -ShowHidden ~ Display all files in users home directory including hidden files and files starting with "." .EXAMPLE Get-DirectoryContents -SortProperty Name DISPLAY all files except for files with Hidden and System attributes in the current directory sorted by name .EXAMPLE Get-DirectoryContents -la DISPLAY all files in the current directory using the long format with hidden files shown .NOTES Author: Andrew Kunkel Inspired by and occasionally borrowed from https://github.com/joonro/Get-ChildItemColor .LINK https://github.com/Wielding/WieldingLs #> param ( [string]$Path = ".", [ValidateSet("Name", "Attributes", "LastWriteTime", "Length")] [SortProperty]$SortProperty, [ValidateSet("Long", "Short")] [DisplayFormat]$DisplayFormat =$GdcTheme.DefaultDisplayFormat, [switch]$HideHeader, [switch]$HideTotal, [switch]$NoColor, [Alias("a")] [switch]$ShowHidden, [Alias("l")] [switch]$ShowLong, [Alias("w")] [switch]$ShowSystem, [switch]$Help ) $returnCode = 0 $options = New-Object -TypeName GDCOptions $options.Path = $Path $options.ShowHeader = !$HideHeader $options.ShowTotal = !$HideTotal $options.SortProperty = $SortProperty $options.ShowColor = !$NoColor $options.ShowHidden = $ShowHidden $options.ShowSystem = $ShowSystem $options.Format = $DisplayFormat $options.Width = $host.ui.RawUI.WindowSize.Width if ($args.Length -gt 0) { foreach ($arg in $args) { if ($arg.StartsWith("-")) { foreach ($char in $arg.ToCharArray()) { switch ($char) { "l" { $options.Format = [DisplayFormat]::Long $DisplayFormat = [DisplayFormat]::Long $options.ShowHeader = $true $options.ShowTotal = $true } "w" { $options.ShowSystem = $true } "a" { $options.ShowHidden = $true } "-" {} default { Write-Wansi "{:F9:}[$char] unknown option{:R:}`n" $returnCode = 8 } } } } else { $options.Path = $arg } } } if ($ShowLong) { $options.Format = [DisplayFormat]::Long $DisplayFormat = [DisplayFormat]::Long } if ($DisplayFormat -eq [DisplayFormat]::Short) { $options.ShowHeader = $false $options.ShowTotal = $false } if ($returnCode -gt 0) { return } $returnCode = Get-DirectoryContentsWithOptions $options if ($returnCode -gt 0) { return } } Update-GDCColors $GdcTheme.ExtensionColors[".xxx"] = "{:F40:}*{:F93:}{:UnderlineOn:}" Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-Default, 'Get-DirectoryContents' Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-Default, 'Update-GDCColors' Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-Default, 'Get-AnsiCodes' Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-Default, 'Get-WieldingLsInfo' Export-ModuleMember -Variable 'GdcTheme' |