# \033[38;2;<r>;<g>;<b>m #Select RGB foreground color # \033[48;2;<r>;<g>;<b>m #Select RGB background color class WansiConfig { [string]$UnderlineOn = "`e[4m" [string]$UnderlineOff = "`e[24m" [string]$BoldOn = "`e[1m" [string]$BoldOff = "`e[22m" [string]$InverseOn = "`e[7m" [string]$InverseOff = "`e[27m" [string]$R = "`e[0m" [bool]$Enabled = $true } class AnsiString { [int]$Length [int]$NakedLength [int]$InvisibleLength [string]$Value } $Wansi = New-Object -TypeName WansiConfig function Get-WieldingAnsiInfo { $moduleName = (Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot/*.psd1").Name Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$PSScriptRoot/$moduleName" } function Update-AnsiCodes() { <# .SYNOPSIS Builds the color attributes for the AnsiCodes class .DESCRIPTION Builds the color attributes for the AnsiCodes class .NOTES It is not generally necessary to call this function unless you want to reset the $Wansi class values after they have been altered in some way. #> $esc = $([char]27) foreach ($fb in 38, 48) { foreach ($color in 0..255) { Add-Member -InputObject $Wansi -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$(if ($fb -eq 38) {"F"} Else {"B"})$color" -Value "$esc[$fb;5;${color}m" -Force } } } function Show-AnsiCodes() { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays the supported ANSI values .DESCRIPTION Displays the supported ANSI values .EXAMPLE Show-AnsiCodes Displays the ANSI code table #> $output = "" $output += (ConvertTo-AnsiString "`n{:UnderlineOn:}Styles{:R:}`n").Value $output += (ConvertTo-AnsiString "{:BoldOn:}Bold '`$Wansi.BoldOn'{:BoldOff:} : Bold Off '`$Wansi.BoldOff'{:R:}`n").Value $output += (ConvertTo-AnsiString "{:UnderlineOn:}Underline '`$Wansi.UnderlineOn'{:UnderlineOff:} : Underline Off '`$Wansi.UnderlineOff'{:R:}`n").Value $output += (ConvertTo-AnsiString "{:InverseOn:}Inverse '`$Wansi.InverseOn'{:InverseOff:} : Inverse Off '`$Wansi.InverseOff'{:R:}`n").Value $output += (ConvertTo-AnsiString "{:InverseOn:}{:UnderlineOn:}{:BoldOn:}Everything On {:R:}: Reset `$(`$Wansi.R)`n" ).Value $output += (ConvertTo-AnsiString "`n{:UnderlineOn:}Foreground(`$Wansi.F`#), Background(`$Wansi.B`#){:R:}`n").Value foreach ($color in 0..255) { $fg = ConvertTo-AnsiString " $color" -PadRight 5 $bg = ConvertTo-AnsiString "{`:B$color`:}" -PadRight 5 $temp = "{0, -5}{1}{2}" -f $fg.Value, "{:F0:}", $bg.Value $output += (ConvertTo-AnsiString "$temp{:R:}").Value if ( (($color + 1) % 6) -eq 4 ) { $output += "`n" } } $output } function Expand-Tokens { param ( [string]$Value ) $result = $Value $captures = [regex]::Matches($Value, "\{\{(\w+\+?)\}\}").Groups.captures foreach ($capture in $captures) { if ($null -ne $capture.Groups) { $appendSpace = $false $token = $capture.Groups[0].Value $property =$capture.Groups[1].Value if ($property -match '\+$') { $appendSpace = $true } if ($appendSpace) { $property = $property.SubString(0, $property.Length - 1) } $code = $Wansi.PSObject.Properties.Item($property).Value if ($appendSpace -and $code.Length -gt 0) { $code = $code + " " } $result = $result.Replace($token, $code) } } $result } function ConvertTo-AnsiString { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts input string with Wansi tokens .DESCRIPTION Converts input string with Wansi tokens to a string with embedded ANSI escape codes. .PARAMETER Value The string containing Wansi tokens to be converted .EXAMPLE Write-Wansi "{:F3:}{:B4:}Test{:R:}`n" Writes the word 'Test' to the console with a Red foreground and Blue background. .OUTPUTS an AnsiString object with Length, NakedLength and Value properties. #> param ( [string]$Value, [int]$PadRight, [int]$PadLeft ) $result = Expand-Tokens $Value $naked = $result $captures = [regex]::Matches($result, "\{:(\w+):\}").Groups.captures $tokensLength = 0 foreach ($capture in $captures) { if ($null -ne $capture.Groups) { $token = $capture.Groups[0].Value $property =$capture.Groups[1].Value $naked = $naked.Replace($capture.Groups[0].Value, "") if ([bool]($Wansi.PSObject.Properties.name.Contains($property))) { $code = $Wansi.PSObject.Properties.Item($property).Value $tokensLength += $code.Length if ($Wansi.Enabled) { $result = $result.Replace($token, $code) } else { $result = $result.Replace($token, "") } } } } $padLength = 0 if (-not $Wansi.Enabled) { $tokensLength = 0; } if ($PadLeft -ne 0) { $originalLength = $result.Length $result = $result.PadLeft($PadLeft + $tokensLength, " ") $padLength += ($result.Length - $originalLength) } if ($PadRight -ne 0) { $originalLength = $result.Length $result = $result.PadRight($PadRight + $tokensLength, " ") $padLength += ($result.Length - $originalLength) } $ansiString = New-Object -TypeName AnsiString $ansiString.Value = $result $ansiString.NakedLength = $naked.Length + $padLength $ansiString.Length = $result.Length if ($Wansi.Enabled) { $ansiString.InvisibleLength = $tokensLength } else { $ansiString.InvisibleLength = 0 $ansiString.NakedLength = $result.Length } return $ansiString } function Write-Wansi() { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays passed string containing Wansi tokens to the console. .DESCRIPTION Displays provided string containing Wansi tokens to the console after converting the tokens to ANSI escape sequences .PARAMETER Value The string value to convert Wansi tokens to ansi codes and write to console .NOTES This function does not produce a newline character so the caller must supply one with an escape sequence or produce one when the function returns if desired. #> param ( [string]$Value ) Write-Output $(ConvertTo-AnsiString $Value).Value } Update-AnsiCodes Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-Default, 'Get-WieldingAnsiInfo' Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-Default, 'Show-AnsiCodes' Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-Default, 'Update-AnsiCodes' Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-Default, 'Expand-Tokens' Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-Default, 'ConvertTo-AnsiString' Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-Default, 'Write-Wansi' Export-ModuleMember -Variable 'Wansi' |